
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 22 : Permission Granted

On Lin's side, Lin and Hneu were returning to the Mei family house. Lin was crying because she had lost the emblem her master had given her, and she feared that he might not accept her without it. Hneu tried to comfort her with words.

"Don't worry, Lin. Your master will understand,If you tell your circumstances" Hneu said softly.

Lin sniffled, wiping her tears. "But what if he doesn't believe me? What if he thinks I lost it on purpose or sold it?"

Hneu shook her head. "He chose you for a reason, Lin. He saw something in you. An emblem is just a thing; it's your character and abilities that matter.He simply give you a acceptance gift "

After a few more minutes of walking in silence, they reached the Mei family house. They chatted briefly with the guards at the entrance before entering.

Inside, the atmosphere was calm and orderly. Servants moved about, attending to their duties. Hneu led Lin through the grand hallways, decorated with elegant tapestries and intricate woodwork, towards the chambers where they would find Lin's parents.

As they walked, Hneu continued to reassure Lin. "We'll go straight to your parents and explain everything. It's important to be honest and let them know exactly what happened."

Lin nodded, still feeling a mix of anxiety and sadness. Hneu knocked gently, and a voice from within bid them to enter.

Opening the door, they stepped into a spacious room. Lin's parents, Quen and Leon, were sitting together at a low table and looked up as they entered. When they saw Lin, their expressions became curious and concerned.

"Lin, what's wrong?" Quen asked.

"Is everything alright?" Leon added, sitting up and moving towards Lin.

Before Lin could respond, Hneu spoke up. "Sir, Ma'am, we need to talk. Something happened today, and it's important you know the details."

Quen looked at Hneu with growing worry. "What happened, young miss?"

Hneu took a deep breath and began to explain. "Lin and I went into the forest today. We ended up meeting a mysterious master....and after she find a master who is willing to take her on as a disciple if she shows loyalty. He gave her a precious emblem. However, on our way back, we encountered the city lord's son, Jori. He saw the emblem and claimed that Lin had stolen it from him. Despite our efforts to explain, he took the emblem by force."

Leon clenched his fists. "The city lord's son, but…?"

Lin nodded, tears welling up in her eyes again. "I was so scared, Dad. I thought he was going to…." She began crying again.

Quen moved closer, embracing Lin. "Oh, my dear, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But why didn't anyone help you?"

"All the people were too afraid of Jori's influence as the city lord's son," Hneu explained. "But Lin was brave. She stood up to him, even though he mocked and belittled her."

Leon took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "We need to go to the city lord and demand justice."

Before Hneu could respond, a servant entered and addressed Hneu. "Miss Hneu, the Lord is summoning you."

Hneu glanced at Lin and her parents. "I'll leave you to talk. Be honest with them, Lin." With that, she left the room, following the servant to the main hall.

Lin turned back to her parents, and after a while, when she had calmed down, she took a deep breath. "Mom, Dad, I also need to talk to you about something important."

Quen paused, giving Lin her full attention. "Of course, Lin. What is it?"

Leon looked at Lin with concern. "Yes, dear. What's on your mind?"

Lin gathered her courage. "I've made a decision. I want to go train under the mysterious master."

Quen looked worried. "The mysterious master? But... why?"

Leon was hesitant. "It's not going to be easy, Lin..." Then he remained silent for a while and looked at Quen. "But more than that, we don't want you to remain bound to this life. We want a better future for you." He became silent again, as if hiding something. Quen also saw the worry in his eyes.

Lin's eyes shone with determination. "I know, Dad. That's exactly why I want to do this. Training with him is my best chance to improve my skills and create a different path for myself. I believe I can learn a lot from him."

Leon sighed, clearly torn. "The Mei family has been kind to us, but we are just servants. If you leave, they won't care. This is your life, Lin. If training with this master is what you truly want, then we fully support you."

Lin said, "Yes, Father, let me tell Hneu about this. I'll come back later." Then she left the room with full determination, not like when she entered it.

After Lin left to meet Hneu, Quen and Leon noticed the change in her. They sat at the table, discussing the conversation they had just had with their daughter.

"What do you think, Quen? I think this is a good chance for Lin," Leon said, his voice filled with determination. "If she can move away from the Mei family house and have a bright future ahead of her, it's better than living here. If Lin lives here, what if the lord forces her into becoming a wife or concubine to the young masters of the Mei family? We don't have a choice to deny it. If she moves out, she'll be much safer and can train with the master she mentioned."

Quen frowned, her worry evident. "But what if the master is no different from the city lord's son, Jori, or some other dangerous man? What if he uses her as a plaything? I'm afraid for her, especially after what happened today."

Before Leon could respond, a woman suddenly landed gracefully on the ground before them. She was dressed in an elegant black suit, and her presence was commanding. Leon became alert.