
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 16: Run

Previously,Hneu and Lin were traveling through a peaceful valley when they heard stories about a wise master living on a nearby mountain. They decided to leave the main path and go through the forest to find this master. After sneaking past guards and wandering for a while, they found a mysterious cave. They called out to the master inside, hoping to learn from his natural wisdom , Then the old man see both girls.

The mysterious man's piercing gaze settled on both girls, but he focused intensely on Lin. After a thorough scan, he flashed a chilling smile. "Yes, I will teach you everything. Come inside," he said.

Hneu, unsettled by his grin, replied firmly, "Sorry, we're not interested," and edged away.

The old man's laughter echoed maniacally. "You think you can escape?" he taunted, raising a finger.

Both girls were lifted into the air, helpless. "Do you think I'd let you go after discovering a treasure?"

He pulled Lin closer, asserting, "With the greatest power in my grasp, hahahahahaha!"

Suddenly, a group of concealed figures attacked the old man from the trees. Caught off guard, he staggered back, releasing the girls, who plummeted to the ground.

Both Hneu and Lin,swiftly regained their footing and fled in the opposite direction. As the old man rose to confront them, he found himself facing thirty warriors.

He laughed defiantly. "Hahaha! Thirty supremes at once,Here?. You dare to challenge me, peasants?"

With a surge of aura, he ascended to the transcendental realm. "Now witness who can thwart(stop) me from claiming the treasure."

From a distant mountain, Dan sensed something. "Hold on, young master. I sense someone calling. I'll return shortly," he assured.

"Okay, Dan," Ang acknowledged.

Dan headed toward the forest, signaling for most of the warrior guards to follow, leaving ten behind.

On the other hand, both girls ran swiftly, driven by fear and adrenaline. Hneu, skilled in martial arts, displayed superior speed and stamina compared to Lin, who, as a maid, struggled to keep up. Hneu's mind raced with thoughts of escape, freezing Lin momentarily with her quicker thinking. She resolved to head for the market, sprinting ahead at a pace Lin couldn't match. Eventually, Hneu outpaced Lin, leaving her behind in the forest.

Alone and disoriented, Lin surveyed her surroundings, realizing she had lost her way back. Desperate, she chose a path and continued, hoping for a way out. After some time, she spotted people approaching from a side trail. Relief flooded her as she recognized it as the correct direction. With renewed hope, Lin hurried toward them, eager to find safety and guidance.

In the dense forest, away from any spectators, a fierce battle unfolded between the supreme masters and the transcendent old man. Amid towering trees and under the leafy canopy, the clash of titans resounded through the silent woods.

The supreme masters, united by their expertise and resolve, coordinated their attacks with precision. They moved as one, leveraging their collective strength and strategy against the transcendent old man, whose skills seemed beyond mortal limits.

The old man, consumed by fury and determination, countered their assaults with masterful technique and an overwhelming aura that reverberated through the forest. Each blow he struck was devastating, shaking the ground and sending shockwaves through the air.

As the battle intensified in the natural amphitheater of the forest, the sounds of clashing weapons and elemental forces echoed through the wilderness. With no audience but the trees and wildlife, the outcome of this epic confrontation hinged solely on the skill, endurance, and determination of those locked in combat.

The dense forest erupted into chaos as the thirty supreme assassins closed in on the transcendent old man. Each moved with deadly grace and intent, reflecting years of rigorous training and mastery of martial arts.

The old man, his eyes blazing with fury and determination, met their advance head-on. He was a formidable opponent, his movements fluid yet powerful, as he weaved through the onslaught of attacks aimed at him. With a flick of his wrist, he sent waves of energy rippling through the air, forcing the assassins to leap back to avoid being caught in the shockwave.

The battle raged on, each clash of blades and burst of elemental energy echoing through the forest. The old man's aura pulsed with raw power, his eyes glowing intensely as he faced assassins determined to bring him down.

Amidst the chaos, a skilled assassin launched a daring aerial assault, leaping high into the air and somersaulting gracefully before descending upon the old man with a devastating series of strikes. The old man met the challenge with focused calmness, countering each blow with precision that left the assassin momentarily off-balance.

As the fight wore on, the forest around them bore witness to a spectacle of martial prowess and elemental mastery. Despite their numerical advantage, the assassins found themselves hard-pressed against the old man's unwavering resolve.

In a daring move, three assassins combined their powers, creating a swirling whirlwind of fire and ice. Yet, with a focused exertion of his own qi, the old man dispersed the elemental onslaught with a wave of his hand, leaving the assassins momentarily stunned and open to counterattack.

The battle reached a fever pitch as the sun began its descent toward the horizon. With every passing moment, the old man's determination grew stronger, fueled by the knowledge that the treasure he sought was within his grasp—if only he could overcome the formidable obstacle that stood before him.

Suddenly, the old man sensed the absence of the girls. With a surge of qi, he cleared a path through the forest, urgency palpable. "Clear the way, fools! My treasure is missing!" he roared, swiftly moving toward the direction the girls had fled.

His speed was unmatched, leaving Other warriors struggling to keep pace. Darting through the forest with agility and determination, his senses honed on Lin's presence, he closed in also sensing,another figure, approaching with incredible speed from the same direction, caught his attention.