
Chapter 41: Hunting Palismen

In in a room in Belos's castle the Coven heads are gathered as Belos is sitted down with the Golden Guard and Abominatrons by his sides.

"So we have the dark lord and his minions..." Luz gulped and the Boiling Isles residents recognised the Coven heads.

"Isn't that..." Lilith muttered noticed a certain cloaked inividual and Eda's mouth was wide open when she noticed them.

Kikimora says that the Day of Unity approaches where they will celebrate the purification of magic under the Coven System just as the Titan intended; as heads of the 9 Covens they celebrate their efforts to complete this plan they have earned a glimpse of the reward that awaits.

"Oh yeah reward..." Luz muttered shaking her head as there were glares and shakes of the head even from the Boiling Isles residents who were still trying to get over the truth of their Emperor.

Belos has them step forward and they put their medalions into the circle there which connects and shows a blue flame with their eyes turning white; the blue flame shows the giant Titan skull's eyes turning yellow and then in the human world. Belos says that the more their Covens grow and the more power that they have to unite the realms where the worthy will inherit a utopia free of Wild magic but he gasps in gain.

There were surprise at seeing Belos like this; "He is just someone using whatever justification he has to take over." Camila said with a deep glare to Belos and pleasure in what was happening to him.

"Utopia, smopia..." laughed Eda as Amity was thinking to herself that just before the previous day she badly wanted to join the Emperor's Coven but now she can't stand the sight of the Coven Heads plotting like this.

The Golden Guard helps him away and tells Kikimora to stay as he can handle it alone which she doesn't like.

"Well you look at that Kiki; you are not the Emperor's favourite!" laughed Lilith as she was given looks. "Don't judge me; do you have any idea what that little demon has put me through and treated me?" Lilith asked.

In the throne room Belos goes on his knees and his mask falls off; the shadow of Belos transforming overlooks the Golden Guard as he watches and it is shown him punching things with goo with the Golden Guard looking away before his arm transforms.

There were screams at this, gasps and terrified looks; "Are you sure that Belos is a witch? He looks like some sort of demon..." Luz asked looking behind her.

Some looked towards Lilith but she hesitatingly said "I am sorry but I am as much in the dark about this as all of you are; I know that he had some sort of condition but I didn't think it could be... Whatever this is..."

Belos puts his mask back on and ooze goes through the cracks, the Golden Guard gives him a staff and he rip the Palisman off to absorb the energy through his mask and it and the Palisman turns to ashes.

Eda held Owlbert close to her as Bump puts his hands on top of Frewin on his head. "What... Even is Belos?" Hal asked as no one had an answer.

Belos says that he needs more and the Golden Guard replies that it was the last of their reserves; the Paliswood have been overharvested.

"The folly of any overharvester..." laughed a natured loving human girl.

Golden Guard tells him to let him help calling him uncle, they can harvest this techique to harvest Wild Magic to make more Palismen but he looks behind him.

"UNCLE?" screamed just about everyone as they had their mouths wide open.

"Nothing about what was recorded said anything about Belos having any relatives..." Amity muttered taken aback.

"So he has been given special treatment because of nepotism?" asked Lilith who then began muttering about spending years working her way up the ranks only to have to play second fiddle to some prodigy brat.

The Golden Guard apologises and Belos puts a hand on his shoulder telling him to please be careful, their family is gone because of Wild magic and he can't let the same happen to him as his hand is oozing with Kikimora listening by the door.

"Well... I know this looks scary but we can't forget that Belos saved us from the Wild Witches and you know all about what they had done throughout history..." spoke Boscha as there was scoffing from Eda.

"Pure propaganda; Wild magic is the true magic! Belos hunted us down and told everyone that we were the problem!" Eda spoke.

"Us humans have a saying in that history is written by the victors; Belos was the victor." Hal spoke as the Boiling Isles residents took this in.

"Still... At least he cares about his nephew..." Willow said as they just continued watching.

Belos tells him to find him more Palismen and he can depend on him as Kikimora then leaves.

They rolled their eyes at this; Kikimora would want to curry favor.

The opening is shown.

Luz is in her room looking at the Echo Mouse in it's cage trying to get it to cough up a teeny bit of the diary, King comes over hugging a teddy bear saying to squeeze it out and he ends up hugging the teddy bear so hard the head flies off with him rushing away.

King is freaked out by this and the audience laughs.

Luz puts her head to the glass saying maybe just has to be patient and asks it to please tell her the secrets.

"I don't think that it will be as simple as that..." laughs Camila and Luz shakes her head, off course it wouldn't.

Eda in a suit comes in saying that Luz is going to be late for school, Eda then says that it means she won't be getting a magic staff with her classmates.

Most of the Hexside students were excited and thrilled at this, one of the biggest days in a witches' life!

"Such a joyous occasion!" beamed Bump as Luz looked excitedly to her friends and those that would be in her class as they seemed just as excited.

Luz is at the door in uniform saying that they have got to fly.

Giggles at this.

At the Hexside sports field Luz asks where Amity is and Willow replies that she heard that Amity stayed home today and Luz says that it actually makes sense.

"Oh no... I wouldn't... Off course I did..." Amity muttered in disbelief; missing one of the biggest days of her time at Hexside because she would be too much of an embarassed coward to face what she had decided to do to Luz.

"Cheer up Amity; at least now you don't have to be embarassed with me!" Luz said smiling putting an arm around her shoulder making Amity smile.

"At least we won't have to suffer through tedious 'will they, won't they?' with Amity this episode." Willow whispered to Gus and then they both shared a sheepish look as Amity glared at them both to laughs.

Bump comes over with Eda saying good tidens on this momentus day; they are all about to receive their witches staff and more importantly meet their Palisman with Luz excited. Bump says that this is a crucial step in the magical development as Palismen are lifelong partners who can both be their good friends and a powerful tool; he magically removes Frewin who is now on his staff to the amazement of the students.

They had seen this before but it seemed so odd as they were too used to seeing Bump with Frewin still on his head.

Bump scratches Frewin's cheek saying that he helps him see, Eda says that traditionally young witches carves their staff from the branch of an old Palistrom Tree. Bump continues saying that sadly they are becoming more rare and the remaining ones are guarded, Eda says that is why she teamed up with Bumpy Poo (Bump saying to never call him that) to bring them.

"So something else to use other than Princy B?" Luz asked and the students and Eda bursted into laughter.

Bump was now up on his feet saying "detention for a year as well as permanent cleaning up after the griffon duties to anyone that dares to call me that!" This shut them up.

The Bat Queen flies down saying that it's Palisman Adoption Day as lost Palismen comes out. Eda thanks her for the favour and offers her whistle back but Bat Queen says to save it for another time as it was her pleasure as it was a wonderful idea.

"So nice that we were able to work things out with her and no hard feelings." Luz said smiling.

"Plus she did want to hire me to look after her babies for her." Eda said smiling.

"I still maintain that it was a big mistake on her part." Camila said as Eda glared at her.

"So we get trashy hand me downs instead of our own ones?" complained Boscha as most just sighed at her at this point.

Flapjack goes through a hole but Bump picks him up saying he is staying right there, Luz calls him a rascal and the Bat Queen explains that they have not have homes in many years. They want to feel a connection and they are to kneel and state their deepest wish and their like minded partner will find them.

Most Hexside students thought of their deepest wish.

Boscha with her arms folded saying that she wants her own one and not some trashy hand me down, WIllow says her loss as she goes past her. Willow wants to be strong and wise to protect everyone she loves and if anyone gets in her way then they will feel the sting of defeat.

Willow's parents smiled at this as it seemed the Plant Track and her friends have helped her become much more bold and confident than she was previously.

Bat Queen says that Clover gives her support as she she then flies to Willow and turns into her staff saying that she is going to take stuch good care of her much to the excitement of the classmates.

Willow was now squealing at the screen with the other students excited.

Boscha pushes past her and says that she wants to play professional Grudgby, the Bat Queen laughs at her competitive spirit and then Maya comes up to her turning into her staff. Boscha's cheeks are red saying that it is pretty cool.

The audience were now looking at Boscha who was looking away muttering that it did look pretty cool.

Viney wants to open her own vetinary clinic for mythical pets and gets her, Gus says that his dad wants him to be a master illusionist but that's easy so he wants to become an ambassador to the human realm and reestablish contact with the giraffes and gets his.

Viney and Gus looked excited; "I actually for one would love to see Gus in Gravesfield and attempt to pull this off." Hal said and the human laughed about this idea.

"What? I could do it!" complained Gus with a huff folding his arms.

One just wants to make it to graduation and gets a sloth Palisman hanging on his arm, the others look at their staffs as Luz comes forward.

The student looked excited as most wanted to see which one that Luz would get.

Luz states that she wants to be a witch and none come to her. Luz thinks it probably just takes longer because she is human but the Bat Queen explains that Palismen go through emotion and doesn't sense any conviction to her.

There was blinking and silence at this, "Luz do you know exactly what kind of witch that you want to be?" asks Bump as Luz is silent.

Does she really not know what her amibitions beyond getting home are?

Luz says that it's impossible because she is chalk full of conviction and Bump suggests that specificially may help as there are many kinds of witches, what does she hope to accomplish with her magic. Luz says get home to her mum and Gus ask if she would still train to be a witch in the human realm, Boscha asks if she can even do magic there and Luz never thought that far ahead.

Luz gulped as she was being comforted by her mother and Amity; "Well we saw in the last season finale that her glyphs won't work in the human realm so her future as one there... OW!" King stated only to be clocked on the head by a glaring Eda.

"I am sure that you will figure it out kid!" Eda said with a thumbs up.

"Yeah; there will be no greater witch than you hoot-hoot!" Hooty shouted encouragingly.

"Not every witch is so sure of their future at this age so you just need time Luz." Lilith said with an encouraging smile.

Eda asks if she is okay and she looks nervous.

Luz just sighs at this and Camila looked worried.

Luz is walking back and forth in her room at night in front of the Echo Mouse cage saying that she stayed because she wanted to be a witch like Azura but what does that even mean, in stories like this the main character always has to return home but did she expect to be a witch back in Connecticut as she looks to the glass and the Mouse looks up to her and closes it's eyes again.

"...Foiled once again by my own genre savviness!" Luz moaned and Amity was trying to think of something to encourage her.

"Come on Luz; after everything that you have accomplished then I am sure that what you kind of wish you want to be will come to you!" Amity told Luz smiling as she sighed.

"We will just have to see..." Luz replies.

Eda and King watches from the door as Luz goes to lie on her back saying that she wouldn't want to be her own Palisman either as Eda leaves.

"Watching you beat yourself up never gets any easier kid..." sighs Eda.

Flapjack exits out of Luz's bag and she asks if he came here for her be he circles with her saying off course not. Luz picks him up and her cloak to take him back to his nest.

Most of her friends smiled as they had figured out who will probably end up being her Palisman.

At the Hexside field Luz goes up to the nest which is protected by a magical prism with her asking how to go through it, Flapjack gets on the ground and tries to go through head first as it then breaks.

"That won't end well..." mutters Bump shaking her head, he then put up his notebook to write down better security for the Bat Queen's nest.

Luz calls it neat and opens the door to let Flapjack in and they notice her as she closes the door in. Luz says that she isn't leaving until she figures out what her future is and one of them becomes her Palisman.

"One night to figure out your entire future, I am sure that will end well..." Eda said sarcastically with her arms folded.

"Maybe one of them will just try to eat her?" King suggests as Eda glares at him.

"Am I still allowed to be mad at you when you say things like that after the truth is out of the bag?" Eda asked.

Luz wonders about using her powers to become a popular magician in the human realm, no she is horrible at card tricks.

"We all know..." Samantha muttered with groans from the human students in her class thinking back to a talent show the previous year:

"Is this your card?" Luz asks a volunteer with plenty of cards on the floor and the students shakes his head as he covers his face just wanting to go back to his seat.

She picks up Flapjack asking what if she stays on the Boiling Isles and becomes a rugged bounty hunter, no she is too lovable.

"As if I would let that happen..." Camila muttered but then thought about Luz replacing the main character in that old Renegade show.

Later the Palismen are asleep and she is on back asking what if she opens a magic pet shop but it's password protected and she tells Flapjack the password is 'you're a little angel'.

"How did you even come up with that?" Skara asked and Luz just smiled with the audience watching in amusement.

The ground shakes and Luz opens the door to see that they are up in the air and there is an airship carrying the nest.

"Oh no, because I allowed the spell to break..." Luz freaked out as the audience looked concerned.

Luz tells the Palismen that she thinks they are being kidnapped with them scared, Luz tells them not to worry as she will figure it out as she uses a vine to climb to the top of the airship. She sees the Golden Guard captaining the ship, Luz has a leaf with a glyph on it and puts a fire glyph on his back making him move about and fly off the ship.

"I could only wish that it was that easy to get rid off him for good." sighed Lilith.

Luz says that he will be fine and tries to find out how to land, Golden Guard says to just pull the cord above her head and thanks but notices the Golden Guard lying on top of the front of the controls.

"At least he was nice enough to tell you..." Willow muttered as the audience glared at him.

Golden Guard says hi and pushes her back and ties her up with rope, the Golden Guard dusts himself off and says good to see her too with her demanding why is he stealing Palismen. The Golden Guard gets in front of her at great speed saying that frankly she should be more concerned about herself for the crime of rocking him off his own ship she will be locked in the dingiest cell in the Conformitorium for the rest of her sad little life.

"I broke out twice..." Luz laughs but her friends and mother were glaring at the Guard on the screen. Camila was forming the same hatred off him that Lilith had.

Luz scoffs since she already broke out like twice, the Golden Guard says that then they will just zap her to dust asking if that's better.

"I can't see myuself ever liking this brat one bit!" Camila thought muttered utterly sure of that.

He goes back to the controls as Luz tries to get free and notices markings on the floor and then makes a glyph on the floor while distracting the Golden Guard asking how he got back on the ship so fast.

He replies with staff and Luz says cool and then uses his foot to activate an ice glyph that sends his staff flying with him saying no.

"Hopefully now he will be gone for a long while..." pleaded Lilith.

Luz laughs with the Golden Guard facing her saying that it will take more than that to thwart his mission as there is a large winged hand beast landing on the airship rocking it and then its tongue bursts it with them yelling.

"This brat dressed as a guard of the Illuminati was more than enough of a danger to my daughter for one episode so why would another be added!" shouted Camila demanded exasperated and they knew this was just making a bad situation worse.

Luz awakens with Flapjack pecking at her rope binds freeing her and thanks him saying that her head, she then finds the Golden Guard's staff and takes it while noticing the almost conscious Golden Guard.

They paused at this; "Kid the idea of you helping this jerk had better not enter your head!" warned Eda and Lilith looked like she was for that idea.

She hears an Emperor's Coven captain telling Kikimora that they had found the Palismen which seem rattled but unharmed as Kikimora has the Golden Guard's mask said to return to the city and prepare them for travel.

"Kiki found them? Oddly convenient wouldn't you say?" Lilith pointed out and they all knew that it was.

The captain asks if its true that the Golden Guard is really and Kikimora states that the mask is all that remains shocking her, Kikimora says such a horrible accident probably caused by the incompetent pilot. The captain will alert the castle and orders away the scouts.

"We can just hear the despair in her voice..." Amity muttered sarcastically.

Kikimora blows a whistle and the beast appears to her saying excellent working calling it her pet startling Luz from her hiding spot. She then orders the beast to find the rest of him and have a nice little snack as it swallows the mask.

"I knew it!" Lilith shouted out loud and they all saw that it was a set up.

Luz looks to the Golden Guard's body and Flapjack chirps saying not to worry as she won't leave him putting Flapjack on her shoulder.

"Dang it Luz; what did I say!" Eda shouted out exasperated and Luz had looks coming from her friends and loved ones.

"Don't you give me that look Amity; remember you almost got me cut open on the day we met!" Luz pointed out to Amity who sighed as she was right.

She looks at his face and asks if this is him, it looks like he could be a student at Hexside.

They had all glimpsed at it during the new intro but it was a surprise to see him like this. "We have never seen him without his mask..." Steve pointed out and this was a shock for Lilith as well.

She comes closer and slaps him on the face to wake him up, Luz silences him saying that he is a bad person that she doesn't like but Kikimora is trying to kill him and unfortunately she is too nice to let that happen.

"Too nice for your own good..." Amity told Luz with a smile as she rested on her shoulder with Luz embarassed.

She then asks if he was licking her hand and wipes it on his forehead, saying that she is trying to help him.

"Wow... You two are acting like siblings instead of enemies who have fought before..." Camila pointed out amused and Luz laughed.

The Golden Guard asks why should he believe her pushing her face as she does the same but they are interupted by the beast coming to their area. The beast spots the Guard's cloak and swallows it while Luz and the Golden Guard are hiding nearby with Luz holding the Guard's staff, they leave.

"Stuck with the Emperor's favourite brat... I truly don't envy you Luz." Lilith told her shaking her head.

They go through the streets as Luz says that Kikimora must hate him and looks around them saying that she hadn't been out of Bonesborough that much but is so cool.

The humans were creeped out but Luz did think it looked cool with the Bonesborough residents did think that it looked different.

The Golden Guard goes on and Luz tells him to wait asking where is he going but he is just silent, Luz says that she just saved his life and the least that he can do is tell her his name.

"Wonder if you can even get it from him; I have always been ignored when I have asked." Lilith scoffed.

The Golden Guard just walks off to Police Pricinct 206, he then orders the scouts to direct them to to the communications room as he needs to contact the castle immeditately showing his sigil but one of them thinks that it's a temporary tattoo.

"You have those here?" asked one of the human students surprised.

"Oh yeah; you would be surprised at how many kids we get trying to pass them off as official Emperor's Coven members." Steve said with Lilith nodding.

One demands his badge number and Golden Guard says that he can prove that he is their superior and demands his staff but Luz just puts it behind her.

There were laughs at this; why help this jerk for this?

The scouts then leave and tells them it's a little late to be outside and to go home before they call their parents.

The Golden Guard looks red at Luz and chases after her through the town and even jumps off a ledge and down a plight of stairs pushing down a barrel of eyeballs saying sorry.

The humans were freaked out by this, "Wait the Golden Guard isn't in a hurry to use his spells?" Mattholomule pointed out and they did notice this.


Luz readys a glyph and uses an ice glyph to send her flying to the top of a building before the Golden Guard catches her and looks down to see him just standing there. Luz eggs him on asking if he knows any levitation spells but he looks to this left, Luz then asks if he is powerless without the staff and he walks off.

This surprised him; "Wait... Is he somehow a human that had gotten here as well but we didn't know about?" Bo asked and they had no answer.

"Are you telling me that not only have I been playing second fiddle to the Emperor's nephew but he can't even do magic without his fancy staff?" demanded Lilith not happy at the slightest.

He then runs up the ice pillar and ledges and gets to the top but Luz is using the staff to send blasts at him telling him to back up or else, Golden Guard asks or else what since she is too nice to blast him to bits.

They glared at him knowing that he was right but still the Aladdin like climbing seemed cool.

He also knows she can't fly away either or else she would be leaving behind her precious Palismen and says that she doesn't tend to think things through with his arms folded and a smirk.

"Okay Lilith; can I join your I Hate The Golden Guard Club?" Luz asks Lilith who grins.

"We meet on Thursday and my aunt provides the cakes." Steve said and the audience looked at him. "What? He always makes comments about me when he crosses my path." Steve said.

Then they see the beast fly down to the Precinict and the Golden Guard says that Kikimora was after his catch, Luz smirks and says that seems that neither of them wants her to win right now so work together to take them back.

"Backing the twerp into a corner, nice Luz." complimented Eda.

"Still means that you still have to contend with him when Kikimora is dealt with!" King pointed out.

The Golden Guard asks then what, does she think that he is going to let her walk away with them and Luz retorts that maybe he won't have a choice since she is more formiddable than he thinks spinning his staff but almost drops it but catches it.

"This girl survived a confrontation with the Emperor himself..." Boscha muttered as Luz smiled sheepishly at the giggles.

The Golden Guard doubts it but says fine to a truce till then and Luz offers her hand and then makes the 'too slow' motion, the Golden Guard is annoyed and wants to get it over with.

More laughs at this, "Well it looks like our first time working together at the library was much better getting along between us than you and him." Amity said and Luz grinned.

Kikimora and the scouts are having things ready and the Golden Guard takes a sack to Luz as she draws two glyphs which he has never seen magic like this, he asks what will it do and Luz explains that they don't want to spook Kikimora's steed or else it will drop the nest and the Palismen so using the fire and ice spells she can command the glyphs to perform a thick mist. The Golden Guards passes over the sleeping petals from the sack asking about them and Luz explains that they are essential, combined with the magic mist it will create and the Golden Guard finishes saying a sleep inducing smoke forcing Kikimora to land.

The audience thought that this sounded like a good plan.

Luz looks at him and he explains that he read about a similar spell in From Bones to Earth, Luz excited says it's a Study of Wild Magic and says that Eda once pickpocketed the book's author.

"I did it yesterday!" Eda said proudly.

"So he reads up on Wild Magic despite his uncle's hatred of it." Lilith ponders.

The Golden Guard says that he has never seen glyphs before but it's very similar to the elemental magic practiced in the Savage Ages, not many people know this but he stops himself saying that the stuff is restricted for a reason.

"Thank to being main toadey mode." sighed Eda.

Luz says that other than Lilith she had never spoken to anyone inside the Emperor's Coven, she asks what made him want to join.

The audience listened intently including Lilith who was eager to get more details about him.

He sighs and explains that she was right before about him being a powerless witch and a lot of his ancestors were, he never thought he would have a future in a world like this but then Belos found him and gave him his staff with artificial magic saying that the Titan had big plans for him.

"I never heard about powerless witches before..." Lilith thought not buying this story.

"So Belos is more like an adoptive parent than an uncle.." Camila asked.

Luz looks away saying that at least he has his future figured out now, the Golden Guard says that at least she can figure out her own but then Flapjack flies up to him as he ties to get him to stop and go away with Luz finding it cute.

There were more giggling at this antics.

Luz says that he is just being friendly with the Golden Guard saying that he doesn't care, they are made out of Wild Magic and is dangerous. Luz asks if he seems dangerous to him but they then hear the beast flying up and Luz says masks on.

"You might be getting through to the JR Emperor." Eda realised as the audience looked hopeful.

They have their mouths masks on and Luz says that once they are surrounded by the smoke they will need to stay close to see where they land and Luz gives him his staff back, he is surprised asking if she is sure and Luz tells him to just take it.

"Luz, you had better not regret that..." Eda said as Luz smiled sheepishly at the looks of her loved ones who didn't think that was smart at all.

They see the beast fly off and Luz activates the glyphs creating the fog and rides the Golden Guard's staff as they fly off. Kikimora is made sleepy by the fog and so is the beast. The Golden Guard thinks that it's working and Luz uses a light glyph with them getting closer.

"So far so good." Gus said and the audience was tense.

The beast sees the light and goes after them as they get to the ground and Kikimora falls off. Luz goes to the nest and checks on the Palismen with Flapjack joining them and gives them their cloak to share for warmth.

Sighs of relief at this.

Luz says that they will get them home safe but the Golden Guard is pointing his staff at her and she says that she didn't think this through again.

"Off course; this was always just going to be temporary with him..." Lilith muttered as most glared at the screen but Luz just looked sad.

He wasn't going to change, was he?

Luz closes the door asking if he is really going to do this, hand all the innocent little guys over to Belos, she knows what he does with them and she thought he might have been a good guy but she guesses that was just wishful thinking and he is not her friend just the Golden Guard.

Luz put her head down as Camila comforted her; "Seeing the best in everyone won't work everytime..." Camila told her softly.

He looks conflicted and his staff stops glowing red and he puts his mask down, he says that his name is Hunter.

The audience blinked surprised that he would share this.

Luz is surprised but his face is blasted with magic by Kikimora getting up who can't tell who is there and is sending blasts of magic in random directions.

"Thanks for the help Kiki and I never wanted to have to say that!" Lilith yelled.

Hunter puts his mask back on and using his super speed magic he then knocks her away with his staff.

Lilith smirked at this.

Luz grabs the whistle as she lands with Hunter continuing to fight Kikimora who calls it treason against a Coven official, she will have his head.

The audience laughed, if she only knew...

Luz then goes to the driver's seat saying that the Boiling Isles will never stop surprising her and uses the whistle to wake the beast up who happily flies away while Hunter beats Kikimora and looks up.

"Luz never had to fight the beast and it now helped; should I be thanking the Titan for this?" Camila asked and there were laughs at this.

The next morning the Bat Queens lands to meet Bump who is in front of the nest with the door open and the Palismen outside all accounted for but doesn't know where the beast came from who is sleeping nearby.

"None the wiser were you Bumpy Poo?" asked King with the audience laughed as Bump glared.

"You are not a staff member nor a student but I will find a way to punish you regardless!" warned Bump to King.

Flapjack comes up to the Bat Queen and she says that he has found someone after all this time and tells him to go with him flying away.

The audience thought who Flapjack was probably going to chose...

Luz goes to ther room with her cloak and lies on her pillow, she tells her photo of her mother and her that everyone got one except for her.

Luz found sympathetic looks coming her way.

Maybe she wasn't meant to be there but Eda comes through the window with King, Eda says that she knew that they would find her there and King rants that they could have used the door.

"Where have you two been?" Hal asked and Eda had an idea.

Luz asks what she had gotten into and Eda tosses the Palisture wood log she was carrying, King says that now she can make her own Palisman.

Luz looked at them both stunned and they waved to her but the audience was stunned; if she was going to make her own one now then what about Flapjack?

Luz asks but how since isn't it super rare; Eda says just them say the Bonesborough Garden Club; King finished was robbed by them.

There were laughs about this; "You never really change do you Eda?" Bump asked shaking his head and Eda grinned.

Luz was looking up to her gratefully.

Luz doesn't know what to say and Eda puts a hand on her shoulder saying no pressure but whenever she knows what she want then they will start carving, Luz asks if it's okay that she gets some time to think since it's hard to picture her future without seeing her mum and Eda says no rush just know that whatever she needs from them then they have got her. Luz smiles and says thanks putting the wood in her bag.

"At least I have time to think it over." Luz smiled with her friends and loved ones smiling at her.

Hunter is kneeling down before Belos who says that he returns with nothing and asks if this is the thanks he gets for taking him in. Worried Hunter says off course not and he wants to help and if he told him how Wild Magic did this to him then he might be able to but then a tentacle spike clomes close to his face as it passes by him.

This took them by surprise, "He maybe a brat but it seems that he gets a lot of pressure from his 'uncle' and if he speaks out of term..." Luz muttered feeling sorry for him.

It goes away as he apologises and he spoke out of turn and it won't happen again as Belos returns the tentacle. It turns transforms back into his arm as he uses it to clutch his chest saying that the outbursts are painful and so is watching him fail and he knows that he could do better calling him by his name as he smiles.

Watching Hunter be treated by his parental figure like this; it was hitting too close to home for Amity and Camila while still angry with what he pulled couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

Kikimora is walking to the throne room and is surprised to find him Hunter leaving unmasked, she says that he is alive and backpedals saying that she had heard about the crash and Hunter says that luckily some travelers picked him up out of the wreckage so he is actually doing great but it looks like she had a rough night though with her angry but she recognises something about his hair.

"Looks like you failed your plan to replace him as the Emperor's favourite." laughed Lilith and the irony was sweet; her clothes in disarray and Hunter making a fool off her after a failed mission just like her and Lilith near the end of the last season.

It couldn't be more poetic and beautiful to her.

Hunter lies on his bed saying that he can help if he knows just a little more but finds Flapjack on his window ledge. He squeezes him with his hands but lets go saying sorry and that he shouldn't be here and if Belos saw him but he transforms into a staff. Hunter wasn't expecting that and looks through the window.

"He chose him..." Willow muttered in shock and the audience was open mouthed as well; they didn't expect this as well.

"Well he is not surrendering him to Belos and is being sweet with him, he is not all bad and how Belos treats him..." Luz pointed out and the audience were agreeing with him.

"Doesn't mean that I don't hate him much less; he is still loyal to Belos and has a long way to go if we are meant to be rooting for him." scoffed Lilith and the audience muttered in agreement.

"As if you all shouldn't be expected to turn a total 180 on your opinion and just want to adopt him." laughed Cornholio startling them all.

"Where have you been all this episode?" wondered Luna.