

"your majesty; th-th- the crown prince offended him" reported a man that came from the shadows "who"aked the man on the throne "the ye family's eldest son "the man said "WHAT EXECUTE THAT SON OF A BI***" "but your majesty its your son" "SO WHAT!!! IT'S YE XUAN THAT HE OFFENDED IF I DON'T KILL HIM; IAM TO DIE DO YOU WANT TO SEE THAT?!! " "wh-no your majesty!! but is he that scary? " !!sigh!! "you don't know that person; he is more than scary!! do you know where I got that devine grade pill? it's from that place!! but they all call him master !!" "what!! sorry your majesty but am going to execute him now!! shadows!! bring the crown prince for execution now IT'S MY FIRST NOVEL SO (DON'T JUDGE ME TOO MUCH MC IS (OP) 15first chapters (foundation)

Ndugga_Muhamud · Fantasía
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29 Chs


"what! am just a month?and what's up with this cultivation thing?and system? why do you say that l was lucky? is being killed counted as luck? "asked Jason in an anoyed tone

«yes 'host is a month old as for cultivation the host is currently in a cultivation world as written in novels and has ranks or realms; and host is deemed as lucky because this is the overpowered system the best in the whole Multiverse«

"wow! so lucky !what are The cultivation realms?"

«the cultivation realms are

BODY FORGING (9sub-realms)

QI REFINEMENT (9sub-realms)


CORE FORMATION (3sub-realms)

other realms are locked due to lack of the main system «

"oh what to do now? yawn! am so tired "

«host is advised to start cultivation as soon as possible «

"ahh how can I cultivate? "

«looking for possible way for host 's cultivation! no option found in system's emergency back pack; scanning host's house-hold;scan complete! low grade cultivation method found would host like to cultivate with the current cultivation method? «

"yes and do cultivation methods have ranks?"

«yes host and the ranks are

low level cultivation methods

mid level cultivation methods

high level cultivation methods

supreme level cultivation methods

other cultivation methods are locked due to lack of main system «

oh then let's get this done with; but how am I supposed to get spiritual energy when am inside the womb?"asked Jason

«host is advised to breathe according to the cultivation method and you will get a portion of your mother's spiritual energy «

"that won't cause an accident right? "

«no it won't happen only a delay in break through will happen but it will help host's mother in getting a more solid foundation «

"oh OK time for cultivation "

and just like that he started cultivation; what he didn't expect is that as soon as he started cultivation; he's mother felt her spiritual energy directed in the womb and cried out


before she finished her words


the door was broken into shreds and a man with a handsome face came in hurriedly with a worried expression on his face and asked

"Mo'er what happened?!"