
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 5 : The package ?Red level !

On the other hand, the delivery package traveled through the market and moved towards the mountain. It was pulled by many horses, accompanied by 14 drivers and 100 guards, with one person leading the way. All the carts bore the flag of the Ling family. After entering the forest, the mountain was surrounded on three sides by forest and on one side by water.

All the carts were moving towards the mountain, passing through the forest. Suddenly, the carts stopped, and all the guards became alert. The leading man shouted, "Bandits are here, everyone stay alert!" Shadows of people appeared among the trees, surrounding the carts.

The leader, named Shag, said, "Come out! Who are you? The consequences will be more dangerous than you can imagine." The dark figures continued to stare at them without moving.

Shag spoke again, "Come out! You don't know whom you have stopped. This is the Ling merchant family. If you know the name, you will understand the consequences."

When Shag mentioned the Ling family name, all the guards stood up, and Shag felt relieved. "Now you see…" he began, but suddenly, the figures disappeared and reappeared, surrounding the guards.

There were 30 peoples wearing black suit, surrounding them, and Shag was shocked. "So you don't know," he said to his guards, "Guards, attack them!"

But before they could react, all the guards and drivers fell to the ground, unconscious. The dark figures stood behind them, and after seeing this and that ,shag doesn't fear ,Shag became fearful. He said, "So you were able to defeat them, but you don't know the…"

Suddenly, a man appeared in front of Shag and said, "Shut up, my ears are hurting." He then ordered his soldiers, "Check the package." The soldiers began inspecting the delivery, box by box.

Shag protested, "Stop! You don't know whose package this is."

The man replied, "I said shut up," and lifted Shag into the air with one hand. He turned to his soldiers and said, "Check everything carefully."

All his people began checking the contents of the boxes.After few minutes later,One man approached and reported, "Sir, there are house-building items in 10 boxes, food and seeds in 4 boxes, herbs in 5 boxes, clothes in 5 boxes, and 4 boxes with golden letters attached."

After hearing the report, the leader said, "Got it. Move out." Then he turned to Shag and asked, "Who among them are the workers?"

Shag replied defiantly, "I won't tell you anything about it."

The man responded, "So you won't say anything?"

Shag firmly repeated, "Not a single thing."

The man reached into his pocket, and Shag braced himself for danger. But when the man pulled out a red emblem marked with an eagle, Shag was shocked. "Red Eagle!" he exclaimed.

The man released him, and Shag immediately bowed to the ground. "Sorry, sir, I will tell you everything," he said. The man didn't ask further and shag simply said, "There are 40 workers disguised as guards." He then handed a list to that man.

Taking the list, the man asked, "Who are the workers?"

Shag moved towards the fallen guards and began identifying the workers one by one. The man ordered, "Grab them, put them on the cart, and move towards the mountain."

All the dark figures lifted the carts using their ki and began moving towards the mountain. The man turned to Shag and said, "Your work is done. Go back to the market and stay there until the workers return. Don't tell anyone who we are. Just say that all the carts were delivered. Now leave." He then disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared.

Shag sat on the ground, sighing in shock. "Red Eagle, here?" he muttered.

As the other guards began to wake up, they noticed the missing carts and workers. They ran to Shag, shouting, "Sir, the carts are stolen!"

Shag replied, "Nope, the carts and workers were delivered just a while ago while you were sleeping. Now, let's return."

One guard asked, "But what about our men?"

Shag reassured them, "They will come. Let's return."

The guards accepted his explanation and began moving towards the exit, with Shag leading them.

On the other hand, the black-clad man was leading their team, lifting the carts as they moved towards the mountain. After a few minutes, they reached the mountain base.

The leader pulled out a vessel and created a special sound. A person came down, saw the situation, and quickly returned. The leader then instructed his team, "Leave this here and get back to work."

All the men placed the carts down and returned to their positions, except for the leader.

After some time, Dan came down with 20 black warriors. The leader greeted him, "Greetings, Lord. Code 47 here, and this package arrived just a while ago."

Dan examined the situation and quickly understood. He asserted his dominance, saying, "Leave." The leader handed over two papers and disappeared. Dan looked at the paper he received from Sang and the one given by the black-clad man.

He instructed the other warriors, "Clean it up," and disappeared. The other warriors began taking the packages up the mountain. Dan reappeared at a place where Ang was running...