
The OutCasts: Hunted

As the OutCasts struggle to protect their city and live with each other, another new threat emerges and this time, it is after the OutCasts. Hunting down the OutCasts, the threat seems determined to destroy the four of them and will stop at nothing to do so. Will the OutCasts survive? Or will their names be crossed off, one after the other? (Book 2 to The OutCasts)

QuickShot1445 · LGBT+
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9 Chs



The guards scream as I fire at them. The two of them fly into the air before hitting the floor and passing out. With the guards out of the way, I can enter the museum with ease.

Walking through the empty, dark hallway, I make my way to the museum's clock exhibit.

"Timeless Pieces of History," the banner overhead reads. I feel my blood boils when I see the banner. Raising my hand, I fire my wrist-mounted blaster and destroy it completely.

With the sign destroyed, I walk into the exhibit. Seeing some useless ancient clocks, I walk past all of them toward the end of the exhibit.

"Ahh," I say, finally seeing what I came here for. Throwing aside a sign that read "The Clocks of Tomorrow", I slam a display case and reach inside. "The prototype chrono arc welder. It will take 80 years to complete but luckily for me, I am from the 100 years in the future."

I switch out my blaster for the remote control and type in some commands. The commands open a component on my suit, revealing a set of futuristic tools. Immediately, I grab the tools and start the necessary modification to the arc welder.

"Just a little more," I tell myself as I add the miniature power core. However, as I seal the cover, I hear something coming from behind me. Screaming as I turn around, I activate my time suit's shield.

As expected, arrows hit my shield. I look past the arrows and see QuickShot and Ms. Justice standing in the hallway.

"Fast-Forward," Ms. Justice shouts, stepping forward with her famous shield. "It's time to surrender. Give me the clock and send me back in time."

"Time," I repeat, laughing a little. I look at the arrows still stuck in my shield. "Time is one thing I have. You two, on the other hand, are out of time."

I switch out the remote control for my blaster and take aim at the two ladies. About to fire, I stop when I notice the tips of the arrow start to spark.

"If we're out of time," QuickShot says, smiling as she and Ms. Justice steps back. "Then I guess I'll just have to make time!"

With that, QuickShot and Ms. Justice jump to the floor. They hide behind some walls. Just as they duck behind covers, the sparking tips explode. I scream and cover my head as the explosive destroys my shield.


My EMP arrows going off, they unleash a powerful blast that disrupts and destroys Fast-Forward's shield. The second his shield is down, I lean out and fire a series of arrows at Fast-Forward.

"Go," I shout, looking at Ms. Justice. "Grab the time regulator! I'll cover you!"

Ms. Justice nods her head and runs out from behind the wall. She charges toward Fast-Foward as he struggles to pull out all my arrows.

Cursing and screaming as he pulls a sticky arrow off his shoulder, Fast-Forward turns in time to see Ms. Justice running toward him.

He tries to shoot at her but Ms. Justice jumps and hits his hand with her shield. While Fast-Forward shoots at the ground, Ms. Justice swings her shield and hits Fast-Forward right in the stomach.

Ms. Justice:

"The time regulator," I say, seeing the regulator back on Fast-Forward's wrist. I lunge ahead and try to grab it but Fast-Forward is stumbling back after I hit him in the stomach. "Ahh! I should've just punched him in the face instead of hitting him in the stomach."

Fast-Forward stumbling back a few feet, catches himself and looks at me with red eyes and sharp teeth.

"Enough," he shouts, his voice echoing throughout the empty museum.

Reaching down, Fast-Forward pulls out a small disc and throws it at me. I bring my shield and block it. However, it doesn't fall onto the floor. Instead, the disc stays on my shield.

"What," I say, looking at the disc. As soon as I say what, something on the disc opens and fire shoots out. It pushes me back, and before I know it, I'm flying through the air.

"Justice," I hear QuickShot yells before I hit her. The two of us roll away before falling to the floor.

"Justice," QuickShot says again. She reaches down and offers me her hand. "Come on! We need to hurry before Fast-Forward finishes fixing his suit."

I take QuickShot's hand and she pulls me up. Together, we prepare to charge toward Fast-Forward again. However, as we turn toward him, we see him already aiming with his wrist-mounted blaster. Only, he's not aiming at us.

"Stay down," Fast-Forward shouts, firing the blaster. We follow the blast as it flies through the air and hits the ceiling. The ceiling cracks and breaks before falling on top of us.

"Watch out," I say, pushing QuickShot out of the way. As she falls to the floor, broken stone drops onto me, forcing me down and burying me.

"Justice," QuickShot shouts again. She drops her bow and rushes to help me but the second she drops her bow, a blast hits and knocks her to the floor. Through the cracks in the stones, I can see Fast-Forward lowers his hand after shooting QuickShot. He turns and runs back.

"Nothing can stop me," he says as he grabs something. Looking like a high-tech blowtorch, Fast-Forward starts to fix his suit.

"No," I say, trying to crawl my way out. Pushing against the stone, all I do is cause more stones to flatten me. I look at Fast-Forward as he lowers the blowtorch. He smiles as he flicks his wrist once more, a vortex appearing out of thin air.


"So long, Ms. Justice," Fast-Forward says, stepping into the vortex. "As a courtesy, I will be sure to leave this part out of the bedtime stories! Hahaha!"


Laughing as he turns, Fast-Forward prepares to leave. However, before he could take another step into the vortex, I feel a strong windstorm. My hair shoots everywhere as I watch a red blur runs past me. It runs right up to Fast-Forward and knocks him down.

Sliding across the floor and into a wall, Fast-Forward looks up to see what it was that hit him.

"SpeedBlade," I say, looking at the speedster knight as he turns toward me.

"Ms. Justice," SpeedBlade says, nodding his head.

I couldn't believe my eyes. SpeedBlade was here. No, SpeedBlade is here, and he looks almost the same. He's still wearing his red and gray armor, but it seems dented in a lot of places. Besides all the dents, there's also rust all over him.

"Fast-Forward," SpeedBlade says, pulling out his sword. Unlike his armor, SpeedBlade's sword is still shining. He holds the sword in front of him. "We have a 15-year-old fight to settle."

With that, SpeedBlade runs toward Fast-Forward. Fast-Forward quickly pushes himself up and raises his blasters. He fires relentlessly at SpeedBlade but SpeedBlade is running too fast for him to hit.

While SpeedBlade is keeping Fast-Forward busy, I still try to push all the stones off of me. About to push a large block, I see another pair of hands come from out of nowhere.

"Here," JumpStart says, helping to push the block off of me. As the block falls to the side, JumpStart gets in front of me. He starts to pick up more blocks and throws them to the side. The second I can crawl out, JumpStart drops to his knee and pulls me out.

"JumpStart," I say, panting as I look at JumpStart. "You...came?"

JumpStart looks me straight in the eyes.

"Yeah," he says, nodding his head. As JumpStart nods his head, he reaches behind and pulls out the walkie-talkie. The same exact one QuickShot had. "I came."

I stare at the walkie-talkie as its antenna beeps. I only stop staring when I hear SpeedBlade screams. It seems Fast-Forward finally manages to hit him.

SpeedBlade is falling to the ground with his chest plate smoking.

"Go help SpeedBlade," JumpStart says. He pockets the walkie-talkie and pulls out his stun batons. Spinning them in his hands, he then charges toward Fast-Forward.

"SpeedBlade," I say, running to help him up. Sliding and dropping to my knees, I slowly pick SpeedBlade's head up. As I do, I notice something on his waist. It's another walkie-talkie.

Moaning and holding his chest as I pick him up, SpeedBlade looks up at me.

"Ms. Justice," he says, coughing a little. "I am very happy to see you again."

"So am I," I answer. "What happened to you? Why are you covered in dents?"

"I have spent the last 15 years fighting," SpeedBlade answers. "And unfortunately, I left my anvil back in the OutPost."

I couldn't help but laugh at SpeedBlade's response. My laugh only lasted a few seconds, however. I turn my head when I hear JumpStart's scream.

Fast-Forward throws another disc onto a stone pillar, one near JumpStart. This disc causes the pillar to age rapidly, the whole thing turning into dust in seconds. As the dust crumbles, it causes the archway it was holding to fall right onto JumpStart.

JumpStart sees it and backflips out of the way, but as the archway falls, it blocks the hallways, cutting us off from Fast-Forward.

"No more distraction," Fast-Forward yells. "I'm leaving! I will never ever see any of you again!"

Flicking a wrist and opening another vortex, Fast-Forward runs toward this one. On the verge of entering it and disappearing forever, something happens. Whatever happens, it makes Fast-Forward trips. He tripped just a few inches short of the vortex.

"What," he yells, looking down at his feet. I follow his gaze and see his feet tied together, binds by a long, black wire.

"What in the world," I ask. I look behind Fast-Foward and see something unbelievable. I turn around and see QuickShot with her hands glowing.

"Not so fast," QuickShot says, using her telekinesis power to fire her bow. Directly behind Fast-Forward is QuickShot's bow, except it's floating. It's surrounded by red energy, similar to QuickShot's hands. As QuickShot holds out one of her hands, she pulls back the other.

I watch with JumpStart and SpeedBlade as the bowstring stretches back.

"Justice," QuickShot yells, "Quickly! Get over here!"

I don't waste a second. I leave SpeedBlade and run over to QuickShot.

"Grab some arrows from my quiver! It doesn't matter which one!"

I nod my head and grab an assortment of arrows from the quiver on QuickShot's back.

"Throw them over the collapsed archway!"

I throw all the arrows over the collapsed archway and watch with wonder as the same red energy that holds the bow also catches a few arrows. The arrows are loaded into the bow.

"You're using your telekinesis power," I say, finally realizing what is going on. QuickShot is using her telekinesis power to hold her bow. She's using it to catch arrows and load them into her bow. "But how?"

"I had a lot of practice," QuickShot answers.

With that, QuickShot fires the arrows just as Fast-Forward breaks the wires holding his feet together.

"Noo," he screams. He shields himself by crossing his arms but one of QuickShot's arrows hits the regulator on his wrist. "Noo! This can't be happening!"

Somehow, by hitting the regulator, QuickShot causes Fast-Forward to age. In only a few minutes, Fast-Forward's hair turns from black to gray. His skin becomes wrinkled and he starts to lose teeth.