
Teaming Up

Both Qai and Ji Wuheng quickly reacted and jumped few steps backwards away from the Qi presence.

Even without looking, they knew it was a half-step Emperor demonic beast.

Compared to the other Heaven stages in the Sage realm, one is said to have achieved the half-step Emperor level if a cultivator had touched on the strength of the 'true' core. In a sense, while the core was not yet truly formed in order to be called Emperor, half-step Emperors' attacks could be said to have bits of an emperor's strength.

Qai and Ji Wuheng looked up from the direction of the Qi presence and found a darkgold-colored huge spider crawling from the center of its web. It had fierce scarlet eyes and long legs of about a couple of meters long and as thick as a bamboo while the web, on the other hand, looked sharp and deadly.

Just from looking at it—one would know that the huge spider was not an ordinary demonic beast. It was so rare that not even Ji Wuheng could tell what kind of spider it was.

Qai could not surmise whether it had already been there from the time they came or not. But what he was certain was that the two of them may not be its match.

He was actually thinking of running away when, all of a sudden, the huge spider emitted a pitch black colored Elemental affinity and threw out huge eight dark blades all at once towards Qai and Ji Wuheng.

The attacks came from different directions of its arms but their trajectory were obviously towards a single target or area.

The two quickly evaded the attack as they were both agile with their elemental affinities and Inheritance items although the skill was without a doubt troublesome.

"Darkness!?" Ji Wuheng suddenly exclaimed.

Qai's eyes widened after hearing the kind of element. He suddenly realized that his Inheritance rank Shadow Cloak must be of the same Darkness attribute as it seemed to be radiating with the same strange aura as that of the huge spider.

Ji Wuheng then took out a shield that appeared to also be an Inheritance rank item.

It then released a relatively large barrier which was enough to cover the three of them and radiated with Metal elemental attribute.

Actually, it was Ji Wuheng's major find from one of the tombs in the graveyard.

"I'll take it head on and distract it," he quickly added. "You go try to inflict as much damage as you can."

They already saw the strength of one of its skills, 'Dark Blade,' so they somehow had an idea how to deal with it since escaping in a narrow passage could be more disadvantageous to them. They obviously could not afford to expose their backs to such dangerous enemy.

Qai simply nodded and quickly understood the meaning behind Ji Wuheng's words. He, thus, immediately took out his Darkwood Composite Bow and summoned Shandian from his spatial pendant and the two spread from behind the young sect genius.

The reason why he summoned Shandian was because the enemy was a half-step Emperor so Qai had to give his all. If they could not subdue the enemy with strength, they would have to try it by using the advantage in numbers.

The spider quickly released swift silk like shooting web towards them. It spread out enough to cover the three of them and appeared to have the ability of trapping them.

Although their movements were quick, the web's area of attack was too large that the three barely evaded it as the sticky immobilizing effect of the web numbed their limbs.

Qai retaliated with a barrage of arrows in the hope of at least stunning its movements. He could not obviously try to attack with closed range skills as the eighth agile and long legs of the spider happened to have quick defensive reflexes.

'Swooosh,' 'swooosh,' 'swooosh.'

'Baaaam,' 'baaam,' 'baaam.'

With the help of his much improved 'Hawkeye' skill, his arrows landed on the soft exposed portion of the spider's belly although it hardly changed the demonic beast's momentum.

The combination of eight 'Dark Blades' and the 'Silver Web' simply made it difficult for the the three to handle the enemy.

Qai thus communicated with Shandian to hide behind Ji Wuheng's shield and prepare its 'Thunderbolt.'

At this time, Ji Wuheng was simply trying to block every possible attack head on in order to give Qai and Shandian the opportunity to attack and could not find an opportunity to unleash any offensive skill besides occasional 'Wind Blades' skill—the easiest to activate with the least Qi energy requirement.

If he wanted to activate any Sage grade skill, then he would have to sacrifice his defenses and would have expend much Qi to be effective.

Of the three, he was probably the only one with the strength to properly block the attack with his initial Heaven stage Sage strength—but without his Inheritance rank shield, it would undoubtedly be a difficult task since the demonic beast's strength could not be underestimated.

And that was why, Ji Wuheng had to be on the defensive.

'Swooosh,' 'swooosh,' 'swooosh.'

'Baaaam,' 'baaam,' 'baaam.'

Qai hit the same target all over again and the the stunning effect seemed to have annoyed the spider.

It shifted its focus as it suddenly faced Qai and unleashed its 'Silver Web.'


Qai was momentarily stunned but just before the web landed on him, he suddenly disappeared.
