
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 27: All weapons in one (1)

Dan: Good day, sir. I've come seeking to place an order. Could someone assist me?

Blacksmith Manager: Welcome, esteemed warrior. We have a wide selection to meet your needs. What specifically are you looking for?

Dan: I'm in need of weights for ankles and wrists, each pair weighing around 5, 10, and 20 maunds for legs, and for hands weighing 2.5, 5, and 10 maunds.

[ Maund for measurement]

Blacksmith Manager: Ah, you've come to the right place. We take pride in our craftsmanship. Let me show you some of our finest pieces. Here we have a selection of ankle bands and bracelets forged from the finest steel, iron, and cold iron. Each one has been meticulously crafted for balance and strength.

Dan: Thank you for your assistance. I'll take some time to consider my options.

Blacksmith Manager: Of course. Take your time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask.

Ang: Dan, ummmm..... How about a neck band too?

Dan: Why a neck band?

Ang: Take it if needed in the future.

Dan: In addition to the weights, we need a neck band as well.

Blacksmith Manager: Certainly. We have neck bands designed to provide optimal resistance and comfort. Let me show you our selection.

Dan: What are the prices for these items?

Blacksmith Manager: each set of iron is priced at 50 copper coins per maund, steel costs 2 silver, and cold iron is priced at 5 silver.

Dan: And the total cost?

Blacksmith Manager: For the iron set, the total cost is 3500 copper coins for ankle rings including Neckbaand 1750 copper coins for bracelets, totaling 5250 copper coins. For the steel set, it is 140 silver for ankle rings and neckband and 70 silver for bracelets, totaling 210 silver. Lastly, the total cost for the cold iron set ,totaling 525 silver. As a new customer, you are eligible for a discount. After applying the discount, the final price of the cold iron set comes to 420 silver, while the final price of the steel set is 200 silver if both sets are purchased together. So, the total price will be 620 silver, and if you pay it in gold, it is 6 gold coins.

And , if you have gold ingots then it will be 5 gold ingots.However, no discount is applicable to the iron set.

Dan: We'll take both the steel and iron set for the ankle bands, wristbands, and the neck band. Please have them ready as soon as possible.

Blacksmith Manager: Of course, esteemed warrior. We will have your order prepared promptly.

Ang moved through the bustling blacksmith shop, inspecting various items. The shop was filled with the sound of hammering metal and the sight of glowing forges, creating an atmosphere both lively and intense.

His eyes eagerly scanned the array of weapons hanging from hooks and displayed on racks. Swords of varying lengths glinted under the workshop lights, axes with formidable heads stood ready for battle, and spears with their elongated tips exuded a sense of precision. Among them, staves leaned against the walls, daggers nestled in their sheaths, and a crossbow sat atop a counter. Ang couldn't suppress his curiosity.

Turning to Vincel,"Vincel, would these swords, axes, spears, staves, daggers, crossbows, and other weapons be useful in the 36 directional technique?" he asked, hoping for insights into their practical applications.

Vincel, the voice command AI, activated with a soft hum. "Analyzing..." it responded, processing each weapon's attributes and compatibility with the 36 directional arts.

"The swords," Vincel began, "possess a 70% compatibility with the 36 directional technique. Their design enables swift strikes and fluid transitions between movements, ideal for precise directional changes. The Spin Attack feature allows for a whirlwind of devastation, leveraging the sword's weight and momentum to strike multiple opponents effortlessly."

Moving to the nearby axes, Vincel continued, "Axes maintain a 40% compatibility. Their strength lies in delivering powerful blows with weighted heads, suitable for robust maneuvers and wide arcs. While less effective for disarming, they excel in disrupting opponents' defenses."

Pointing out a finely crafted spear, Vincel noted, "Spears offer a 90% compatibility. Their elongated reach and precise thrusting capabilities are strategic advantages, maintaining distance and targeting specific directional points. The Spin Attack utilizes the spear's length for wide arcs, effective against multiple opponents."

As Ang's gaze shifted to the staff, Vincel elucidated, "Staffs offer an 80% compatibility. With extended reach and versatile strikes, they're effective in sweeping attacks and defensive maneuvers, though dual-wielding requires specialized training."

"The dagger," Vincel continued, "boasts a 10% compatibility.But It excels in close-quarter combat with its speed and precision, ideal for quick strikes and parries. Effective in close-range disarming maneuvers and dual-wielding scenarios."

Moving to the crossbow, Vincel mentioned, "Crossbows have a 30% compatibility, offering ranged precision and tactical advantage. Minimal defensive capabilities but adept at targeting specific weak points from a distance."

Ang nodded attentively as Vincel analyzed each weapon meticulously. The AI's insights provided a deeper understanding of their attributes and how they aligned with the nuanced techniques of the 36 directional arts. It was a testament to both the craftsmanship of the blacksmiths and the technological precision of Vincel in aiding Ang's quest for martial mastery.

As Ang absorbed Vincel's comprehensive analysis, he appreciated how each weapon's unique attributes could contribute to his mastery of the 36 directional arts. The insights provided by Vincel not only broadened his understanding but also deepened his respect for the craftsmanship and strategic versatility inherent in the weapons crafted by the skilled blacksmiths. Armed with this knowledge, Ang knew he could make informed decisions that would refine his combat skills and elevate his prowess on the battlefield.

As Ang contemplated the compatibility of various weapons with the 36 directional arts, he said to Vincel with a determined expression. "Vincel," he began, "what if we could combine the best features of all these weapons into one? A weapon with 100% compatibility with the 36 directional arts."

Vincel, as a ever-ready AI assistant, hummed softly in response Ang's request "Processing and merging all the weapons describe by the user... ".

After a moment, it responded "How about a Double Edge Sword Spear Blade Staff?"

Ang's eyes widened with intrigue at the name. "Double Edge Sword Spear Blade Staff?" he echoed, imagining the amalgamation of features from swords, spears, blades, and staffs.

"The Double Edge Sword Spear Blade Staff," Vincel explained, "combines the swift strikes of a sword, the extended reach and thrusting capabilities of a spear, the cutting and hooking techniques of a blade, and the versatility and sweeps of a staff."

Vincel continued, "This weapon features a dual-edged blade for swift and precise strikes, similar to a sword. Its elongated shaft allows for thrusting maneuvers, akin to a spear, enhancing its reach in combat. The curved and serrated sections along the blade facilitate cutting and hooking techniques, offering flexibility in offensive and defensive maneuvers. Additionally, the staff component provides leverage and stability, enabling sweeping attacks and versatile defensive strategies."

"Wow," Ang murmured, fascinated by the concept. "Would it be heavy?"

Vincel calculated, "Its weight would be balanced to ensure agility and control, optimized for rapid directional changes and precise strikes, depending on user."

Ang nodded thoughtfully, envisioning how such a weapon could elevate his martial prowess. "Could it perform Spin Attacks like the spear and the staff?"

"Yes," Vincel confirmed. "The Double Edge Sword Spear Blade Staff would integrate Spin Attack capabilities from both the spear and staff components, allowing for devastating whirlwind maneuvers to strike multiple opponents."

"Amazing," Ang breathed, his excitement growing. "Could it also disarm opponents ?"

"Indeed," Vincel affirmed. "The design includes mechanisms for leveraging and precise movements, enabling effective disarming maneuvers in close combat."

Satisfied with Vincel's analysis, Ang knew that this unique weapon could greatly enhance the combat skills.He moved to Dan after inspecting.

As Dan was looking at a selection of steel wristbands, Suddenly an old man with a heavy, muscular body approached them . His presence was imposing, drawing the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

Noticing the old man, Ang looked up curiously, but Dan immediately stepped in front of him, his protective instincts telling him to steps in. Dan's eyes were wary, his body tense, ready to defend Ang at a moment's notice. The old man , however, remained silent for a moment, his piercing gaze assessing both Dan and Ang.

Through sound transmission, the old man spoke directly to Dan's mind, his voice calm and reassuring.

"Hey, don't worry. I will not harm him."

Dan's eyes narrowed, sensing that the man's martial prowess and realm were far above his own. Despite this, he didn't want to leave Ang unprotected. His thoughts raced as he evaluated the situation.

"I'm not evil, Kimmy," the old man continued.

Dan's eyes widened at the mention of that name. It was a name he hadn't heard in years, one known only to a select few. He wanted to ask more, but the old man interrupted his thoughts.

"I like the kid and want to chat with him in private. If I meant harm, you wouldn't be able to protect him."The old man send a message through sound transmission.

Dan hesitated, still glaring at the old man. The man's confidence and calm demeanor suggested he wasn't a threat, but Dan remained cautious. He knew he couldn't match the old man's strength, but his duty to protect Ang was paramount.

The old man waited patiently, his gaze steady on Dan, conveying both authority and reassurance. Dan finally nodded, stepping aside reluctantly but staying close by.

As a novel reader in his past life, Ang quickly picked up on their silent exchange. He could tell they were communicating through sound transmission, a technique he'd read about many times. Observing the tension in Dan and the calm demeanor of the old man, Ang decided to intervene.

"I will go, Dan," Ang said calmly.

"But young master," Dan protested, his concern evident.

Ang turned to Dan with a reassuring smile. "He said he didn't harm me, so let me see what he wants to say."

Ang approached the old man, curiosity and caution mingling in his expression. "What is it you wish to discuss?" he asked, his voice steady.

The old man's eyes softened slightly as he looked at Ang. "You have potential, young one. I wish to offer something for your guidance, to help you unlock your true strength."

Ang listened intently, intrigued by the old man's words. The promise of unlocking his true strength was a tempting offer, one that could help him achieve his goals.

"Tell me more," Ang said, eager to hear what the old man had to offer.

The old man nodded approvingly. "Follow me then."

With that, he turned and began walking towards a door at the back of the room. Ang hesitated for a moment, casting a reassuring glance at Dan before following the old man. Dan's protective instincts flared up, but he knew better than to interfere when Ang had made up his mind. Still, he remained vigilant, his eyes never leaving Ang.

As Ang and the old man entered the room, the door closed behind them, leaving Dan behind.