

Zoey's POV.

Tuesday, Febuary 3rd, 2009 - 12:00pm

"Attention all Passengers the Flight from Pheonix, Arizona to Forks, Washington will be leaving in 10 minutes." Was heard over the intercom of the airport. I sighed and looked over at my mom who surprisingly wanted to come with me to send me off. My Mothers fake happy voice started,

"Oh Darling, please have a good time catching up with Bella and tell Charlie I said hi and to thank him for taking you in." She stated with a smile, it didn't reach her eyes, her smiles never do anymore.

I rolled my brown eyes at her "Mom, I told you I'm not leaving just to catch up with Bella or just to live with them for no reason. I'm leaving to help her through a bad heartbreak. It's not going to be all rainbows and sunshine like you assume." I snapped at my gullible parent.

My mothers smile dropped and she frowned at my tone. "Zoey Evelyn, you do not talk to me that way!" I scoffed and rolled my eyes for the hundredth time being around her today. I can't believe she middle named me, she has no right. Only mothers who actually take care of their daughters, and doesn't leave them for other men, have that right. I thought bitterly.

I pressed my lips together and closed my eyes for a second to calm myself, I opened my eyes and gave her an obvious fake smile "Bye Mom."

Without another word I stood up, grabbed my bags and sharply turned away from her to get to the flight.

I gave the flight attendant near the doors to the plane, my ticket and entered. My seat was luckily near a window so I could lean on it to sleep. I travelled a few times before for vacations, so I already knew all the protocols and safety rules of being on a flight. When the flight attendance started their announcement, I just zoned out and waited for it to be over so I can sleep.


The turbulence started, then after some time passed the turbulence stopped which meant we we're finally in the air. I sighed and took out my phone and my headphones to listen to music. I put my earbuds in, leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes.

Within 5 minutes, I was sound asleep. I slept through the whole flight, then hours later I was woken up by a tap on the shoulder and a kind voice "Ma'am". My eyes opened and I gently rubbed the sleep out of them, and took out my headphones. When I looked up I saw a young and pretty, flight attendant with a kind smile.

"Ma'am the plane landed, do you need help to gather your bags?" She asked warmly.

I smiled back shyly but greatfully and shook my head and muttered "No thanks, I'm okay but thanks for waking me up." She nodded and gave me another smile "It's no problem, hope you had a lovely flight."

I nodded politely back and stood up, I grabbed my headphones, phone, and other bags. I walked out of the plane and into the airport of Forks. As I was going down the escalator I spotted a male in his 30's or 40's with dark hair and a mustache holding a sign that says Zoey Stevens.

That must be charlie. I thought to myself as I walked over to him. When I got close to him I asked him awkwardly "Um, Charlie Swan?" He nodded and gave out a just as awkward response back "Yup it's me, how are you Zoey?" I shrugged and gave a small smile "I'm doing alright."

We then went to his cruiser as he was the chief of Police in Forks and put my stuff in the trunk. I offered to sit in the back so I could stretch out more.


Tuesday, Febuary 3rd, 2009 - 4:30pm

The car ride was filled with awkward silence. Charlie decided to attempt to do small talk, "So, how are things with your mom?" I looked out the window watching the trees and all the mossy green pass by as I answered quietly, "Meh she's okay" I stated through my clenched teeth trying not to snap at someone who is taking me in and telling how much I hate my Mother.

Charlie glanced at me in the mirror and nodded in response, after that uncomfortable silence filled the car. After about 20 or so minutes of driving I saw the sign that said "The city of Forks Washington, Welcomes you."

I took a deep breath and glanced back out the window. Finally, after a bit more driving we made it to the familiar white house of the Swans that seemed to have never changed. Charlie parked the Cruiser in the drive way next to an ugly beat up orange truck and I unbuckled and opened the door.

As I stepped out, I smiled when I felt a nice breeze go through and shut the door gently. Charlie and I grabbed a bag each as I also carried my phone, and passport. We walked up the old steps and entered the warm house.

Charlie lead me upstairs to a room that was next to Bella's and said "This is your new bedroom, I didn't know how you wanted it decorated so I just left it. If you want to decorate it yourself, you can."

It was a nice small warmly lit bedroom with eggshell white walls, and wooded flooring. There is a bookshelf placed under the window that is right across from the door. On the left side of the bookshelf was a single sized bed against the wall, the bed had a nice ocean blue comforter. Against the other side of the wall, to my right, was a decent sized, desk and chair. It felt very homey, and I loved it.

I turned to Charlie who was standing between the door and smiled appreciatively, "I love it Charlie, and thank you again for taking me in." I stated with a small smile that reached my eyes to show my gratitude.

He smiled back and nodded "It's no problem Zoey, I appreciate you coming down here to help out with Bella. I just think she could use her best friend right now." My eyes softened and I smiled sadly, "How is she doing anyway?"

Charlie sighed sadly and put the bag he was holding on my bed. "Come with me." I nodded and put my other bag on the bed also, I followed him to Bella's room and he slowly opened her door. I gasped softly at what I saw, Bella was sitting in front of her window just staring with a blank face. She looks like she hadn't eaten in months and she had no sparkle or emotion in her eyes.

I didn't recognize her as my best friend who stood up for me on more then one occasion, or who would go to no ends to make me smile or laugh. This new version of Bella was like a real life Zombie, and it made me mad at her ex who made my best friend act like this.

I walked up to Bella after Charlie left and shut the door behind him. I kneeled down near the chair to get her to look at me. "Hey Isa, it's me Zoey." I stated quietly but loud enough for her to hear. I got no response, not even a head turn. I sighed heavily and continued talking, trying to get a word out of her.

"I hope you remember that I understand what you are going through. You out of all people, know that this is how I felt when dad passed. You feel empty inside, like everything is dead but it gets better Isa. Heartbreak can't be dwelled on for a long time, it's not healthy. I was proof of that when I almost died from starvation for being so depressed for those couple years, and not eating for so long." I paused remembering those bad times and sighed sadly,

"What I'm trying to get at Bella, is that you need to find a way to get out of this. I mean think of Charlie, think of your Mom and Phil. They are all worried sick about you and so am I. It's not healthy for you Isa."

After my speech, Bella's head slowly turned enough to look me with her empty eyes that had dark bags underneath "He doesn't love me." She muttered "He left me because he doesn't love me anymore."

She kept repeating that phrase over and over, "Oh Isa." I breathed sadly, I stood up and softly wrapped my right arm around her chest in a sort of hug. I surprisingly felt her hand gently grab the arm that was wrapped around her as if she was trying to get herself to be comforted by it. I saw some tears silently rolling down her face.

"Come on Isa, why don't you and I go get something to eat, take a shower, and then try to get some sleep. I can stay with you in your bedroom tonight, if you'd like." I stated while unwrapping my arm from her, I used my thumbs to wipe her tears away, and took the hand that held my arm.

I was quite surprised when Bella actually listened to me, being with how stubborn she can be I wasn't sure if she was even going to listen. She nodded slowly and I helped her stand up from her chair. I smiled at her knowing that she was willing to try to get back to life again.

I might get my best friend back. I thought happily as we both went downstairs and surprised Charlie when he spotted a little less Zombie like Bella following me slowly but surely. He smiled greatfully at me and mouthed "Thank you" I nodded at him in response and smiled back.


... Little did I know, she would fall back into a worse state when someone else she cares about leaves her.