
Chapter 6

Dad came out and said you have a baby brother Ella with so much joy on his face,i could see him happy for the first time since I moved in.I went on in to see mom and the baby,i was silent with a smile on my face and all i could say was sorry mom. she looked at me and laughed,go see your brother she said to me and I walked slowly to the crib beside her bed.there a tiny baby was laying asleep the cutest thing i ever saw,i reached for his tiny hand and slipped my finger on his palm suddenly he grabbed onto it and moved.I sat there watching my baby brother sleep and mom had fallen asleep too then dad whispered navigating towards the door. we stepped out he said let's go get something to eat, we headed out. an hour later we returned by then mom and the baby were awake she was breastfeeding as we walked in we got you food love dad said,thank you that's what I need right now.soon it was dark, i was tired and had nausea for staying too long in the hospital.finally dad said to me, come on let's get you home,i waved goodbye to mom and dad handed me the car keys as i walked out soon after dad came and we went home. the next morning I got at 6am to finish up my chores before on time so dad could drop me off at the hospital, I was ready and waiting for dad to get ready.half an hour later we arrived at the hospital and dad dropped in for few minutes and left for work. now it was just me,mom and the baby. Ella have you eaten she asked? no mom not yet, why she asked? I don't feel hungry yet and dad said he would drop some money to get food. oh really now he tells you if he's dropping money or not? no mom it's not like that dad asked if i had breakfast on our way here that was all.what else did you discuss with him ? nothing mom. anyway i am coming home today let me see how you will you will have discussions with my husband. I became scared and confused at the same time trying to understand what she ment. I picked up a flyer to read but the turn of mom voice kept ringing in my ears. now it was passed 1:30pm she called out to me who was sitting outside staring at passerbys, yes mom? she was holding a sticky note and a pen.what do you want to eat she asked? jellof rice i replied, ok take this i have written what I want and yours too when the driver comes go with him to the eatery at vegetable market and get it,then she handed me some money,ok mom. the driver arrived and off i went, coming back the baby was up and mom just finished breastfeeding him. we ate and mom slept off, soon after the baby slept too and I stepped out of to room to get some fresh air. now it was 4pm and dad got off work early to come take us home, Ella what are you doing out here he asked? I feel nauseous dad i don't like the smell of hospital. fine we will leave soon where's mom? she's inside,dad walked in and i followed behind.welcome honey mom said, thanks love how are you feeling? much better. Ella where have you been? she asked i was outside mom, i didn't see you when I came out so where did you go? upon hearing this a chill ran down my spine because she just lied and right infront of dad. no mom you never came out i was right outside the door till dad came. she turned to me with a scary stare are you saying I'm lying? then dad asked Ella I met you right outside but did you leave for a minute before I came? no dad i didn't, then why does mom say she stepped out and didn't see you? I don't know dad. Ella you're very stupid mom said angrily you're calling me a lair? I couldn't speak. then dad said to mom love calm down she said she was right outside although it's okay, are you taking her side now ? what are you talking about I met her right outside and she wouldn't lie to me just let it go. get ready let's go home i will go clear the bill Ella help mom pack up, okay dad.