
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 26: Master and Disciple.

Then, after seeing each other, they moved towards each other. When they were near, they both spoke at the same time, "Do we know each other?"

They fell silent for a moment, taking in each other's presence. Dan noticed that the surrounding people were beginning to take an interest in them, and the danger level was rising. He said, "Firstly, let's move to a quieter place."

Lin looked at Dan and said, "wait I know you."

They moved together to a classical restaurant nearby and sat at a table for four. The atmosphere was calm, with soft music playing and the aroma of freshly brewed tea filling the air. They settled into their seats, a sense of anticipation hanging between them.

Dan broke the silence. "It's safer here. Now, let's talk."

Lin nodded, her curiosity piqued. "I feel like we've met before, but I can't place where."

Ang, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. "There's a reason we all feel this way. Our paths are intertwined, perhaps more than we know."

Then Dan moved closer to Ang's ear and whispered, "Young master, she is the disciple you made."

Ang was shocked. "What? Isn't she too young?"

Dan kept silent for a moment and then said, "Young master, she is the same age group as you, and you are young too."

Ang suddenly remembered and said, "Ahh, heh heh heh, I thought she would be older."

Dan replied, "You took her as your disciple without looking at her, young master."

Lin, observing the conversation between them, then said, "Hello."

Ang said, "Ah, yes, what is it?"

Lin said, "Are you my master? I have a feeling that tells me you are my master."

Ang, shocked and confused, turned to Dan and said, "What should I do now, Dan? What if I tell her yes and she runs away?"

Dan said, "It has to happen eventually, young master. Whether now or later, it doesn't matter. Just tell her."

Ang hesitated before saying, "Umm... yes."

Lin remained silent for a while, then stood up from her seat. Ang thought, "Will she run?"

Instead, Lin moved to the other side and bowed deeply, greeting, "Disciple Lin greets the master."

All three were shocked by this behavior, and Dan checked the surroundings to ensure no one was watching them.

Ang, feeling embarrassed, said, "Okay, okay, now sit back down."

Lin sat back in her chair, and all three fell silent for a while until a waiter came and asked, "Would you like to order something?"

Ang said, "Yes, yes, bring us some desserts."

The waiter was confused and asked, "Desserts? What do you mean?"

Dan clarified, "He means the special food."

The waiter nodded, "Thank you," and left.

After a while, Ang spoke to Lin, "Hello, um... Lin, right?"

Lin said, "Yes, master."

Ang, after thinking, asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Lin replied, "No, master."

Taken aback by her direct answer,After awhile Ang asked, "Don't you have any questions like, 'Why is my master a child?' or 'Is he lying?'"

Lin said, "No, master. I have a feeling that tells me you are my master, and a master is a master, regardless of being a child, a man, or an old man."

Ang was taken aback by her unwavering faith and loyalty. Dan smiled, sensing the bond that was forming.

The waiter returned with their order, and when Lin saw the dish, she was shocked but managed to hide her reaction. The dishes were all of a royal type, and she glanced at her master before looking back at the food. As they started to eat, the tension began to ease.

"Lin," Ang said, "There's a lot we need to discuss. Our journey is just beginning."

Lin nodded, "Yes, master. I'm ready."

In the silence ,they were eating and Ang was chatting with Vincel in mind .

Ang: Vincel, about the training equipment, what should we ask the blacksmith to make for our foundational training?

Vincel: For foundational training, we'll need some basic equipment to help build your strength and endurance. I suggest starting with weighted wristbands and ankle weights. These will help increase resistance during your exercises and enhance your physical conditioning.

Ang: That sounds good. Should we get anything else?

Vincel: Yes, consider a full neck band as well. It will aid in strengthening your neck muscles and improving overall stability, which is crucial for martial arts.

Ang: Why do we need a neck band?

Vincel: A neck band helps strengthen your neck muscles and improves overall stability. It's particularly important for martial artists to have strong neck muscles to prevent injuries and enhance balance.

Ang: Do I really need it?

Vincel: It's not mandatory, but if you want to maximize your training and ensure you're developing every aspect of your physical fitness, it's a valuable addition. If you feel it's unnecessary for now, we can focus on the wristbands, ankle weights, and the staff for the 36 Directional Technique.

Ang: Okay, so wristbands, ankle weights, a neck band, and a staff. I'll make sure to tell the blacksmith. Thanks, Vincel.

Vincel: You're welcome, young master. These tools will be essential in laying a strong foundation for your training.

Then ,Ang suddenly asked, "What's your size Lin ?" Dan and 47 immediately choked, feeling a mix of embarrassment and disbelief.

Lin looked confused and asked, "What size?"

Ang, realizing the awkwardness of his question, quickly corrected himself, blushing. "Not that size. I mean your wrist and ankle size."

Lin raised an eyebrow, still puzzled . "My wrist and ankle size? Why do you need to know that, master?"

Ang, still a bit flustered, explained, "I need to get you some equipment and clothing that fit properly. It's important for training."

Dan, trying to help smooth over the situation, added, "Yes, it's crucial that your gear fits well to ensure you can move comfortably and safely during training."

Lin nodded, understanding the practical reasoning behind the question now. "Oh, I see. Well, I didn't measure the size because I didn't need to, and clothes..." She paused, thinking back to her life before. "Master, as I told you before, I was a maid. I wore anything my parents gave me, so I don't have any specifications in clothes. As for training equipment, let's measure them now."

Ang, realizing the practicality of her suggestion, nodded. "Good idea, Lin. Let's get those measurements taken."

Dan, ever the pragmatist, quickly use his hand to measure his hand. "Let's start with your wrist and ankle size."

Lin held out her wrist, and Dan carefully measured it. "12 centimeters," he noted. Then he moved to her ankles. "15 centimeters," he confirmed. As he touched Lin's hand, a strange sensation coursed through him, something he had never felt before. It was a mix of terror and an inexplicable energy.

When Dan measured Lin's other hand, he suddenly realized that she possessed an innate body—a rare and powerful physical trait. The revelation left him stunned. He recalled a conversation he had with the old man on the forest .

However, Dan couldn't identify the specific type of innate body Lin had, as it required more knowledge and experience than he possessed.Overwhelmed and unsure, he quickly released her hand. Then he looked at Ang and then back at Lin, thinking to himself, "Two innate bodies."

Ang jotted down the measurements. "We'll get you some properly fitting training gear soon. It's important for your comfort and safety."

Lin smiled, feeling a sense of relief and anticipation. "Thank you, master. I'm ready to start my training and do my best."

Then Ang said to Dan , "Let's go to the blacksmith to make some measurements for your training equipment. Lin, you can go to the mountain in the meantime."

Lin nodded obediently. "Okay, master. I will be waiting."

As they left the restaurant, Ang and Dan headed towards the blacksmith's shop while Lin made her way to the mountain.As they moved , Dan couldn't shake the thought of Lin's innate body. Parting ways with Ang momentarily, he kept looking back, his mind racing. He knew the significance of his discovery and the potential danger it posed.

Without drawing attention, Dan sent a sound transmission to a few trusted individuals. "Ensure the young master's disciple, Lin, is protected at all times. Assign 5,13,17 guards to her."

Returning to Ang's side, Dan continued to focus on their mission, but his mind remained vigilant, knowing that both Ang and Lin's safety was now of paramount importance.After some times later ,they entre the shop .

The blacksmith's shop was bustling with activity, the sound of hammering metal filling the air.

Dan and Ang entered the bustling blacksmith's shop, where weapons and armor gleamed under the flickering torchlight. Ang, as a young master, surveyed the surroundings with a keen eye, noting the skilled craftsmen and warriors inspecting various arms.

"Young master , since we're here for measurements, would you like to have yours taken as well?" Dan's tone was gentle and considerate, reflecting his awareness of Ang's young age and healthy background.

Ang asked, "Why me?"

Dan replied calmly, "You need to be trained too."

Ang thought to himself, " F*ck, no."