
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 28: All Weapons in One(2)

Ang followed the blacksmith into the inner workshop. The door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit space filled with the smell of hot metal. Inside, tools cluttered every surface, illuminated by flickering torches. Ang's eyes darted around, taking in rows of workbenches and anvils.

After entering, Ang could hear the sound of hammering echoing, mingling with the hiss of metal meeting flame from the back. It was like a musical tone. Ang felt excitement building as he stepped further inside, his mind racing with thoughts.

Inside the workshop, Ang observed that they were descending deeply into the workshop, which amazed him as he realized this was the true Murim blacksmith workshop he had read about in novels in his previous life. After walking for a while, they stopped at a large workstation.

The blacksmith said, "Now, here, this is my workshop, which is currently not in use, named Emberblaze. It's an impressive place, isn't it? But before I tell you more about it, let me introduce myself properly. My name is Hesh. Don't judge my age by my appearance; I am even older than your grandfather." He laughed.

Ang's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You look so young and strong. How is that possible?"

Hesh chuckled softly, the sound echoing off the metal walls. "Ah, the wonders of this world, boy. This is just a body-changing art I use to hide from troublemakers. The world is full of those who'd want to challenge or deceive me based on my true appearance."

Ang nodded, fascinated. "So, this workshop belongs to your friend? What kind of person is he?"

Hesh's expression softened, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "My friend, yes, he is the original owner of Emberblaze, was a master blacksmith and a brilliant inventor. We trained together, learned martial arts from different masters but bonded like disciple brothers. He was a genius in every sense of the word, always pushing the boundaries of what we thought possible. Unfortunately, he passed away many years ago, so I took it upon myself to keep his legacy alive and am currently here to pass it on to someone."

Ang felt a pang of sympathy. "I'm sorry to hear that, sir. It sounds like he was an incredible person."

Hesh nodded, a smile returning to his face. "Indeed, he was. But you know, before I became a blacksmith here, I was a great warrior. I traveled across the lands, fought in countless battles, and honed my skills with various weapons. It was during those years that I realized the importance of a well-crafted weapon. A warrior's life often depends on the quality of their gear."

Ang's eyes lit up with curiosity. "A warrior? That sounds amazing!"

Hesh looked thoughtful. "Yes, but after many years on the battlefield, I grew weary of the constant fighting and bloodshed. I wanted to create something that could help others achieve their dreams and protect themselves. I decided to settle down and devote myself to mastering the art of forging from my friend. It was a natural transition, blending my combat experience with the craft of creating weapons. After he passed away, I came here to find someone to pass on his skills."

Ang nodded, fascinated by Hesh's journey. "That's incredible. So, you bring all that knowledge from your warrior days into your work as a blacksmith?"

Hesh smiled. "Exactly. Every weapon I forge carries the experience and understanding of a warrior. I know what it takes for a weapon to be both effective and reliable in battle. Now, enough about me. Tell me about yourself, boy."

Hesh paused, looking at Ang with a thoughtful expression. "Wait, you know, boy, I see great potential in you. How about you become my disciple? I can teach you everything I know."

Ang shook his head, his expression firm. "I appreciate the offer, sir, but I'm not ready for that kind of commitment. I am very weak to learn blacksmithing, and my family wouldn't allow it. Also, I have my own path to follow."

Hesh nodded, not deterred. "I understand. Then what about learning my martial arts and becoming my disciple? I too need a disciple to pass on my legacy. The knowledge and skills you could gain would be invaluable."

Ang remained resolute. "I'm sorry, Hesh, but my answer is still no."

Hesh sighed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Alright, how about this? Let's make a bet. I'll create a weapon specially designed for you, free of charge. If it satisfies you, you become my disciple. If not, I won't mention it again, and even the Ling family won't say anything about it."

Ang was shocked and said, "Wait, I didn't tell you about my family or even my name. How do you know?"

Hesh said, "I told you before, I have great knowledge. So, what do you think? Is it a yes or no?"

Ang said, "What if I reject the bet?"

Hesh said, "Then I won't do anything but just steal you and beat you until you say yes."

Ang said, "What? You cannot do that."

Hesh said, "Think again, boy." He smiled.

Ang observed the surroundings and saw there were only two people, just him and Hesh. After thinking for a while, Ang said confidently, "Considering the bet. The idea of a custom weapon is tempting."

After a moment, Ang nodded. "Alright, sir, you have a deal. But remember, if the weapon doesn't meet my expectations, I remain free to follow my own path."

Hesh grinned, a spark of excitement in his eyes. "Deal! Now, let's get started on your description of your weapon."

Ang's mind raced as he considered the possibilities. Then he said to Vincel.

Ang said (in his mind), "Hey, Vincel."

Vincel said, "Yes, young master Ang."

Ang said, "Tell me the description slowly, line by line when I say start, okay?"

Vincel said, "Initiating the data and compiling it... All done."

Ang moved towards the weapons, pretending to observe them. He moved towards each weapon hanging there, observing them carefully. Then he began, his voice filled with determination. "I want a weapon that combines the best features of swords, spears, blades, and staffs. Something versatile and powerful. Can you do that?"

Hesh was shocked and laughed. "Combining the strengths of different weapons into one? Boy, do you think that's possible? You just described something that is even impossible for blacksmiths."

After a few minutes of thought, Ang asked Hesh, "Sir, do you need something to write down the description?"

Hesh replied, "Oh, there's more to come? Just tell me, boy. Are you questioning my memory because I'm old? My brain is sharp and accurate."

Ang then said, "Okay, then here's the explanation: The weapon I need has these features:"

Ang said to Vincel, "Start." Vincel continued.

Ang said, "The Spin Attack feature allows the wielder to create a whirlwind of devastation by using the weapon's weight and momentum. It delivers powerful blows to multiple opponents in one smooth motion, instilling fear in anyone who faces it."

Hesh said, "Oh, it's a sword, got it."

Ang said, "There's more to come, sir."

Hesh said, "Oh."

Ang continued, "In addition to its offensive abilities, the weapon excels in defense, offering unmatched blocking capabilities against incoming attacks. Its sturdy construction ensures it can withstand even the strongest blows, providing reliable protection for the wielder. One impressive aspect of this weapon is its ability to disarm opponents effortlessly. Through precise movement and timing, the wielder can strip foes of their weapons, leaving them defenseless. Furthermore, the weapon's dual-wielding capabilities take its effectiveness to new levels. By wielding two weapons simultaneously, the wielder can unleash rapid and powerful strikes, overwhelming even the most skilled adversaries. Feints and deception are also crucial tactics with this weapon, allowing the wielder to outsmart opponents and gain a strategic advantage in combat. Footwork is essential for maximizing the weapon's effectiveness, enabling the wielder to maintain distance, evade attacks, and position themselves advantageously in battle. Precision strikes are a key feature of this weapon, allowing the wielder to target specific weak points on their opponent's body with deadly accuracy, maximizing damage while minimizing the risk of retaliation. Lastly, the weapon's flowing movement displays expert martial skills, moving smoothly between attack and defense. Each move shows the wielder's expertise, impressing opponents."

Hesh was surprised by Ang's explanation and remained silent for a while. Then he said, "Awesome, boy. You make me want you more. The description you gave is more challenging, but I will definitely fulfill it and make you the weapon with these features. Rest assured, you will become my disciple."

Ang replied, "How much time will it take, sir?"

Hesh commented, "Let's make it up to a three-year contract. Let's see who can win."

Ang then asked, "Okay, sir. But do you understand the information I've given you?"

Hesh nodded and said, "Yes, boy, I understand everything, including the meaning behind your previous question about combining all weapons into one. Your explanation also covers the features of all weapons. I need some time to think about the material they can handle your constitution too."

Ang said, "Constitution?"

Hesh, pretending to correct himself, said, "Ah, that means after you train with me, you will become too powerful. Then it needs a weapon that can handle it, right?"

Ang said, "Yes, sir."

But ,Ang still had doubts because two

powerful people had mentioned

constitution, and he knew what a constitution was but didn't know that he had it.

Then Ang replied, "Then my work here is over. I have to go; Dan is waiting, and if I don't return soon, he will come looking for me. Goodbye." He moved towards the door.

As Ang walked towards the exit, Hesh watched him go and thought to himself, "Hmm, finally, I've met a genius as great as the leaders of the Murim Alliance and as strong as me in my Also ,the weapon he desires exceeds all expectations."

Hesh scanned the weapons hanging around the room but couldn't find anything that inspired him as much as Ang's idea. He pondered, "How did he come up with the concept of 'all weapons in one' and its details? And how can I make it possible? Haha, that boy has given me a challenge greater than the emperor ever did." As Hesh kept thinking, the door closed on its own.