
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 25: First Sight

After leaving the house, Lin move towards the market she was also thinking about th emblem which was stolen by City lord son.

Then she see the narrow streets of the market were bustling with people, yet she felt a strange point of view among the crowd. Her thoughts drifted to the emblem stolen by the city lord's son, Jori and none of them come to help . It was a symbol of her first time meeting with the master she had never met but who had promised her protection and training.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, moving with an eerie grace that caught Lin's attention. The woman who had appeared before , now clad in different clothes that blended seamlessly with the market surroundings, approached her. Lin recognized her instantly despite the change in attire.

"Miss Lin," the woman greeted, her voice calm and reassuring.

"You're the that guard who leaves me when coming here ," Lin replied, her eyes widening. "The one who came as my guard ."

"Yes, but here, I am known by the name 47 and I cannot reveal name expect the lord ," the woman said, offering a slight nod.

Lin glanced around, her voice lowering with anger . "47, why are you here,Now ?"

47 reached into her cloak and take out an emblem, the one that had been taken from Lin. "I believe this belongs to you," she said, handing it to Lin.

Lin took the emblem, her fingers tracing its familiar patterns. Relief and happiness washed over her. "How did you get this back?" And she take it back and hug it .

47's eyes glimmered with a hint of amusement. "Let's just say, the city lord's son needs to learn to be more careful with his belongings."

Lin's brow furrowed. "Thank you. This means a lot to me."

47 inclined her head. "It is my duty to protect you and ensure you have what you need for your journey."

Lin looked at the emblem, then back at 47. "Why didn't you help me in the market before?"

47's expression turned serious. "I was observing, assessing the situation. Intervention can sometimes cause more harm than good. But know this, Lin—I am always watching, always ready to step in if the need is dire."

Lin nodded slowly, understanding the gravity of 47's role. "What do I do now?"

"You continue on your path to mountain," 47 instructed. "Your journey is just beginning. Keep the emblem close; it is not just a symbol but a key to your future training and protection."

Lin clutched the emblem tighter. "I will. Thank you, 47."

47 smiled slightly. "Remember, Lin, you are not alone. Even when you can't see me, I am always there, guiding and protecting you."

With that, 47 melted back into the crowd, disappearing as swiftly as she had appeared and following Lin . Lin stood in the busy market, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and a connection to a larger, unseen force guiding her journey.

As Lin turned to continue her path, she heard someone calling from behind. She looked back and saw her father, Leon, running towards her, his face a mix of urgency and determination. He was clutching a small pouch in his hand.

"Lin, wait!" Leon called out, his voice breathless but strong.

Lin's heart tightened at the sight of her father. She paused, allowing him to catch up. "Father, what are you doing here?"

Leon finally reached her, his breath heavy from running. He handed her the pouch. "Take this, Lin. It's my saved silver."

Lin's eyes widened in surprise. "But Father, why are you giving this to me now?"

Leon shook his head, his eyes filled with love and resolve. "You're going to train, to become something greater than we ever imagined. This will help you on your journey."

Lin hesitated, her emotions a swirl of gratitude and sorrow. "But Father, this is your hard-earned savings."

Leon placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Your future is bright, Lin. Use this silver to take care of yourself, to buy what you need. Your mother and I want you to be safe and succeed and this savings is for you too ."

Lin felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she blinked them away. She took the pouch and hugged her father tightly. "Thank you, Father. I won't let you down."

Leon hugged her back, his grip firm yet gentle. "We believe in you, Lin. Show the world what you're capable of."

They stood there for a moment, savoring the last bit of time together before Lin's journey truly began. Finally, Leon pulled away, his eyes shining with pride. "Go now, and make us proud."

Lin nodded, her heart swelling with joyness . With the emblem in one hand and the pouch of silver in the other.She turned once more and continued on her path, knowing that her family's love and support would always be with her.

On the other side of town, Ang and Dan emerged from the dense forest, heading toward the bustling market. The transition from the quiet woods to the lively marketplace was stark, with sounds of chatter, haggling, and laughter filling the air.

As they approached the market gate, adorned with colorful banners and swaying lanterns, Ang took in the vibrant scene. The hustle and bustle enveloped them immediately—vendors called out their wares, carts clattered over cobblestones, and the mingling scents of food and spices teased their senses.

Dan's sharp eyes scanned the crowd. As a transcendent warrior, he could sense the hidden dangers that Ang, could not. Among the throngs of ordinary people were supreme warriors in disguise, members of the elusive Beggar Association, and secret agents from various factions, all blending seamlessly into the chaos.After walking for few metres.

Ang suggested, keeping his tone light. "I'm starving.Let's find something to eat first,"

Dan smiled, trying to ease the tension. "Good idea, young master. Let's see what looks good."

They navigated through the crowded stalls, stopping occasionally to inspect the goods on display. The market was a sensory overload, but Dan's awareness of the underlying threats didn't diminish his enthusiasm.

They needed to blend in and not draw any unnecessary attention.They eventually found a stall grilling skewers of meat and vegetables, the mouth-watering aroma drawing them in. They ordered and found a quiet spot to eat, savoring the delicious flavors.

Elsewhere in the bustling market, Lin wandered through the crowd, her stomach growling. She had eaten before leaving home, but now that she had some money, her senses urged her to indulge in the delicious aromas wafting through the air. She made her way toward a food stall, eyes scanning for something appetizing.

Just across the lane, she spotted a noodle shop. The savory scent of broth and spices drew her in, but as she approached, she noticed a group of rough-looking men lingering nearby. Uneasy, Lin decided to avoid any potential trouble and moved on.

Her steps took her to another noodle shop just down the road. This one seemed quieter, more inviting. She approached it eagerly, hoping for a peaceful meal. Unbeknownst to her, this food stall was directly opposite the one where Ang and Dan had settled to eat.As Lin sat down and placed her order, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

Across the market, 47, in her unassuming disguise, had sensed Dan's presence. Recognizing him immediately, she made her way toward him.

Dan noticed 47's approach and, without missing a beat, initiated a silent conversation through sound transmission.

"What are you doing here, 47?" he asked, his eyes never leaving Ang .

"I'm following Lin," she replied, pointing discreetly towards Lin's food stall.

"She's right there, eating noodles."Dan's gaze followed her gesture, landing on Lin.

"Good," he transmitted back. "I need you to go to her. Take her towards the mountain. We'll follow shortly after."47 nodded subtly and moved towards Lin's stall.

After finishing her noodles, Lin reached into her pocket to pay, but before she could retrieve her coins, 47 had already settled the bill with the stall owner. Lin offered a grateful smile, and they resumed their path through the market.

Meanwhile, Ang and Dan finished their meal of skewers and proceeded towards a nearby blacksmith. As they strolled along, they crossed paths with Lin and 47. There was a brief moment where their eyes met, and something unspoken passed between them—a recognition .

After a few more steps, both Lin and Ang simultaneously turned around, almost as if pulled by an invisible force.

Each had sensed something familiar about the other, a connection beyond the bustling market and their respective missions. After a few more steps, both Lin and Ang found themselves inexplicably drawn back to each other. They paused, their gazes locking once more across the bustling market.

In that moment, amidst the noise and chaos around them, a sense of connection and understanding seemed to bridge the space between them and Also someone else opens his eyes afar in a shop.