
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 14: Creating Martial arts (3)

And Vincel again continue

"Once you've mastered the foundational techniques, you can apply them dynamically. This means you're not limited to set patterns or angles. You can adapt your strikes to any situation, responding instantly to your opponent's movements or the environment around you."

"That sounds incredibly advanced," Ang remarked, beginning to understand the evolution of the martial art.

"It is," Vincel agreed. "It requires not only physical skill but also a deep understanding of timing, spatial awareness, and strategic thinking. This phase allows for creativity and innovation in combat, making each encounter unique and challenging."

Ang nodded, absorbing the information. "I can see how this would take years to master," he said thoughtfully.

"Indeed," Vincel replied. "But with dedication and perseverance, you can continue to grow and refine your skills, reaching new levels of mastery."

Ang, still processing the vastness of what he had learned so far, decided to delve deeper into his understanding.

"Vincel, can I really learn this martial art?" Ang asked, a mixture of excitement and uncertainty in his voice.

Vincel replied reassuringly, "Yes, Ang. The basic techniques are accessible to anyone willing to learn. However, as the martial art grows in complexity, mastering it becomes more challenging. To move freely and adapt your techniques seamlessly, you would need to train each strike at least a hundred times."

Ang considered this carefully. "So, it's not just about learning the moves but also about perfecting them through extensive practice?"

"Exactly," Vincel affirmed. "It's about repetition and refinement. With dedication and hard work, you can make significant progress. However, mastering this martial art isn't something that can be rushed. It requires patience and persistence."

Ang nodded thoughtfully. "How long would it take to reach that level of mastery?"

"It varies for each individual," Vincel explained. "If you work diligently and consistently, you could potentially achieve mastery in about 40 years. This would involve rigorous training, continuous learning, and adapting your techniques to various situations."

"That's a significant commitment," Ang remarked, realizing the magnitude of the journey ahead.

"It is," Vincel said . "But remember, the journey itself is rewarding. Every step you take brings you closer to understanding the art on a deeper level."

Ang took a moment to reflect. "And if someone doesn't have the dedication or desire to learn?"

"If one lacks the commitment or doesn't prioritize learning, mastering this martial art may remain out of reach even throughout their lifetime," Vincel answered.

Ang nodded again, silently absorbing the gravity of Vincel's words. He knew that embarking on this path would require unwavering dedication and a steadfast resolve. .

"Wait," Ang interrupted, feeling a sudden urgency. He moved swiftly to find a pen and paper, only to realize he had just arrived the previous day. Returning to Vincel, he made a request with determination.

"Vincel, save this technique for me. If I ask in the future, can you retrieve it?" Ang asked, hoping for a positive response.

"Okay," Vincel acknowledged. "The details will be saved in the archives file and can be accessed whenever you need them."

With a sense of relief, Ang knew that his newfound journey into mastering the martial art could continue with confidence, knowing that Vincel would assist him along the way.

"Isn't this technique potentially dangerous?" Ang asked, concerned about the risks involved.

"I can't say for sure," Vincel replied carefully. "Since this martial art is new and unique, its safety aspects haven't been fully studied yet."

Ang nodded, pondering further. "If I show this technique to someone, can they tell if it's risky?"

"Yes, they can assess it," Vincel explained. "But if the person is already trained in martial arts, their judgment might be influenced by their existing knowledge. They may not see the risks clearly. However, someone without martial arts experience might perceive it as more dangerous."

"So, it depends on who's evaluating it," Ang summarized, absorbing the information.

"Exactly," Vincel confirmed. "The perspective of the evaluator plays a significant role in how they perceive the safety and effectiveness of this technique."

Just then, Vincel added, "Even if a big experiment were done, like testing it on rats to confirm its results, the findings might still be inconclusive."

Ang raised an eyebrow, considering this. "So, I need a rat means a disciple,to help me find out the dangers?"

Vincel nodded metaphorically. "In a way, yes. Someone who can provide unbiased feedback and help assess the risks objectively.".

"What if someone actually learns this technique?" Ang asked, curious about the potential outcomes.

Vincel replied thoughtfully, "If someone learns it, they can provide feedback on the dangers and any side effects of the technique."

Ang followed up, "And what if I teach this technique to someone within the martial arts community?"

Vincel explained, "There are two possibilities. First, the person might collaborate with you to further develop and teach the technique. However, there's also a riskier possibility. They might aim to eliminate you so that they can claim the technique's credit for themselves."

Ang felt a chill run down his spine at the thought.

"What about the danger level for men and women?" Ang asked cautiously.

Vincel reassured him, "The danger level isn't affected by gender. It depends more on the loyalty and intentions of the person involved."

Ang nodded, absorbing the information. The complexities and potential risks of introducing a new martial art technique into the world were becoming clearer to him.

"Vincel, how would I find an ideal candidate to teach this technique to?" Ang asked, seeking guidance on selecting the right person.

Vincel considered the question thoughtfully before responding, "The ideal candidate would likely be a child who is unaware of the complexities of the world. They should come from a place where they don't know about the hierarchical systems like ,the strong dominate the weak. Such individuals are less likely to have personal ambitions that could interfere with their training and dedication."

Ang absorbed Vincel's criteria, realizing the importance of finding someone with a pure and unburdened perspective.

"So, it's about finding someone innocent and unspoiled by worldly ambitions," Ang summarized.

"Yes," Vincel confirmed. "They need to be open to learning without preconceived notions or desires that could alter their focus."

Ang nodded, understanding the reasoning behind Vincel's advice. "Thank you, Vincel. I'll keep these criteria in mind as I search for the right candidate."

"You're welcome, Ang," Vincel replied. "Choosing the right person is crucial for the future of this technique." He continued .

Suddenly,Ang heard someone approaching, he quickly settled into a meditative posture, his thoughts racing with urgency. Silently, he commanded, "Save the technique data."