
The First Spring Classes

Early the next morning, the Nafriton Residence Hall Council met with the supervisor to discuss the latest visit of the Disciplinary Committee. Fortunately, Theo Lawlor and a few others arrived very late the night before. Their train had been delayed for a couple of hours due to weather. The total still not checked in was brought down to nineteen.

That morning was extremely hectic. Classes had started and they already needed to hold a meeting to inform the residents of the latest rule changes. Since they couldn't arrange for a meeting, the resident advisors made as many copies of the new policies as they could and plastered them all over the dormitory.

Aayla barely made it to her first class on time. The toxic atmosphere on campus was suffocating. Even the professors could barely maintain their neutral demeanor. People were acting stranger by the minute. Her ears hadn't popped due to magical pressure in a long time. This morning, they wouldn't stop popping.

Her schedule had some oddities this semester. She had expected this. Ramona told her that the University often adjusted a student's schedule based on aptitude and faculty requests, but this was ridiculous.


Name: Aayla Glowery

Specialization: Ancient History (Non-degree)

Term Start Date: 8th of Gona, 2022 M.E.

Term End Date: 27th of Raya, 2022 M.E.


--> Basic Linguistics, LANG 111, Prof. Elias Rosewall, Classroom 5319

Lecture: 09:00 to 10:00 on days Shine, Gale and Flare.

--> Introduction to Magical Creatures, MAZO 101, Prof. Nadia Valverde, Classroom 4224

Lecture: 16:30 to 17:30 on days Firma, Glow and Aqua.

--> World Geography, GNST 151, Prof. Ivor Cole, Classroom 1248

Lecture: 16:30 to 17:30 on days Gale and Glow.

--> World History After the Great Disaster, HIST 102, Prof. Myron Roussas, Classroom 1306

Lecture: 15:00 to 16:00 on days Shine, Gale and Flare.

Total Credit Hours: 11

Note: Courses and earned credits are restricted for non-degree students. Contact Student Affairs staff for questions and information about how to receive full admission.


By a strange coincidence, the 'Introduction to Magical Beasts' class was added to her schedule. It wasn't even part of her major! Ugh. Someone must have gotten some funny ideas since she helped deal with the Terran creatures. Fortunately, the university didn't add any magic classes this semester.

Also by a strange coincidence, she had the same history professor in the same classroom and at the same time. The only difference was the time period covered and the days which the class was held on. Remembering what happened last semester, Professor Roussas might have arranged for this on purpose. Many professors just loved testing 'Ramona Heston's goddaughter'.

Thankfully her geography class remained intact. Originally, Aayla should have taken geography last semester, but there was no more room due to her last-minute registration. Aayla didn't know the first thing about Tellus geography. Even the common-sense locations that everyone knows about. She's played the 'I've been living abroad' excuse several times, but that won't help her pass her classes.

Fortunately, Aayla used the 'living abroad' excuse rather than the 'from abroad' excuse. If people started grouping her with the foreign exchange students, then things could get tricky in the noble dominated Nafriton Residence Hall. With the minor backing from the Student Council, she should be fine. Aayla planned to just keep her head down, study and work.

Her first class for the second semester began as soon as the bell rang. A tall, well-groomed professor with sharp eyes entered the classroom. Aayla heard several whispers and annoyed groans behind her. He quietly clicked his tongue when he saw some of those groaning students.

Two eager assistants happily followed along. The pair did far more than what was required of a regular teaching assistant. They carried the professor's things, brought in fresh tea, handed out the syllabus and other small tasks. Honestly, calling them secretaries would be more accurate.

A disturbed feeling rose in Aayla's mind. The professor's every move screamed of arrogance and pride. She had seen professors like this before. Typically, they were highly conservative nobles. Nafriton boasted of its long history of meritocratic, equal opportunity teaching. Even then, favoritism was still an issue amongst the more extreme conservative and progressive staff members.

This professor was obviously one of them. Aayla quickly put an "I'm a diligent student" look on her face and tried to stand out as little as possible. Given her current reputation, the professor might already have her in his sights.

"Good morning students. I am your 'Basic Linguistics' professor this semester, Elias Rosewall. The fundamentals of linguistics will be drilled into your brains this semester. I trust that all of you will work hard to master this material. After all, I'm sure that more than a few will find their talent lacking. As a professor of Nafriton, I will have no problem failing any slackers or overconfident idiots to preserve the university's dignity."

Aayla's face froze. Professor Rosewall was very different from her previous professors. He was essentially threatening to fail people. Unable to maintain her smile, she looked down and pretended to study the syllabus.

Professor Rosewall's frosty gaze seemed to linger on some students in particular. In response, those students secretly rolled their eyes. Aayla noted those students down. Were they progressives, commoners or foreigners?

"Nevertheless, I am pleased to see that several promising students have decided to take this course. Those students will have plenty of opportunities to excel. Now, on to the syllabus. Turn to the first page, where you can find my academic resume. If we have time, we'll go over the schedule and expectations for this class. Otherwise, you all will need to read the rest on your own. We will be having a quiz over this."

This time, Professor Rosewall subtly smiled as a few students smirked and straightened their backs. She could feel their smugness from where she sat. Aayla noted those students down as well.

She turned her attention towards the syllabus. The very first page listed Professor Rosewall's education, awards, honors and publications in excruciating detail. This blowhard was going to spend the entire class bragging about himself. Aayla kept her head down to hide her twitching face. She already wanted her hour back.

An hour later, Aayla definitely wanted her hour back. The only good thing about that waste of time and energy was that Professor Rosewall spent so much time talking about himself that he didn't have time for anything else.

Professor Rosewall's favorite students crowded around him after class. The disliked students couldn't get out of his presence fast enough. Aayla chatted with a couple of former residents before she left. Jacki was taking this class as well. The girl was like a ghost. Aayla had no idea when she entered the classroom.

Jacki politely yet persistently followed Aayla out of the classroom. Like a song bird, Jacki continued on and on about her winter break in Halcyon with little prodding from Aayla. She silently listened and nodded along.

Admittedly, Aayla was a bit tempted to go. She wanted to ride on the magic train and see an actual magic city. However, when Aayla remembered her trips to Forest Waypoint, this enthusiasm deflated. Her magical skills needed to get a bit better first.

Just as they were heading down the stairs, the duo heard bickering from outside. They peered through the window to see a familiar flame haired noble brat and his lackeys picking a fight with some exchange students. Onlookers were gathering around to watch. Even from the third floor, Aayla could feel the tension rising.

Lysander Foryl's ego must have expanded by two sizes since he didn't get expelled due to the gremlin incident. One lackey started pushing an exchange student around. Naturally, the exchange student pushed back. A purple glow immediately covered the windows.

"Jacki, what happened with the windows?"

"That's the emergency defense system. It's one of Nafriton's original inventions."

"Oh, yeah. I heard about it, but never thought that it would be purple. Maybe a gold or white color."

Aayla had never heard about it. She nervously glanced out of the window. Expanding her limited magical senses, she could feel the mana gathering around the groups of students outside. Aayla really didn't want to be a busy body, but the entire campus was like a giant powder keg right now. One spark and the whole thing could erupt in flames.


Before she could move, a student wearing a badge with green ribbons sprinted towards the quarrelling groups. With a wave of their hand, both groups were pushed away from each other.

Jacki heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness! That's a third year from the Disciplinary Committee."

The girls watched for a couple of minutes then continued their walk down the stairs. Aayla removed her hand from the Full Moon Bracelet. She didn't even remember when her hand started grasping it. Just as they exited the building, screams resounded from the other side of the building.

A loud boom caused the world to shake and smoke billowed towards the sky. A black shadow crossed Aayla's vision. Aayla immediately looked up. A dark object rocketed towards them.


She pushed Jacki out of the way. The object landed with a sickening thud beside them, missing them by inches.

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