
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 17: The Wisdom of Transdentent

The forest reverberated with the clash of steel and the crackling of elemental forces as Dan and the old man engaged in their fierce battle. Blades flashed in the dappled sunlight, each strike a testament to their skill and determination.

After Dan suddenly appeared, the old man noticed that Dan was using assassin arts.

"You're just an assassin," the old man said, his voice dripping with arrogance as he parried Dan's rapid strikes. "Your techniques are nothing compared to the ancient arts I wield!"

Dan, who had just arrived, identified the old man as his enemy and evaded the old man's attacks with fluid grace.

With a surge of qi, the old man unleashed a wave of fire, aiming to engulf Dan. He twisted through the air, narrowly avoiding the flames that scorched the ground moments before.

"You cannot evade me forever!" the old man roared in frustration as Dan continued to elude his every strike.

Dan landed lightly on a tree branch, his gaze penetrating through the veil of smoke, and he spoke with wisdom, "Your obsession with power will be your downfall," he stated calmly, analyzing his opponent's next move. "Your pursuit of power blinds you," he retorted calmly, eyes never leaving his opponent. "True strength lies in balance and control."

The old man's eyes blazed with renewed anger. He charged forward, every movement a declaration of intent to crush Dan. But Dan anticipated each move with years of trained instinct.

Their blades clashed once more, sending sparks flying. "You think you can lecture me on balance?" the old man sneered, his attacks growing more erratic.

Dan remained impassive. "Balance is not just physical," he replied evenly, deflecting another onslaught with practiced ease. "It's the harmony of mind, body, and spirit."

The duel intensified, echoing through the forest like a primal symphony. Dan continued to weave through the old man's attacks, each move calculated for victory.

Suddenly, the old man transitioned into a complex and mysterious style, his movements blending power and precision. Dan met him with the fluidity of his martial arts, his seemingly erratic motions throwing off the old man's timing.

"You fight well," admitted the old man grudgingly, a hint of respect coloring his words. "But you cannot deny the allure of power."

Dan's measured strike sent the old man staggering back. "Power without wisdom is meaningless," he stated firmly.

Their clash continued unabated. The old man's attacks grew desperate as victory slipped from his grasp.

With a fierce shout, the old man shattered a boulder with a palm strike, sending debris flying. Dan dodged the shrapnel, using the debris to his advantage. He leapt onto a fragment, launching himself at the old man with a series of rapid kicks, each one aimed with deadly precision.

As they circled amidst ancient trees, a brief lull fell over their battle. Dan's eyes met the old man's, an exchange of understanding passing between them.

"You fight with honor," acknowledged the old man gruffly, a rare note of admiration in his voice. "But I won't be defeated so easily."

Dan nodded respectfully. "Nor will I," he replied, unwavering.

The old man conjured a whirlwind, tearing through the forest, uprooting trees and scattering leaves. Dan responded with a series of high-speed strikes, his fists glowing with qi. The ground beneath them splintered and cracked from the intensity of their power.

As the battle raged on, the old man's keen eyes caught sight of subtle shifts in the terrain around them. Intricate patterns of energy and qi formations were etched into the forest floor, almost invisible to the untrained eye. He smirked, a look of understanding dawning on his face. "Formations, I see," he murmured, his voice barely audible over the din of their clash. "So you want that too, but never received it."

Dan's eyes narrowed in confusion, momentarily thrown off by the old man's cryptic words. "What are you talking about?" he demanded, maintaining his defensive stance.

With renewed determination, they resumed their dance of weapons and elemental forces, the forest bearing witness to their relentless pursuit of victory.

Later, the old man stumbled backward, breath catching as he beheld Dan's deadly combat style. "Assassin God arts... you?" he gasped, disbelief etched across his face.

The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if even nature recognized the gravity of the moment. Undeterred, Dan continued his assault with the calm focus of a force unleashed, each movement flowing seamlessly. Leaves fluttered down in silent acknowledgment as Dan's resolve burned brighter, driving him forward with relentless determination to end the old man's reign of terror.

As the intense battle reached a critical juncture, the old man suddenly found himself surrounded by ninety supreme warriors and one transcendent warrior. His initial surprise gave way to mocking laughter that echoed through the forest. "Ahahaha! What a jest fate has played on me today. I forgot there are dangers where treasures lie. But do not think for a moment this is my defeat. You will never awaken that inert body," he sneered, defiance clear in his voice.

With a swift motion, he took out a talisman from his clothes. "We will meet again," he declared ominously before disappearing in a blink, leaving Dan and the warriors in stunned disbelief.

"Darn it! How could I let him slip away?" Dan exclaimed, frustration evident. He pondered aloud, "What was he rambling about?"

The forest fell silent once more, the only sounds the rustling of leaves and the distant murmur of wildlife.And around the scars of their battle—trees uprooted, foliage scorched, and the ground torn asunder. The devastation was a stark reminder of the power wielded in their clash. The air was thick with the smell of burnt wood and earth, and the once vibrant forest now lay in a state of ruin.

Dan quickly regained his composure. "Check that cave!" he commanded. Everyone entered cautiously, their eyes scanning every corner. Inside, they found only a simple meditating bed and nothing else.

Dan inspected the area thoroughly, searching for clues about the old man's origins. After an exhaustive search, he came up empty-handed.

Reflecting on the old man's final words, Dan pondered, "What did he mean by 'you will never awaken that inert body'? Young master? No, it must be something else..."