
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 13: Creating Martial arts (2)

Ang imagined the newly created direction-based martial arts techniques, feeling their potential. His curiosity was piqued again as he pondered the possibilities.

"Vincel, can this martial art grow and evolve?" Ang asked, intrigued by the possibilities and wanting to understand more.

"Yes, Ang," Vincel replied, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "This martial art can grow and expand in both complexity and depth. Just like the directions on a compass, you can start with four basic directions and gradually increase the number of directions and techniques over time."

"How does that work?" Ang inquired, eager to delve deeper into the concept.

"Initially, you have four primary directions: north, south, east, and west," Vincel began. "From there, you can add intermediate directions, such as northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest, making it eight directions. This can further expand to include more precise angles, such as sixteen directions, and so on. Theoretically, this can go up to an infinite number of directions if one continues to refine and explore."

"Wow, that's impressive," Ang said, imagining the vast possibilities and feeling a surge of excitement.

"For practical purposes and human capabilities, a highly advanced practitioner can work with up to 360 degrees, meaning you can have one stance and technique for each degree of a circle," Vincel explained. "There are 36 primary directions in this advanced system, each with its own unique set of techniques and movements."

"That sounds incredibly complex," Ang remarked, a mix of excitement and wonder in his voice.

"It is, but the growth of this martial art is scalable," Vincel reassured him. "You start with the basics and gradually add more directions and techniques as you master the existing ones. This allows for continuous growth and adaptation, making the practice ever-evolving."

"How would I go about learning all 36 directions?" Ang asked, feeling both challenged and motivated by the idea.

"You would begin by mastering the initial four directions, then expand to eight, and continue to double the number of directions as you progress," Vincel explained. "Each new direction would introduce new stances, strikes, blocks, and movements, building on the foundation you have already established."

"So, it's a step-by-step process, growing more complex as I become more skilled," Ang summarized, nodding in understanding.

"Exactly. This approach ensures that you can handle the complexity and integrate new techniques seamlessly into your practice," Vincel confirmed, pleased with Ang's grasp of the concept.

Ang imagined the new direction-based martial arts techniques, a playful thought crossing his mind. The possibilities seemed endless, and his curiosity deepened.

"Vincel, can this martial art grow even further?" Ang asked with a grin, his tone both serious and light-hearted.

"Yes, Ang," Vincel replied, catching the humorous tone but answering earnestly. "It can grow up to 360 directions, like the degrees in a circle. Each degree can have 360 different strikes. If a person stands on a surface, this forms a half-hemisphere, encompassing the volume of a hemisphere."

Ang laughed. "And if the person can fly?" he asked, the idea sparking his imagination.

"If the person can fly, it would form a full sphere," Vincel continued. "This means they could utilize 360 directions multiplied by 360 strikes, considering the volume of the sphere. They can also decide the radius of their striking range and incorporate many more techniques, making the art truly boundless."

"Wow, that's a lot to take in," Ang said, still smiling. "So, theoretically, I could be a martial arts master in infinite directions and strikes?"

"Indeed," Vincel confirmed. "The complexity and depth of the martial art are boundless. It can be adapted to any environment and situation, allowing for an extensive range of techniques and strategies."

"Sounds like a lot of practice ahead," Ang said with a chuckle, appreciating the journey that lay before him.

"True mastery requires dedication and time," Vincel acknowledged. "But with each step, you expand your abilities and understanding, making the effort worthwhile."

"Thanks, Vincel. You always have such thorough answers," Ang replied, feeling a mix of amusement and motivation. Vincel's explanations always left him with a deeper understanding and a thirst for more knowledge.

But, Ang paused to process the information. "Can you break down the calculations for me?" he asked, seeking clarity on the numbers.

"Certainly," Vincel replied. "Let's start with the basic idea: 360 directions each with 360 possible strikes."

Standing on the ground (hemisphere):

You have 360 degrees horizontally.

Vertically, you have 180 degrees (half-sphere).

Total directions: ( 360 x 180 = 64,800 )

Each direction with 360 strikes: ( 64,800 x 360 = 23,328,000 ) possible strikes.

Flying (full sphere):

You have 360 degrees horizontally.

You have 360 degrees vertically (full sphere).

Total directions: ( 360 x 360 = 129,600 )

Each direction with 360 strikes: ( 129,600 x 360 = 46,656,000 ) possible strikes.

Ang couldn't help but be awed by the sheer number of possible strikes and directions Vincel had described. Imagining them, he felt overwhelmed, but his curiosity pushed him to ask further questions.

"Vincel, can this martial art grow even further?" Ang finally managed to ask, still trying to process the previous calculations.

Vincel, As an Ai , replied, "Yes, Ang. It can also grow further. Would you like to hear more?"

Ang hesitated for a moment, still amazed by the complexity of what he had just heard. However, his curiosity got the better of him. "Yes," he replied, his voice tinged with wonder and anticipation.

Vincel continued, "After mastering the basics of directional strikes, the martial art evolves into a more fluid and adaptable form. This phase focuses on integrating techniques seamlessly into your movements, allowing you to strike from any position or angle. It becomes about attacking freely, using the techniques wherever you can move, adapting to every possible scenario."

Ang listened intently, trying to grasp the concept of free-form attacking within the martial art. It seemed like a natural progression from the structured directional strikes he had just learned. The idea of such fluidity and adaptability in combat fascinated him.

"So, it's not just about predefined directions and strikes anymore?" Ang sought clarification, wanting to ensure he understood the transition.

"Exactly," Vincel affirmed. "Once you have a solid foundation, you can move beyond predefined techniques and start improvising based on the situation. This higher level of mastery allows for creativity and adaptability, making the martial art truly personal and unique to each practitioner."

Ang nodded, appreciating the depth and potential of this martial art.