
The Outcasted Hero

Apollo grew up alone with no parents until came the time that his true strength unleashed and the people admire him.

kathy_katz · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Peaceful days at Cana Village

Meriam initiates a tender moment by inviting Aaron to witness the sunrise with her. This signifies a gesture of intimacy and connection, suggesting that Meriam values sharing such moments with Aaron. When Aaron responds by joining her outside, it illustrates his willingness to engage in and appreciate the experience she finds meaningful.

Aaron's reaction upon seeing the sunrise further underscores the impact of this shared experience. His exclamation "Wow! just wow! look at that, I've never seen anything like that," reveals his awe and astonishment at the beauty of the sun emerging through the clouds. This response suggests a genuine sense of wonder and admiration, highlighting how the natural spectacle has captivated him in a way he hasn't experienced before.

It depicts a scene where the act of watching the sunrise becomes more than just observing nature; it becomes a moment of emotional connection and shared awe between Meriam and Aaron. Their interaction and Aaron's reaction emphasize the power of such moments to inspire wonder and deepen relationships.

As Aaron's first night at Glenda's house atop a hill, which sets the stage for a significant morning experience: witnessing the spectacular sunrise of the area. Meriam, perhaps aware of Aaron's unfamiliarity with such natural beauty due to his city upbringing, wants him to appreciate this breathtaking sight.

Aaron's reaction upon seeing the sunrise is one of genuine amazement. Having grown up in an urban environment, he has likely been accustomed to a different kind of scenery. The scenic view from the hilltop, with the sun's rays breaking through the clouds, contrasts starkly with his previous experiences. This contrast enhances the impact of the moment for Aaron, making it memorable and awe-inspiring.

The experience Aaron had underscores the transformative power of nature's beauty in unfamiliar surroundings. It portrays how experiencing such natural spectacles can evoke strong emotions and leave a lasting impression, especially for someone like Aaron, whose background hadn't exposed him to such scenic vistas before.

"Hey lovebirds, time for breakfast," Glenda called the two. They then eat just outside while seeing the sea of clouds. "It was truly amazing here, thank you for letting us stay here grandma and Glend," said Aaron. Glenda replied, "Well we must thank you, thank you for the money you gave us. We finally regain this place. You know it was grandma's dream for so long but we can't afford to take it since my parents died...and now finally we take Cana again. Thank you Aaron," Glenda said wile sobbing. "Let's stop the drama now please, I can't wait to finally taste the best vegetable salad in Cana and plus I don't want my baby to cry also....ohhhh." Everyone laughs and then just eat.

After a meal, where Alamac arrives accompanied by four others to invite Aaron to join them in learning the ways of Cana. Their approach towards Aaron is respectful and welcoming, likely because they recognize his significant role in helping to reclaim Cana. Additionally, they acknowledge Aaron's difference from his grandfather, which may suggest a recognition of Aaron's unique qualities or background.

Aaron's response to the invitation is swift and eager. He promptly prepares to leave, demonstrating his readiness to engage with the community and embrace the opportunity to integrate into their customs and traditions. His action of kissing Meriam before departing highlights their affectionate relationship and mutual respect, despite the abruptness of his departure.

Meriam's gesture of waving goodbye as Aaron rides downhill further emphasizes their bond and support for each other, even in moments of separation. Her wave signifies her encouragement for Aaron to pursue this new experience while reassuring him of her presence and support back home.

It portrays a scene of transition and acceptance. It illustrates Aaron's integration into the community of Cana, driven by gratitude for his assistance and curiosity about his differences. The interaction between Aaron and Meriam also underscores their strong connection amidst the changes and opportunities unfolding in their lives.

Aaron and other men arrived at the forest. They do hunting and had fun eating what they hunt. They also teach Aaron how to hunt not using a gun like his grandpa did but they teach him to use a bow. So Aaron learn fast and able to catch a deer. They went back uphill where Meriam was and roasted the deer he hunt. They had dinner altogether and the men get drunk. Then dance together with the drumbeat under the bright moon.

For many months that is the life of Meriam and Aaron at Cana. They also build a hut near Glenda's house. Meriam's womb was also growing. And they had no news about Aaron's grandpa and even his parents. They just savor the days together while waiting for their child to be born. 

Meriam was in the eighth month of her pregnancy, and the anticipation and excitement surrounding the upcoming birth were palpable, especially for Aaron. Their focus was entirely on preparing for the baby's arrival, shielding themselves from the concerns of the outside world, particularly issues involving Aaron's family.

The couple's joy was tempered by past difficulties, particularly the threats and challenges they had faced from Aaron's family. Despite these hardships, their time spent in Cana had been a sanctuary of peace and solace. It was there that they found respite from external pressures and were able to fully immerse themselves in the excitement of impending parenthood.

Looking ahead, their thoughts were consumed not by fear or uncertainty, but by the overwhelming sense of anticipation and readiness to care for their unborn child. Their bond grew stronger as they envisioned a future filled with love and protection for their little one. The challenges they had faced only served to reinforce their determination to create a nurturing and safe environment for their growing family.

As they awaited the birth of their baby, Meriam and Aaron found comfort in each other's presence and in the support they received from their community in Cana. Their shared optimism and unwavering commitment to their child's well-being were a testament to their resilience and the depth of their love.