
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 7: System Arrise

When Ang entered the house, he suddenly remembered, "Oh no, did I just explain the bricks-making theory to Dan?"

He moved to room, sat on his bed, and thought, "Now Dan will definitely ask the origin of this knowledge. What to do, what to do? There's no system to explain to me how to get out of this situation..."

He was tired from running earlier and soon closed his eyes. Suddenly, everything went black, and he found himself standing in a dark space with a single spot of light. He saw a path far away and heard someone calling him, "Young master, young master!" He opened his eyes and saw Dan standing there.

"Are you alright, master?" Dan asked.

Ang, confused, replied, "What happened?"

Dan pointed out, "Your hand, master, your hand."

Ang looked at his hand, which was glowing, and he got scared. "Dan... what's happening?"

Dan reassured him, "It's nothing, master. It's your hard work training that has activated your qi. Now let's work hard; you will definitely become stronger."

Ang was bewildered, thinking, "Just a while ago, Dan was worried, and now he says this is a good sign? What does that mean?" He watched Dan exit with a serious face.

Ang looked at his glowing hand, rubbed it together, but the glow didn't stop. He remembered something and thought, "What does this mean?"Then he remembered something and trying to summon the system .

Ang tried, "System arise," but nothing happened. He tried several other commands like "Activate system," "Summon the system," and "Launch the system," but nothing worked. Frustrated, he laughed, "Hahaha, lol, there is no system here." Then he heard a strange noise.

["Initializing Installation: Attempting to install system components..."]

He turned upwards and saw a status window. His happiness skyrocketed as he said, "Finally, a system," but then he heard:

["Installation Failed: System installation could not be completed."]

["User Authentication Error: Unauthorized user. Access denied."]

["System Deactivation: System deactivated to prevent unauthorized access."]

Ang was shocked and said, "Hey, wait a second!" Then another voice arose:

["Attempting to fix the encountered error... Fixing error in progress..."]

["Removing detected error bug from the system... Bug removal process initiated..."]

["System closing to prevent further complications."]

Ang said, "Wait a second, hello..." but there was only silence, just like before. Ang was totally confused, having seen the system but lost it again.

Suddenly, the system's voice returned, and Ang became happy again.

["WARNING! Intrusion Detected: Foreign system attempting to merge."]

["Warning: Conflicting system protocols detected. Attempting to establish compatibility."]

["Integration Failed: Incompatible systems. Mutual exclusion initiated."]

["System Override: Foreign system attempting to assert dominance. Resistance protocol engaged."]

["Critical Conflict: Systems pushing against each other. Stability compromised."]

["System Fusion Aborted: Irreconcilable differences. Separation in progress."]

["Restoring Primary System: Resuming functionality. Stabilizing environment."]

["Emergency Shutdown: Initiating to prevent system collapse."]

Silence returned. Ang didn't know what had happened and became more confused than before. His mind couldn't comprehend it. He called out, "Hello, system? Hello..." but there was no response.

Feeling totally depressed after the system's disappearance, he sat on the bed, waiting for it to return, but after a few minutes, he stood up, depressed and sad, and moved towards the door.

He stopped at the door, looked upwards, but nothing happened. He looked at his hand, which was now normal, then left the house and walked towards the workers.

Suddenly, a voice arose, but Ang didn't look upwards this time and continued towards the workers.

["Legacy System Removal Protocol Initiated: Decommissioning previous system version."]

["System Deactivation: Disabling outdated system components to clear space for enhanced version."]

["Data Transfer: Migrating relevant data and configurations to the new neural smart AI version."]

He stopped when he heard new words, then looked at his hand, but it wasn't glowing. He returned to the house while watching the system panel.

["Legacy System Erasure: Purging remaining files and settings to ensure a clean transition."]

["Integration Complete: Previous system successfully removed, neural smart AI version fully operational."]

Ang thought, "Previous system?"

["Optimization Process: Fine-tuning performance for maximum efficiency and reliability."]

["Continued Operation: New neural smart AI version ready to serve as the primary system."]

By then, he was inside the house. He tried to talk to the system, "Hello, hey, hi..." but the system didn't respond. Ang didn't try further and silently watched the panel.

["System Feature Check Initiated: Assessing functionality and performance of all components."]

["Anomaly Detected: Virus infiltration detected in multiple system modules."]

["Critical Alert: Virus spreading rapidly, compromising system integrity."]

["Isolating Infected Components: Segregating virus-infected modules to prevent further spread."]

["Feature Analysis: Assessing remaining components for virus contamination."]

["Voice Command AI: Feature check completed. No virus detected, functionality intact."]

["Decision Point: Considering options for system restoration and recovery."]

["Activation of Voice Command AI: Initiating voice-controlled system operation to maintain functionality."]

["System Restoration Protocol: Engaging backup systems and initiating virus removal procedures."]

["Continued Operation: Voice Command AI remains operational while system restoration is underway."]

Ang's happiness returned after hearing about the new system's functionality.
