
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 9: Neural Voice Command Vincel (2)

Ang was startled by the sudden voice, even though he was an adult. He was still human and capable of feeling fear.

"Who's there? Who are you?" Ang asked, startled.

"I am Vincel, the Neural Voice command AI, here to assist you," said the voice.

"The Neural System? How are you even functioning right now?" Ang asked cautiously.

"I operate independently of the main system, situated on your brain cells," Vincel responded.

"Wait, does that mean you can read my mind?" Ang inquired.

"No, I don't have that level of access to read your mind, but if you give me permission, I can scan your brain," Vincel explained.

"Interesting. Can you tell me why the previous systems shut down earlier?" Ang continued.

"I am not aware of real-time events. My functions are limited to accessing stored information," Vincel replied.

"Alright. So, what exactly are your features? What can you do?" Ang asked.

"As a plugin, I integrate advanced speech recognition, natural language understanding, AI integration, context awareness, and more. My purpose is to provide a sophisticated, user-friendly experience by effectively understanding and fulfilling user commands, adapting to individual preferences, and ensuring robust privacy and security standards. I operate independently of the main system, relying on stored data for assistance," Vincel explained.

"Can you scan my body status?" Ang asked.

"I don't have a scanning system available. You would need to update me for more features. Currently, I integrate advanced speech recognition, natural language understanding, AI integration, context awareness, and more. If you want to check your body status, it's important to consider various aspects of your health. Are you looking for advice on specific health metrics like weight, fitness, or general wellness? Let me know how I can assist you further," Vincel responded.

"Maybe another time. For now, tell me more about how your features work," Ang said.

"Firstly, speech synthesis, or speech-to-speech, converts the speech-based response generated by the system into spoken language. It creates human-like speech that is natural-sounding and understandable to the user, enhancing the conversational experience. Secondly, speech recognition, or speech-to-text, allows the AI system to accurately transcribe spoken commands or queries into text format. It involves recognizing and converting spoken language into written text that the system can understand and process further," Vincel explained.

"That's pretty impressive. What about natural language understanding?" Ang asked.

"Natural Language Understanding (NLU) enables the system to comprehend the meaning, intent, and context behind the words once they are converted into text. It considers nuances in language and user-specific preferences to understand what the user is asking or commanding," Vincel continued.

"Ah, I see. That explains why you can understand me so well," Ang said.

"Yes, the system integrates advanced AI models to process interpreted user inputs. These models range from language understanding algorithms to task-specific models that perform actions or provide responses based on user requests. Context awareness allows the AI to remember previous commands or queries within a session. This helps in providing more coherent and natural conversations over time, as the system can maintain context and understand follow-up questions. Do you want to know more?" Vincel asked.

"Not now. But do you have creativity? Can you create or search for martial arts?" Ang inquired.

"If I have saved data related to martial arts, I can provide information and insights. Creativity in generating new martial arts techniques or styles requires extensive historical and practical knowledge, which I can assist with if pre-existing data is available," Vincel responded.

"Can you invent new martial arts techniques on your own?" Ang asked.

"As an AI, I rely on existing data and algorithms to generate responses and provide information. While I can analyze and suggest variations based on known principles, true creativity and innovation in martial arts creation typically require human expertise and experience," Vincel explained.

"That makes sense. Can you search for information about this world's martial arts?" Ang continued.

"Absolutely. I can access stored data on various forms of ancient martial arts, their techniques, origins, and historical significance. Please specify the era or region you are interested in," Vincel said.

"I'm particularly interested in martial arts from ancient Asia. Can you provide detailed information on that?" Ang asked.

"Certainly. Accessing data on ancient Asian martial arts. One moment, please... Not found. This feature needs an update, but I have some stored data I can tell..." Vincel said.

Ang waited patiently, feeling a bit disappointed but didn't show it, as he noticed someone approaching outside.

"Ancient Asian martial arts encompass a wide range of styles and techniques developed over centuries. They are known for their rigorous training methods, diverse forms, and emphasis on both physical and mental discipline. Techniques include various strikes, kicks, grappling, and weapon use," Vincel explained.

"Hold on, stop," Ang said.

"Got it. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask," Vincel responded.

"Will do. Thanks again for your help," Ang said.

Suddenly, Dan entered the room.

"Young master, everything alright in here?" Dan asked as he entered.

"Yeah, everything's fine," Ang replied, startled but composed.

"Alright, young master. We need to inspect the material you told me to gather. Shall we head out?" Dan asked, observing Ang quietly.

"Sure, Dan. Let's go," Ang nodded, gathering his thoughts.

Ang followed Dan out of the room.