
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 1 : The beginning

On a steep mountain, there was a small house nestled beside the rocky slopes. A boy lay on a chair outside, gazing at the sky. Unlike many other travelers, he had reincarnated in this world as a baby. His name is Ang. Ang was originally from Earth, reborn into this new life under extraordinary circumstances.

In his previous life, Ang died of a heart attack in his home at the age of thirty. He had been a dedicated employee (9 AM to 9 PM) and a passionate reader (after coming home), especially fond of martial arts and cultivation novels. He read many such novels. His death was ordinary, but his reincarnation was extraordinary. One evening, after coming home from work and making himself a cup of tea, he settled onto his bed to relax. Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced his chest, and everything went black.

When Ang opened his eyes again, he found himself in a different house altogether and instantly knew that he had reincarnated. Initially confused by his new reality, he tried to summon a system, just like in the novels he read, but nothing happened. Eventually, he gave up on the idea.

At one month old, his parents took him out for a walk. He realized he was born into a rich family named the Ling family, which ran a merchant association. This made him happy at first. However, his happiness was short-lived when he saw the classical clothing and weapons of his family and their guards, indicating a different era. As he had read in novels, this era belonged to the Murim world, an ancient world where bloodshed was common.

Time passed like water, and he became a six-month-old baby, walking around and simply enjoying his life. But one day, he learned that he was the third son of the owner of this house, which made him fear being bullied by his older siblings.

But his fear was quickly dispelled by the behavior of his brothers. His eldest brother, who was five years old, and his second brother, who was three, both doted on him. He was loved and cherished by each of his brothers, but deep inside, Ang remained cautious. He knew they were kids now, but he feared that as they grew older, they might see him as a rival and try to silence him.

Another six months passed. Ang began to walk and could now move from one room to another. As he explored his surroundings, he learned more about his family and the world he had been reborn into. He discovered that he was the son of a wealthy merchant family and noticed that people carried weapons as casually as mobile phones back on Earth. This world resembled the ancient Murim world he had read about in his beloved martial arts novels.

His excitement grew at the prospect of living in a world filled with martial arts, but so did his fear, knowing that in the Murim world, the strong preyed on the weak. Despite his worries, he continued to live as a spoiled child of his family, enjoying the love and protection of his parents and brothers.

Time flew by, and six years later, an incident occurred that left Ang completely terrified. While playing with a toy given by his mother, an assassin entered the house and launched an attack on Ang. Drawing from his knowledge of the Murim world, Ang knew that being the son of a wealthy family made him a target for assassins. He had always been prepared for such a situation.

Reacting quickly, Ang retrieved chili powder from his pocket (he always carried it) and threw it at the assassin, catching him off guard as he approached. The powder hit the assassin's eyes, causing him to go blind. Ang felt a surge of relief and happiness at his quick thinking.

However, his relief was short-lived as he witnessed the assassin's head being swiftly severed from his body, leaving Ang traumatized.

Some people, including his mother, father, and brother, rushed in and swiftly took Ang to another room. Ang, still in shock, remained frozen like a stone in his mother's arms. His mother looked deeply troubled and whispered something to his father, who then moved to another room. Ang's mother held him tightly, trying to comfort him as he trembled with fear.

For Ang, who was an adult in mind, witnessing someone being decapitated was a harrowing experience. Despite having read about violence in novels and manhwa, seeing it happen in real life was overwhelming and something he couldn't easily process.

A few days later...