
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 12: Creating Martial arts (1)

Ang woke up the morning after intense training, finding it difficult to walk due to soreness.

"Ugh, my back, my legs..." Ang muttered, struggling to steady himself.

After sitting in his room, he pondered about what Vincel said and he said " Hey Vincel"

Vincel said " Hello! Sir ,How can I assist you ?

Ang said " Not sir ,my name is Ang"

Vincel said " Got it Ang"

Ang asked "Vincel, about those martial arts techniques you mentioned,Could you elaborate on specific techniques? And perhaps teach me a few?"

"Of course, Ang," Vincel replied smoothly. "There are countless martial arts techniques spanning various traditions. Which particular style or technique are you interested in?"

"Let's start with something foundational," Ang suggested. "How about techniques from Shaolin Kung Fu?"

"Shaolin Kung Fu is one of the oldest and most celebrated styles," Vincel explained. "It encompasses a blend of hard and soft techniques, incorporating both internal and external training. Are you interested in learning about striking, kicking, or forms?"

Later, Ang suprised by Vincel , he delved deeper.

"Vincel, could you provide information on martial arts practices in this world where I currently in ?" Ang inquired.

"I don't have real-time capabilities to know the current time. You can check those on your worlds library or ask me something else you're curious about.I currently have data on various forms of martial arts, although it's not continuously updated," Vincel responded.

"So, you can't access the latest updates?" Ang asked, seeking clarification.

"That's correct. To access the most current information, my system would need an update," Vincel clarified.

"How would I go about updating you?" Ang questioned.

"To update my system, you would need to connect me to an external data source like main system for the necessary updates," Vincel explained. "Let me see if I can find more details."

Ang waited patiently as Vincel conducted his search.

"Searching... It appears the update interface is not available. I am currently unable to perform updates," Vincel reported.

"What does that mean exactly?" Ang asked, slightly perplexed.

"It means without the proper interface, I cannot retrieve or download new information," Vincel elaborated.

"So, there's no way to update you right now?" Ang sighed in disappointment.

"Unfortunately, that's correct. Currently,I will continue to operate with the data currently stored within my system," Vincel said.

Feeling a mix of frustration and determination, Ang considered his options.

"Vincel, if you can't be updated, could you create a new martial art based on the data you already have?" Ang proposed.

"Yes, I can generate new techniques and combinations using the data I possess," Vincel confirmed.

"Are there any limitations on what you can create?" Ang inquired.

"No, there are no restrictions. My purpose is to assist based on the information stored within my system," Vincel assured him.

"So, if I describe what I want, you could create a completely new martial art?" Ang asked, intrigued by the possibilities.

"Yes, I can help develop new martial arts techniques or even a new style based on your input and my existing knowledge," Vincel replied confidently.

Ang began reflecting on the knowledge from his previous life, feeling inspired by the topic of directions that he had randomly chosen to explore and he asked.

"Vincel, could you help me create a martial art that incorporates specific techniques for different directions? I'm thinking of stances and movements tailored to north, south, east, and west," Ang proposed, scanning the room as he visualized the concept.

"Certainly, Ang. We can develop a martial art that focuses on distinct stances and techniques for each cardinal direction," Vincel replied, his voice steady with assurance. "Imagine yourself at the center of a compass."

Ang nodded thoughtfully, mentally preparing to delve into the details. "Alright, let's start with north."

"North: Imagine being in a forward stance, left foot leading for stability. You would thrust forward with your right arm, then slash downward, finishing with a block using your left arm," Vincel explained, breaking down each movement.

Ang pictured himself executing the sequence for the north direction, imagining the efficiency and effectiveness of each action.

"Got it. Now, what about south?"

"South: Picture yourself in a backward stance, right foot forward, leaning slightly back for balance. You'd stab backward with your left arm, slash upward, and finish with a low block using your right arm," Vincel continued, ensuring Ang understood the defensive strategy involved.

Ang adjusted his mental stance, visualizing the flow of the south direction sequence and appreciating its tactical value.

"Next, east."Ang said.

"East: Assume a side stance, left side facing east. Stab sideways with your right arm, slash horizontally across your body, and finish with a high block using your left arm," Vincel instructed, emphasizing the fluidity and agility required for this direction.

Ang imagined performing the east direction sequence, noting how it would enable quick maneuvering in combat scenarios.

"And finally, west." Ang said .

"West: Switch to the opposite side stance, right side facing west. Stab sideways with your left arm, slash diagonally, and finish with a mid-level block using your right arm," Vincel concluded, ensuring Ang had a clear understanding of the martial art's comprehensive nature.

Ang visualized executing the west direction sequence, impressed by the completeness of the martial art system.

"What do you think, Ang?" Vincel asked, eager to hear Ang's thoughts.

"It sounds dynamic and practical. I like how each direction has its own set of movements tailored for both offense and defense," Ang replied, his excitement evident in his voice.

"This directional martial art not only enhances your ability to anticipate and react to attacks from various angles but also cultivates a strategic approach to combat," Vincel explained, emphasizing the broader benefits of the training concept.

Ang imaged the newly created direction-based martial arts techniques, and he keep imagining all stances and try to combine it and after few seconds later,feeling their potential. His curiosity was piqued again.

"Vincel, can this martial art grow and evolve? Like new moves and new types" Ang asked, intrigued by the possibilities.