
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 2 : Training ?

After a few days, everything returned to normal. This was a Murim world, and beheading assassins was common here, just as it was for Ang himself. He had witnessed many brutal deaths in manhwa, on TV, and in novels, so he became desensitized after a short while.

However, for Ang's mother and father, it was a totally shocking experience. They were horrified that their lovely son had seen such a gruesome scene, one that even adults find hard to watch. They had many thoughts about it and began to stick to him always, never leaving his side. For Ang, this was a completely new experience. He had never been part of a group or family, having always lived alone.

It gave him a very creepy feeling when his mother stayed beside him, even at the bathroom door. This made Ang feel even more scared. For an adult man, it was very creepy. He somehow managed to remind himself that his mother was just his mother . But some maids made him feel embarrassed at times. Days turned into months, and months into years, and eventually, time passed.

Ang had turned 10 years old, and due to the excessive care and pampering he received, he had become lazy, much like any other wealthy child. His family's deep affection for him meant no one wanted to push him to train, and Ang himself didn't feel the need to either.

Throughout his ten years of life, he had encountered many assassins—one or two every few months. Each of these assassins targeted him, with the last attack occurring just two weeks ago. Although it had become routine for Ang to face these threats, it was a constant headache for his parents. To ensure his safety, they had even hired a supreme guard to protect him.

One night, when the whole family was dining together, a serious discussion began.

"Ang, there's something we need to discuss," his father began, his voice heavy with concern.

Ang looked up from his plate, sensing the tension. "What is it, Father?"

His mother (Wen) exchanged a worried glance with his father (Swang) before speaking. "We've been thinking about your safety, Ang. The attacks are becoming too frequent."

Ang's older brother, Jin, sighed deeply. "We didn't want it to come to this, but we think it might be best if you go away for a while." And his second brother (Kian) was keep silent .

"Go away? Where?" Ang asked, his heart starting to pound.

"There's a mountain mine far from here," his father explained reluctantly. "It's a remote mining area. No one would think to look for you there, and it's well-guarded."

"But... a mountain mine? That sounds awful," Ang protested. "Why can't I stay here with all of you?"

His mother reached over and took his hand, her eyes filling with tears. "Ang, we don't want you to go. But we have to keep you safe. It's the only way."

Jin nodded, his face serious. "We know it's not what you want, or what we want, but it's necessary. You need to be somewhere safe, and you need to start training to defend yourself."

Ang looked around the table, seeing the sadness and worry in his family's eyes. "So, I have to go?" he whispered.

His father nodded slowly. "Yes, Ang. It's the only way to protect you. We wouldn't do this if we had any other choice."

Despite occasionally feeling frustrated, Ang secretly enjoyed the care and pampering from his family. The idea of being sent to a mountain retreat sparked both curiosity and contentment in him. "Alright, if they think it's best, I'll go," he decided, embracing the change with a mix of laziness and gratitude.

His mother hugged him tightly, her voice choked with emotion. "We love you, Ang. We'll make sure you're safe, and we'll be counting the days until you come back."

"That's our boy," his father said, though his smile was strained. "We'll start the arrangements right away."

After dinner, his father got up and left the room, followed by his mother who hugged him tightly before also leaving. Left in the room were only his two brothers.

Jin, the elder of the two, cleared his throat and exchanged a solemn glance with his younger brother, Kian. "Ang," Jin began, his voice tinged with seriousness, "we know you're not thrilled about going away, but it's for the best. We'll miss you."

Kian nodded in agreement, his expression determined. "Yeah, it won't be the same without you around," he added, a hint of sadness in his voice.

Ang looked at them both, feeling a surge of emotion. "I'll miss you guys too," he admitted, a lump forming in his throat. "But I understand why I have to go."

Jin placed a hand on Ang's shoulder. "When you come back, things will be different," he said firmly. "Kian and I will make sure of it. We'll train hard, become stronger, so that when you return, you won't have to worry about anything."

Ang felt a swell of pride at his brothers' determination. "Thank you," he said, gratitude filling his voice. "I know I can always count on you two."

And both of them left the room..

Inside the room, Ang was completely alone, feeling a mix of sadness and anticipation. "Now what to do," he thought to himself, "my adventures start here. But unlike in stories, I don't have a golden finger to help me in the outside world." He sighed, gazing around at the surroundings. The walls were adorned with beautiful jade, and the dining room looked truly majestic. Despite the luxury, a pang of sadness washed over him. "Living in a rich house, then going to a mountain... that's a new type of story I've ever read. My good life..."

Ang's mood darkened further as he realized his affluent lifestyle was coming to an end. With a heavy heart, he finished his dinner, knowing it would be the last time he'd enjoy such extravagance. His guard, Dan, watched him closely, sensing his young master's melancholy.

"Don't worry, young master," Dan reassured him. "I'll be there for you, and we'll make the most of mountain life. I've trained in the mountains before, so I'll help you adjust."

Ang looked up at his guard, managing a weak smile. "Yes, I know," he replied quietly.

With a heavy heart, Ang retreated to his room, his mind swirling with thoughts of the mountain life .