
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 8: Neural Voice Command Vincel (1)

After carefully checking the system, there was a moment of silence before a new panel appeared, this time in a different color. Ang couldn't contain his joy; he finally had a system that until now had only existed in books.

["System Feature Check Initiated: Assessing functionality and performance of all components."]

["Anomaly Detected: Virus infiltration detected in multiple system modules."]

Ang's elation turned to shock as he read about the virus in the system.

["Critical Alert: Virus spreading rapidly, compromising system integrity."]

["Isolating Infected Components: Segregating virus-infected modules to prevent further spread."]

["Feature Analysis: Assessing remaining components for virus contamination."]

["Voice Command AI: Feature check completed. No virus detected, functionality intact."]

["Decision Point: Considering options for system restoration and recovery."]

Ang stared at the screen in frustration. "Not again... Can't you just listen to the user, please?" he muttered, sighing heavily.

["Activation of Voice Command AI: Initiating voice-controlled system operation to maintain functionality."]

["System Restoration Protocol: Engaging backup systems and initiating virus removal procedures."]

["Continued Operation: Voice Command AI remains operational while system restoration is underway."]

Amid the chaos, Ang noticed only one function remained unaffected. He tried talking to the system, but there was no response.

"What the heck!" Ang exclaimed, clearly frustrated.

The installation of the Voice Command AI began:

["Installing Voice Command AI: Verifying sources and initiating installation process."]

["Source Verification: Confirming authenticity and integrity of Voice Command AI files."]

["Installation Progress: 99% complete. Finalizing installation procedures."]




["Installation Progress: 98%... 97%... 96%....







. Installation nearing completion."]

Ang anxiously watched the progress bar.

["Installation Progress: 10%... Ensuring seamless integration with system architecture."]




["Installation Complete: Voice Command AI successfully installed."]

["System Update: The Neural Voice Command AI is now fully operational."]

["The installation process for the Neural Voice Command AI is successfully completed, allowing for voice-controlled operation of the system named Codename 'Vincel'."]

Ang let out a sigh of relief. "Finally... Feels like I've unlocked a system for a smoother life ahead," he mused, already envisioning the possibilities. But his thoughts were interrupted as the system suddenly went dark and vanished, leaving Ang bewildered.

[ (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)]

"Again? What the hell is happening here?" Ang's frustration was evident as his voice echoed in the room, drawing attention from outside. Dan, his loyal companion, rushed over, concern etched on his face. "What happened, young master?"

Ang quickly composed himself, masking his disappointment. "Ah, nothing, Dan. Just thinking about home. Hehehe."

Dan studied Ang for a moment, sensing his true feelings. "Are you sure, young master? You sound upset."

Ang hesitated, then opened up a bit. "Well, I was just... missing home. My family, my house... everything feels so distant right now."

Dan nodded sympathetically. "I understand, young master. It's only natural to feel this way, especially in times like these."

"Yeah... Being so far from everything familiar, it's unsettling," Ang admitted, his voice tinged with melancholy.

Dan offered reassurance. "You're not alone, Ang. We're here for you, and we'll get through this together. Time heals."

Ang nodded gratefully. "Thanks, Dan. I appreciate your support."

Dan smiled warmly. "Anytime, young master. Now, let's refocus on our tasks. Keeping busy might help take your mind off things."

"You're right," Ang agreed, sounding more determined. "Let's get back to work. But, Dan... if I seem off or talk about things that don't make sense, just... bear with me, okay?"

Dan chuckled softly. "Of course, Ang. We'll figure it out together."

As Dan started to leave, Ang called out, his vulnerability showing. "Hey, Dan?"

Dan paused, turning back with a gentle smile. "Yes, young master?"

Ang hesitated briefly, then confessed softly. "I miss them, Dan. My home, my family... everything."

Dan's expression softened further, his empathy evident. "I know, young master. But remember, this isn't forever. You'll see them again."

"Yeah... I hope so," Ang murmured wistfully, a small, fleeting smile crossing his lips.

Dan reassured him once more. And suddenly ask a question.

Dan: "Young master, how do you know about bricks?"

Ang: "I heard about them from my mother. She used to tell me stories about how people built houses with bricks."

Dan: "Interesting. I had never heard of bricks for house-making before."

Ang: "Yeah, they are made from clay, rocks, and heat."

Dan: "You know, young master, your knowledge is impressive. But there's something I need to share with you."

Ang: "What is it, Dan?"Dan: "I think you should know about my past. I was born in a low-class village. I didn't have a family to care for me. I was alone, struggling to survive."

Ang: "You were? I didn't know that, Dan."

Dan: "Yes. Your grandfather found me and brought me to this mountain. He trained me, and I spent my whole life here, learning and growing stronger. The world outside is as new to me as it is to you, young master."

Ang: "So you've never lived outside this mountain either?",Ang becomes happy in his mind.

Dan: "Not very much. My experiences are limited to what your grandfather taught me and what I've seen around this place. The idea of bricks, villages, and the way people live is all quite foreign to me."

Dan: "Yes, young master. That's why I wanted to share my story with you. Despite my past, your grandfather and your father gave me purpose and a place to belong."

Ang: "Thank you for telling me, Dan. It means a lot to know that we're both discovering the world together."

Dan: "Indeed. But now, I must attend to some work outside. Take care, young master, and perhaps we can continue this conversation later."

Ang: "Of course, Dan. I'll be here."

Dan gave a respectful nod and left the house.As Ang sighed, resigned to his circumstances, he muttered, "Here's another moment where a lie turned into truth." Glancing around at the broken-down surroundings, he muttered bitterly, "This damned house..."

Then, scanning the room urgently, Ang exclaimed, "Now, where is my system? Hey, hello..."

Suddenly, a voice emerged from nowhere, startling Ang. "Hello! How can I assist you today?"

Startled and bewildered, Ang retreated to a corner of the room, asking cautiously, "Who are you?"

The AI responded calmly, "I am Neural Smart Voice AI, designed to assist you with any inquiries or tasks you may have."
