
The Originals & The Original Husband (TV Series SI)

Shane_Town · TV
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs


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Chapter 1

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Waking up on the edge of a riverbank, with my back leaning against a tree, feeling the weight of a heavy cloth draped around my neck and against my sternum.

'Huh.' I thought to myself as I brought my hands up and ran over the thing hanging from my neck feeling six half circular objects attached to a thin metal strip.

"I really got the Charms of Bezel…Sweet!" I softly cheered to myself while crawling over to the riverbank to see my reflection in the water, feeling much lighter and stronger than ever before, and tasting clean fresh air that didn't make my throat hurt or lungs feel like needles were being pushed into them while being set on fire all at the same time.

Looking into the somewhat calm slow moving water, seeing the reflection of a familiar stranger.

'It's like looking in the mirror when I was seventeen.' I thought to myself as I saw a face that looked similar to a highschool age Jason Mamoa except with shoulder length curly black hair with natural blood red highlights making it a play on ash blonde, much like my hair was in my past life, then there were my eyes, the same hazel colored eyes that have stared back at me all my life which are a dark green, but also had a honey gold color to them with a sunburst around the retina with a dark gray ring containing all of that color.

Standing up from the ground just now realizing that I was naked except for the necklace-like thing around my neck that held the charms of Bezel.

I started admiring my toned body that put Greek statues to shame as I was chiseled to a degree not even an elite MMA fighter could match fully, without looking horrible though either I'd put myself at somewhere around 8% body fat, and I'm quite well endowed as well coming in at around ten inches in length, and about as thick around as my wrist.

"Stop giving into vanity, look for your frickin Grimoire ya fuckin tool." I verbally chastised myself and almost fell backwards onto my ass, as a book that is a navy blue in color, with a gold binding/bordering going all the way around it, along with golden clasps that keep the grimoire sealed shut, while in the center of the grimoire there is a rune etched into the gold.

'Okay, that's pretty dope.' I thought to myself and found that I could summon my spellbook from somewhere inside me with a thought.

Opening the grimoire finding a single incantation on the first, no list of small spells not even a fireball.

Slowly reading the incantation, watching enraptured as a cyclone…a whirlwind of magical energy that was dark blue in color formed around me.

"This is so Fucking Awesome! ! !" I expressed my excitement at seeing a feat of magic happening in real life, my voice coming out in a loud whispering gasp.

At my exclamation the whirlwind of magical energy started to close in on me, I watched as some of the trees behind me were shredded…eradicated by the strong currents or air and energy, whipping around me but when they hit against my skin, it felt like the gentle caress of a lover, making me feel a pleasant tingle all over my body as the energy started to slowly seep into my pores while the vortex around me started to grow smaller and less intense as the magical energy was absorbed by my body.

With the more energy my body absorbed, a soft blue light started radiating from my skin, slowly starting to intensify in color, as the cyclone of energy was absorbed into my body.

Just as soon as it started the process seemed to end, feeling that the weight I had been growing accustomed to feeling around my neck and against my chest was gone, which caused me to look down at my chest.

The result of doing so left me a little shocked as I found that the stones and necklace were gone, and in their place was a tattoo that started at the center of my chest just below my breasts bone and curved upwards to my shoulders.

The tattoo was a band much like the necklace, and now the markings of the charm stones could be seen in a gold color set against a dark gray background that was circular in shape, only the Keystone was a different color which is red with the markings highlighted in gold just like the other charms.

But that wasn't the only thing that was different either, as I was also wrapped in what appeared to be Hex's red hooded robe outfit like the one in the original Ben 10 series.

"Wow, that looks awesome! I look awesome." I whispered to myself while admiring my new look, thanks to the reflection in the water.

Looking at the grimoire once more finding that the first page was now filled with beginner spells, rituals, enchantments, runes and potions.

When I focused on each spell, the proper way to produce the correct spell effect, or potion making way/ingredients filled my mind, but I could tell I'd need to practice to truly gain the results that I wanted.

I could tell that my grimoire was holding back on me until I gained a sort of mastery over the first few pages of the things currently listed.

Sighing softly to myself I set to work making a shelter using what seemed like an intuitive sense for using the charms of Bezel, while also practicing using some of the transfiguration spells to help in making my shelter.

I found I have to use slightly wordy/long incantation just to activate the spells, but whether I was some magical prodigy or the charm of luck and the whole legend about whoever wields both the grimoire and all five of the charms becomes all powerful, I found that the more I got used to the spells…I only needed to say a few words to actually cast them.

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10 years

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'I can't believe it's been ten years since I first arrived here in this new world and gained magic.' I thought to myself as I made my once temporary shelter into a cozy log cabin, with modern amenities created through magic…most of my food coming from the river and the greenhouse I'd filled with all sorts of plants magical and non-magical in nature, most of them coming from trading fish from the fish farm I created using a system of ditches connected to the river.

Hearing a rapid knock at my door before it flew open and a troupe of Mikaelson brats stormed in before I could even reply to them.

"Greetings Uncle Merlyn…sorry for our rude entrance." Elijah greeted me and apologized for Klaus, who is a young man now approaching his twenty first year, Kol who was 18, Rebekah who is 16, who looked at me with burning cheeks as Mikeal had officially announced our betrothal to one another this morning to his children and then there was the twelve year old Henrik who looked at me reverently while trying to stealthily sneak over to where I keep the chocolate, which took me almost five years to reproduce to the effect of what it was like in my old world.

Klaus came over and gave me a hug, "welcome to the family big brother." Klaus said to me with a cheeky smile on his face that was matched only by Kol's own devious one.

"Yes yes, welcome to the family big brother, I hope you can give our sister all the babies she desires." Kol teased making Rebekah snarl at him slightly and punch him in the stomach which made the smart ass double over both laughing and gasping in pain.

"I hope this midday finds you well, my betrothed." Rebekah greeted me with a curtsies and a rampant blush, that up until puberty hit her a couple of years ago never appeared on her face around me, even when she'd find me nakedly swimming in the river.

"Haa, there's no reason to be so formal Bekah." I greeted her with a sigh in my voice making Bekah, who was usually a 10th century version of a tomboy, look down at the floor shyly.

"Rebekah…you know I can talk to your mother and father and persuade them to abandon our betrothal if it makes you uncomfortable." I said to the beautiful blonde who looked like I'd just thrust my hand into her chest and removed her beating heart, I mean sure I look like I'm seventeen years old still but the Mikaelsons have known me now for ten years, hell I met Rebekah when she was six and I've been bonking Esther on and off now for just as long.

I heard all of the boys snickering at my words as a storm brewed in Rebekah's beautiful blue eyes.

"That is unnecessary as I am the one who pushed for mother to bring this betrothal to father." Rebekah said to me, making me smirk softly, of course I knew that I was Rebekah's first love in this universe and that it was quite normal for young women to marry older men in this time period, but I still had to make the offer because of my own sensibilities.

"Hmm, if that's the case, then I graciously accept the beautiful young maiden's heart, and the invitation to unite us both under the gods from life to death and beyond." I whispered to Rebekah cupping her and raising it up to my lips and planting a chaste kiss against her knuckles.

"My uncle, your silver tongue never ceases to astound." Elijah joked with a little smirk, quirking his lips.

"Elijah…please grow a sense of humor at some point, you're such a bore." I joked to the youngman who smirked back at me.

"I dare say that sounded like a challenge." Klaus interjected as he went to a cabinet and pulled out my sword for me that I made in the image of Godryic Griffindors sword, from enchanted silver.

"One that I graciously accept." Elijah replied to so quickly that I couldn't deny that I was making a challenge against his honor, though I knew this was all out playfulness as it was something of a staple where nearly everyday I would spar with each of the siblings except Finn as he was busy with his wife Tatia, Dahlia took their first born child last year and they just had another babe a month ago…though I wondered which sibling was actually the father, if I hadn't learned the contraceptive spell in my grimoire I might even have entertained the thought that the child was mine as Finn is a massive cuck victim…just like his father.

'I wonder if all Mikaelsons are cucks?' I ildy wondered to myself while looking at my future side as I took my sword from Klaus, silently casting a blunting spell along the blade, so I wouldn't risk dismembering Elijah as badly with my strength if ten men.

(Clang clang, sound of fist hitting flesh.)

"Come on little Lijah, Bekah is twice the swords woman you are." I taunted with a friendly grin on my face that was matched by Elijah's.

"As you say, my dear sister is quite skilled at handling your dainty knife." Elijah joked back to me making me chuckle and Rebekah looked at Elijah with an affronted look like he just questioned her honor as a maiden.

"Haha, my sword is twice the size of your own…your mother has attested to such." I laughed and joked back to him with an age old adage of a yo momma joke.

Everyone but Rebekah laughed at my joke and I felt Rebekah's eyes burning into my back as I rolled underneath Elijah's swing of his sword and kicked out his leg making him fall to his knee, and before he could get up I was behind him with my blade pressed against his neck.

"Alast I have been felled by you uncle, now it is time for you to face the fury of my dear sister." Elijah joked an I noticed Rebekah drawing her rapier and entering the dueling circle.

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