
The overlord of all Systems

An overpowered invincible existence travels the starry sky and the omiverse.

MTLNovels · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Overlord of all Systems

Songhai City

One of the biggest cities of the Great Huaxia kingdom, is filled with all kinds of different people

from all walks of life just like any normal city.

The city was giving off a bustling and prosperous atmosphere, but unfortunately a certain

boy could feel nothing of this, rather only a dull and bleak atmosphere.

This is because he is living his life from day to day without any goal and without any family

or friends to socialize, since his parents gave him to an orphanage when he was a baby. Due

to growing up in an orphanage he also had a hard time due to being bullied in school, that is

also, the reason why he has no friends.

Despite all the above mentioned, he is not a shy person, no..., to be honest he is the

exact opposite...., Extremely arrogant. That being said, he is not simply arrogant like some

young masters in cultivation novels, no...., he is more like being arrogant from his inner

being. What is meant with this is, that he never despises other people or looks down on them

without reason, it's just that his whole being is emanating a kind of arrogant aura which comes

from the fact that he has always been way more intelligent than other children.

Now, when he was on the way back home from the supermarket, he hummed a little tune, but the

content was rather embarrassing to hear, because he is a novel addict and always reads

them in his free time, the lyrics contain words that are often used in a novel in which the

protagonist has a Goldfinger. Due to this, his self-composed song went like this:

"OH, please Great Dao,

please transmigrate me,

to the Cultivation world,

with the greatest System,

And I swear on my soul

that I won't create carnage...

OH, please Great Dao,

please reincarnate me,

to the Cultivation world,

I swear to only cultivate in peace,

And not misuse my power...."

Right after finishing singing this embarrassing song of his, all Omniverse, all universes,

dimensions, galaxies, planes, realms and planets shook for an infinitesimal part of a

second. The origin of all this was an intangible and illusory string of light, that flew faster than

the speed of light or any kind of calculable speed in the direction of the earth. After the string of

light tore through the atmosphere; it headed straight in the direction of the Great Kingdom of

Huaxia and almost instantly appeared before the previous boy. It sounded like a certain

amount of time was needed for the string of light to arrive at its predestined location, but this is

not the case, it was there in zero time and it only took such a long time to describe it.

When it reached him, it instantly flew in his head or to be more precise in his, soul, and the

instant this was happening, he got such a severe headache that he almost dropped onto the

street, but luckily, he could barely stay standing, otherwise that would have been really

embarrassing, fainting while being seen by so many people that were also walking in the street

at this moment.

After what felt like hours for him, but were just a few minutes the headache receded and a few

seconds it felt like he had never had a headache in the first place. He loosened his hands from

the railing where he had been holding onto to prevent himself from falling to the floor and

patted his dirty sleeve, that had been dirtied by the rusty railing to clean up the rust particles

from the sleeves. After this he asked himself: "Why the hell did I almost faint and fall to

the floor just now?" Just as he wanted to ask himself more questions he was interrupted by a


sound that seemed to come out of his very being. Then he saw various Pop-up screens appear in

his vision:

"Ding, search for Host completed successfully!"

"Ding, the ultimate password to System access was recited!"

"Ding password is:" "OH please Great Dao, please transmigrate me, to the Cultivation world,

with the greatest System, And I swear on my soul that I won't create carnage...OH please,

Great Dao, please reincarnate me, to the Cultivation world, I swear to only cultivate in peace,

and not misuse my power...."

After he saw the message with the password shown he was completely stunned because he

never thought that some dumb song that he composed on a whim would be the key to reaching

the peak of his life. Then came the next pop-up screens:

"Ding, Overlord of all Systems found master...., integrating"

"This is..., Crazy! Did I really get a system?! And the fucking password was my dumb song,

Haha! I can't believe it; this is too unreal. Overlord of all Systems, what a domineering name

for a system, it seems like I got the luck of my 256 past Lives combined and concentrated in

this live, if I not only got a system which in itself is fantastic and incomprehensible but I also got

one with a domineering and majestic name like Overlord of all Systems." Was, what the boy

was thinking after seeing these notifications.

"Ding, Integration of all functions completed"

"Ding, All Functions activated in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..., Completed!"

"Ding, do you wish to open your Status?"

After seeing the last notification, he could no longer stay calm and instantly thought of his

status, and then a screen popped up in front of him but this time he wasn't surprised anymore

he just stared at the golden coloured and majestic looking panel, that displayed his status

with wide-open eyes.


[System: Overlord of all Systems]

[Master: Theodore King]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Human (now) / freely changeable]

[Lifespan: Ω]

[Systems: Ω]

[Power: Ω]

[Strength: Ω]

[Speed: Ω]

[Luck: Ω]

[Skills: Ω]

[Wive(s): none]

[Children: none]

[Servants: none]

* Ω = more than infinite here

* Ω = Omega

An uncontrollable smirk crept up his face, which he immediately tried to cover with his arm, after he

comprehended what those stats signify for him.

"According to the stats I should be a literal god, no, ..., more than a god, because even gods

should not have such power that is literally higher than infinity" He thought excitedly.

After he saw his Stats, he was so happy that he wanted to laugh out loud but unfortunately, he

was still in a public place and did not want to embarrass himself and thus barely supressed this

feeling and then silently thought:" I've struck it rich, I reached the peak in a single step,


He was so incredible happy because getting this system was even better than what he had ever

dreamt of. He, like many other cultivation/ fantasy type novel readers always wished to get

reincarnated or transmigrated to the cultivation world but he naturally always regarded those

dreams as impossible to fulfil and regarded them as his personal wish fulfilment thoughts, but

now that he got a System and has unimaginable powers, he can do everything he wants and

travel everywhere he wants without being restricted by his mortal shackles anymore. But

before he does anything, he decided to first head to his rented apartment and then think

properly in his room about what to do first with his newly gotten powers.

After 10 minutes or so of normal walking with a slightly higher speed than one would usually

walk with, he reached his apartment complex. He directly proceeded to open the door with his

key due to quickly wanting to have a quiet place without having other people around.

After entering the building, he saw nobody else so he just went instantly into the elevator and

went up to the second floor where his little apartment was located. A minute later he finally

found himself in his bedroom where he started brainstorming on what to do first with his new


"I think that the best would be to first visit a cultivation universe or world, since I liked to read

all kinds of novels about cultivation and this would surely make a great first adventure for me.

Then let me first grace the cultivation universe with my presence, Hehe." This was the decision

on his first adventure he came to after contemplating only for a short while. This decision was

also, pretty much foreseeable because of his huge addiction to cultivation novels manhuas, etc.

After that he looked at himself in the mirror, he had short dark hair and a perfect nose but what

attracted others the most in his face was the set of beautiful yellow eyes. His pupils were light

yellow just like the blazing sun. And unlike other protagonist of some novels, he didn't need to

reconstruct his body or beautify himself because he had always been extremely handsome.

At this moment he also got another information from the system, that said if he truly activated

an infinitesimal part of his boundless power, he would be even more handsome due to the

influx of energy in his body, with a handsomeness that is unrivalled.

But he was afraid to activate his power, even a tiny part of it, on earth, because he would

probably obliterate everything, so he was waiting to activate his power in the cultivation

Universe that was way sturdier and more durable.

Due to him being only seventeen years old he also has had certain fantasies and of course, he

was clear about the fact that he in theory could build himself the biggest harem ever with his

power, but that is not something he wished for because he thinks that it is meaningless to just

collect women like Pokémons. But that does not mean that he will not have at least a

few women, because the only thing that he doesn't want, is, to have too many of them. (No normal man, ever xD)

After this was done, he first started creating a realm somewhere in the Omniverse that only he

had access to, and only he could see. He could also enter it from everywhere. After he entered,

he first built a magnificent castle and then buildings everywhere.

He also created a sun, stars, moon, and everything that a paradise needs.

Then the system sounded in his mind again:

"Ding used [Skill: Creation] (able to create anything in existence and beyond)" sounded the system

in the always slightly robotically, monotonic and indifferent female voice.

As he heard the voice again, he couldn't help but ask the system in his mind:" Do you have a

name?" "Ding, reply to Master, I do not, do you want to give me a name?"

The moment after he heard this, he thought about a suitable name for this voice that sounds

completely indifferent. And after a minute of contemplation, he said in his mind: "Lexie it is,

this is your new name from now on"

"Ding, thank you for the name, Master!"

After he gave the system voice a name, the inflection sounded like a real person with an

American accent and not like an indifferent machine like before.

"No problem, Lexie," he said. At First, he wanted to ask why Lexie chose him as the host for the

system but after a bit of thinking he just didn't care because he already has her and it wouldn't

change a thing if he knew the reason, but he will ask her sometime later.

The next thing to do would be to start his first adventure and begin his journey of wandering in

the infinite sea of stars and the boundless void in search of different kinds of enjoyment.

The above mentioned is basically meant metaphorically and he will not really make the effort

to wander in the void in search of enjoyment because he cans simply teleport there directly and he

can also turn on omniscience, to know where everything is, but this would naturally

destroy the fun of everything so he has directly sealed his omniscience.

"Lexie, please seal my Omniscience" he said in his mind after which directly came an answer.

[Ding, Omniscience has been temporally sealed]

After this notification he saw many black chains of order in his soul binding something illusory

and intangible. This was his omniscience being sealed, but it was not like he could not unseal it, no,

he could definitely unseal the seal because the system sealing himself was the same as if he

would have done it himself. This does not mean that the system holds the same power as Theo, no,

it could only do this by borrowing the power from Theo. It was just like a butler, doing things for

the master.

After the sealing of omniscience was finalized, Theo's life full of bliss and happiness would

begin from this point forth. And henceforth, no day would be like the dull and bleak days he had

experienced on earth.