
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 24: Preparation

On the mountain, Ang completed his drawing. Then he thought about the training methods, continually pondering how to train like a master teaching a disciple. Finally, he simply asked Vincel in his mind.

Ang said, "Hey, Vincel."

Vincel responded, "Yes, how can I help you, Ang?"

Ang replied, "First, call me young master, okay?"

Vincel said, "Got it."

Ang asked, "Do you have any training methods saved in you?"

Vincel said, "Checking... Found it. Yes, there are common training methods including On-the-Job Training (OJT), Classroom Training, E-Learning, Workshops and Seminars, Simulations and Role-Playing, Mentoring and Coaching, Apprenticeships, Blended Learning, Webinars and Virtual Classrooms, Job Rotation, Case Studies and Group Discussions, Self-Directed Learning, and Interactive Training."

Ang said, "Not those earthly methods, but Murim-type training or how people in the ancient world trained."

Vincel said, "Checking user requirements... Found it. In Murim or ancient civilizations, people were trained through a combination of intense physical conditioning, martial arts techniques, meditation and mental discipline, weapon training, qi (chi) training, sparring and combat practice, survival skills, secret techniques and manuals, mentorship and apprenticeships, and cultural and philosophical education. Training is depicted as grueling and demanding, requiring dedication, resilience, and a strong will to achieve mastery."

Ang said, "Umm, can you be specific or just explain how to train using these methods and their equipment?"

Vincel began, "Let me lay out a structured approach to your training based on Murim world concepts." Vincel's voice resonated in Ang's mind.

Ang nodded, mentally preparing and assuming a meditative stance.

Vincel began, "Our first method is Foundational Training. First, we need to build a solid foundation. We'll start by improving your physical fitness through exercises like running, strength training, flexibility exercises, and endurance workouts. How do you feel about your current fitness level?"

Ang said, "Forget about it for now, just explain."

Vincel continued, "Okay then. You will learn fundamental techniques from traditional martial arts such as Taekwondo, Karate, or Kung Fu. This includes basic punches, kicks, blocks, and stances. Is there a particular martial art you're excited to dive into?"

Ang's thoughts brightened. "The 36 Directional Technique? Let's move on to the next; we'll talk about it later. I want to hear the remaining parts."

Vincel said, "Now, our second method is Internal Energy Cultivation. We'll focus on cultivating your internal energy through practices like meditation and breathing exercises. These will help you cultivate your internal energy (Qi) through deep breathing exercises, meditation, and slow, deliberate movements. Have you ever practiced any form of meditation or breathing exercises?"

Ang recalled his past life experiences and said, "I've read about some basic meditation, but they didn't have explanations." He moved his head towards the martial arts boxes sent by his father. "We'll see this later. Now move to the next."

Vincel said, "Our third method is Advanced Techniques and Sparring. Once you have a strong foundation, we'll move on to advanced techniques. You'll progress to more complex techniques, including advanced strikes, grappling, joint locks, and throws. We'll also include weapons training with traditional martial arts weapons such as swords and staffs. Which weapon are you most interested in learning?"

Ang's mind raced with excitement. "The sword has always intrigued me. But which weapon is best for the 36 Directional Technique?"

Vincel agreed, "Perfect. The staff is both challenging and rewarding for the 36 Directional Technique."

Vincel added, "Next, we need someone who can evaluate our progress, so we have Sparring Sessions. Regular sparring will help you apply techniques in a controlled environment, allowing you to adapt and improve your skills in real-time situations. Are you prepared for the intensity of sparring?"

Ang thought for a while and said, "Yes, we have many who can spar. Now move to the next."

Vincel affirmed, "Indeed. Sparring will sharpen your reflexes and decision-making. Our fourth method is Strategic and Tactical Thinking. Developing your mind is just as important as training your body. We'll incorporate the study of strategic texts such as 'The Art of War' or 'The Book of Five Rings' to develop your strategic thinking. Have you read any of these books before?"

Ang said, "I can handle that. I've read many novels and I can tell how to handle various scenarios where we must use our skills and strategies to overcome challenges, similar to the adversities faced by characters in Murim novels I read."

Vincel acknowledged, "Excellent. These scenarios will hone your tactical acumen. Lastly, Moral and Ethical Training and Mentorship Mastery. Mentorship and continuous learning are vital for your growth and development as a martial artist. This final aspect ensures that you are always evolving, learning from others, and eventually teaching what you've learned. You'll be paired with advanced students, scholars, or masters who can guide you, offer personalized advice, and share their wisdom. This relationship mirrors the traditional master-disciple bond found in many martial arts traditions and Murim stories. How do you feel about the idea of mentoring someone in the future?"

Ang was shocked and said, "How can I teach what I don't fully know? I don't even understand this world's language completely. How can I teach Lin, who is... I don't even know how he looks but I know she's a girl or woman?. Let's think about it later. Now, Vincel, is there a martial arts or medical bath?"

Vincel paused briefly and said, "Let me check our saved data. Ah, there's one more important aspect we haven't covered yet."

Ang waited, imagining a bathing scene and laughing creepily. When he heard there was more, his curiosity piqued.

Vincel continued, "A medical bath or a bath made with different types of plants, herbs, and spices. In martial arts training, especially in Murim culture, a medical bath is a traditional practice used for its therapeutic benefits."

Ang said, "Can you explain?"

Vincel explained, "It involves immersing oneself in a bath infused with medicinal herbs or special waters. The herbs used are selected for their healing properties, such as reducing muscle soreness, inflammation, and promoting overall recovery after intense training or injuries."

"That sounds fascinating. How does it work exactly?" Ang's thoughts were filled with images of women rejuvenating in steaming baths.

Vincel said, "The medicinal properties of the herbs penetrate the skin during soaking, helping to relax muscles, improve circulation, and alleviate pain. It's not just about physical recovery but also about rejuvenating the body and enhancing overall well-being."

"I've never tried or seen anyone making anything like that before. When would I use a medical bath?" Ang's mind raced with possibilities. "How do you make a medical bath?"

Vincel said, "To prepare a medical bath, we'll follow these steps. First, select medicinal herbs known for their healing properties."

Ang looked back and said, "We have enough materials, herbs. Let's move to the next step."

Vincel said, "Then, prepare the bath. Boil the herbs to extract their medicinal essence, then add them to a warm bath. We'll adjust the temperature and duration of the bath based on your needs."

Ang said, "Umm, can you create a medical bath if I give you some medicinal herbs?"

Vincel said, "Making a medical bath is easy, but it has many pros and cons regarding the quantity and quality needed. If you want to create one, I will help you achieve the desired results."

Ang said, "Okay," then he moved towards the door and called, "Dan."

Dan instantly showed up, and Ang was shocked. "At least come through the door."

Dan said, "Sorry, young master, I thought you were in danger. But you look fine."

Ang said, "Dan, I've been thinking about going to the blacksmith today. I want to get something made."

Dan asked, "The blacksmith, young master? What do you need to get made? Just tell me what you want and I can order it instantly."

Ang said, "No, I want to go to the market. I've been working and I realized I need some custom training gear like metal hand bars. Something that fits my thoughts perfectly."

Dan said, "Custom training gear? What kind of gear are you thinking about? Just tell me, young master, I will help you buy everything."

Ang said, "I want to create some sets of weighted wristbands and ankle weights. They should be durable and adjustable, so I can gradually increase the weight as I get stronger."

Dan said, "That sounds like a good idea, young master. Custom gear would certainly enhance your training. But why go all the way to the blacksmith? I will order someone to take it for you with the best quality."

Ang said, "I could, but I want to travel to the market nearby and not feel trapped here. Plus, it'll be great to see the blacksmith's craftsmanship."

Dan said, "I understand, young master. It's effective for your training. Are you planning to go today? Didn't we just come yesterday?"

Ang said, "Yes, but think that if we go down now, people will think we are travelers. But if we move later, then they will definitely inquire about us. I was thinking of heading over this afternoon. It would be interesting to see the process and make sure everything is just right."

Dan said, "Okay, young master. I understand that I cannot convince you to stop nor will I be able to win in arguments. It is my duty to accompany you and ensure your safety.Visiting the blacksmith and seeing the creation of your training gear could be quite enlightening."

Ang said, "Great! It's settled then. Let's head to the blacksmith this afternoon. I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

Dan said, "Very well, young master. I shall make the necessary preparations for our visit. It will be interesting to see what the blacksmith can create for your training."

Ang said, "Awesome! This is going to be a lot of fun. Let's get ready and head out."

Later that , Ang and Dan left the mountain and made their way to the nearby market through the forest.