
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 11: Boxes with the golden letters

Inside the house, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of curiosity and reverence. When they entered the house, Ang saw that the four boxes were placed in a corner of the room. They looked like normal boxes, but a letter with golden paper made them completely different from any other boxes.

When they went near the boxes, Ang saw that the box was normal like the others. He took out the golden letter and put it in his pocket.

Dan saw it and said, "Young master, at least read it."

Ang replied, "Not now. First, let's see what's inside the boxes."

Dan, feeling respectful towards his lord, said, "Okay, young master."

Dan opened the box, and Ang was shocked to find another box with a jade frame inside. "What? Another box and jade too?" Ang exclaimed. Dan saw it and opened the jade box.

When the boxes were opened, a majestic smell arose and filled the room. When Ang looked inside the box, he saw herbs and some other small boxes. Ang instantly knew that these were the precious herbs his father had sent him. He said, "Close it, Dan," but saw Dan still looking at the herbs.

"Young master, we have to plant these herbs before they dry out," Dan pointed at some herbs which had roots.

Ang looked at the herbs and said, "Okay, now let's check the other boxes." He moved towards another box, again put the letter in his pocket, and said to Dan, "Open it, Dan."

Dan opened it, and Ang saw the same view again ,it have the same structure as before. He said to Dan , "Open it too."

Dan opened it, and this box also contained herbs.But have putted in a more refined way.

Ang got disappointed and said, "Again, herbs. But for Ang, these looked like normal herbs, while Dan saw them as heavenly treasures."

"There are many herbs which are very old, rare, and expensive," Dan explained. "Normal people, even supreme experts, could become transcendent if they consumed all of these. Young master, your father wants you to become strong; that's why he sent this."

Ang closed the box and moved to the third one. When Dan opened it, the whole room brightened. Ang saw that there were many gold, silver, and banknotes in the box. He got super excited and said, "Dan, this is the real deal," and touched the gold with his hand.

Dan saw it and thought, "Young master is so childish. Wait, he is still a child," and he said, "Young master, this is nothing compared to what we saw earlier." But Ang didn't hear him and played with the gold, and Dan laughed.

Ang was still a man in mind, but he had never seen this much gold in both his lives. In his previous life, he could have become a billionaire with this much gold, and in this life, he had never seen this much gold.

Dan waited for a while, and Ang came to his senses and moved towards the next, which was the last box. Dan opened it, and the box was half empty. The other half was filled with a square frame, and between them, there were three books stacked up. The title of the book in the middle was completely hidden by some kind of cloth.

Ang asked Dan, "Can we open it?"

Dan replied, "You haven't read the letters, so how can I tell what the lord wants, young master."

Then Ang said, "Take out some books; I want to see them."

Dan said, "Young master, you don't know how to read them. First, let's practice basic things, then I will tell you how to read these, okay, young master?"

Ang said, "Got it. But where are the weapons? I don't see any."

Dan replied, "Young master, we don't need them now, and currently, you don't need them either. First, let's get some training."

Ang said, "Again? Didn't we just train a while ago?"

Dan said, "Not just a while ago; it's a whole lot more than we spend. You need to train daily for 12 hours. Let's go, young master."

He lifted Ang and took him. "First, we need to start with running," and they left the room. The golden letter was unread in Ang's pocket. As they both left the room, suddenly a white light entered, scanned the surroundings, moved towards the box with martial manuals, and vanished into it.

After entering the box, the white dot moved in a circular pattern within the box, then merged with one of the books in the corner. The book and the whole box began to shine brightly as the white light fully absorbed into the book.

When the light stopped, the book's texture transformed, taking on a more mystical and ancient appearance, and the entire box emanated a subtle, yet powerful aura. After some time, the box returned to its normal state, and the book also reverted to its original appearance, as if nothing unusual had happened.