
chapter One

We're am I oh what the fuck another one I just got rid of that other person blah blah blah. This is the beginning and end of time between verses bye and fuck off this is a reference to my fanfic

What I black out and wake up in hold up Wait a minute now something not right I just had to make that joke why am I talking to myself I'm in Minecraft but do I have infinite lives oh no it's hard core I'm f$c@ I can't even say @u!k

I see my menu pop up oh ok wait there something else mod creator I can make mods I'll just make a OP mod system you do not have enough EMC for that what it ues EMC there is premade mods and I can only get the EMC mod what a surprise well I might as well I get the EMC mod well I guess I should get the philosopher stone so I can make the EMC table I need 1 diamond block, 4 gold blocks and nether stars what this is f!&k up it's 7 times more expensive than the original I can't do anything about it well I need to get wood let's get to it I hit a tree nothing happened oh no please tell me this is RL craft noooo I need to hurry and get flint I get flint and hit it on stone getting sharp flint and hit leaves to get sticks and cut the grass and make a flint knife getting through all the Stone Age and getting iron from my mineshaft okay it's been over 34 days but I got it finally hearing a hissing sound behind me oh fu&! I run up the mineshaft blocking it off that was close getting my breath okay I think it's time to go home going home to a 100x y13 high and 80z if you don't know what coordinates are then you have not played Minecraft it big getting inside and I put the iron in the furnace to cook putting my armor in a chest I get in my bed and sleep. It's late at night for me so I'm tired but hopefully you in joy this