
Killing Some Werewolves

When Chu left the village to hunt supernatural he didn't just stay around the area.

His first stop was a village that was miles away.

He has heard of some magical being in which they prayed to.

Apparently it can revive the dead and perform miracles.. but the cost is a monthly sacrifice in which a young virgin girl is given to him.

What the said person does with the girl? Well, it doesn't take a genius to know!

Chu detest those kinds of people of have to resort to those type of means to get a women, but I suppose not everyone can be like him right? A beautiful majestic creature in which awes even the gods.

Chu smiled thinking of himself.

"Whistle, whistle whistle.."

(Not sure what sounds you make when you whistle so that's him whistling.)

'Now that I think about it I wonder how I'll still be when the originals come around. Will I still be hunting or start a family?'

'Nah~ definitely won't be a hunter. I'm only doing this until the plot starts.. afterall not much else to do in this time period besides maybe find a wife.'

'Yeah, finding myself a wife will be good. I'll even find a way to make her an immortal like me so we can be together for eternity.'

'Maybe I could become a king? Or even an emperor?'

'All hail King Chu!'

Chu smiled and even let out a little chuckle thinking of the future that awaits him.

"Hmm it should be just up ahead according to this map I was given." Chu mumbled looking at this dusty

Old map that marked this village.

When he got there he was welcomed what seemed to be a village leader.

Assuming so since he seemed like an old fart with one foot inside the grave but then again it actually seemed everyone in this village was an old fart some reason.

'Is this a village for old fellers?' Chu wondered seeing all the old foggies in the village.

However when he really focused he could tel that they actually weren't even that old at all.

A lot of them were middle aged men that look like they could be my grandpa.

It seems they had their life force sucked out of them by something.

And that something is most definitely a supernatural creature.

So I decided to do a little snooping and found out that a few years ago a person came by and told them his services.

Obviously at first they didn't believe so he showed them an example.

Seeing his god like powers the villagers were tempted. And it seemed that although they lost life force they didn't mind it.

Complete retards.

But with me here I will fix the problem.

This should be a fairly strong supernatural creature otherwise people would have killed it by now.

I'm really hoping it's just a really powerful witch who is using their life force as a way to stay young and immortal forever.

It's heart would definitely be a good one to use for the village chief.

I'll take some of its blood for the future, maybe I'll become a mad scientist or something keke and create a chimera.

Orichumaru who?

I shoulda wished for a world travel system damn it! Although this damn universe has tons of lore what happens when it ends?

Curse me curse everything!


Become a god first things first in this world.

I stay the night at the village hoping that just maybe I can catch a glimpse of the creature but I was told the next day that there is certain times "he" comes down.

It seems the 6th of every month is the sacrifice time.

Which means I have 2 days until the next sacrifice happens and he wants some young virgin girls.

Tsk tsk.

Until then I suppose I'll help out the villagers and hunt the creatures around here since according to many whenever they go to hunt a lot of them always die due to werewolves and other creatures.

And werewolves are cheese so I'll kill them and take their blood.

So when it's night time instead of sleeping like the rest of the old foggies I take my trusty scythe and start hunting.


Time for my amazing skills! Ready..


In the middle of a forest where it was night time with a full moon blooming high uo in the sky..

Was a man so devilishly beautiful some might just mistake him as a god of beauty was slowly walking with a scythe in hand.

Of course the man wasn't quiet as he was whistling while walking without a care in the world that many creatures were around him.

For instance, not too far away from the man was a pack of werewolves. 6 of them.

With the one in the front the biggest of them all which means he is the alpha.

They saw Chu and wanted to eat him. He seemed like delicious prey.


So they stalked him.

Stalked him until he got to a dead end wherever he was going.

"Aha~ tricked you!"

"I'm sure your thinking.. ha! We got him where we want him but it's actually the opposite!" Chu explained to the werewolves when he got to the dead end.

"This is exactly where I want YOU ALL!" Chu smiled and said to the werewolves who's teeth were ready to bite.


The werewolves weren't scared however as they thought he was only a mere human. Something they have eaten plenty of.

"Well? Are you guys scared or what. COME AT ME!" Chu roared with his purple eyes suddenly glowing.

His taunt worked as the wolves behind the alpha all charged at him.

"JUST BECAUSE YOU ARENT PLAYING FAIR DOESNT MEAN I WONT KILL YOU ALL!" He roared while swinging his scythe at the oncoming wolves.

"DIE!" He swung his scythe slicing one of the wolves head off while another wolf managed to bite his leg while he was distracted.

"you think that does anything?" He swung downwards slicing the wolves body into two.

But what was left was a nasty bite mark with venom coursing through his veins now.

"Tsk, a slightly nerf but nothing too bad." Chu said feeling his body get a bit weaker.

And the wolves also noticed this so the remaining five started to teamwork.

They did what happen earlier, when one distracts him the other bites him.

Which led to chu being bitten all over his body but all it did was slow him down .

"BITE ME ALL YOU WANT YOU DOGS BUT IN THE END ILL STILL KILL YOU ALLLLLL!" Chu roared swinging his scythe killing the rest of the wolves.

Chu's Leg, arm, hand, were all bitten. He had wolf venom basically all in his system now. Which if it was a normal person just one bite would kill them but since he is the strongest true immortal creature it won't kill him.

At most it will weaken him for a limited time before he expels it.

But the weakness is all that was needed for the very last wolf, the alpha.

The alpha merely watched as his pack was brutally slaughtered by chu.

But it calculated and knew it could "kill" chu with all that venom in him.

So it saw a moment to strike when chus back was against him since chu decided to take the wolfs blood mid fight.

It jumped high and pounced on chu's next giving him a deadly bite and cracking his neck.

"Crrrrrrck" chu's neck was broken.

"Hmm? THAT HURTS YOU BASTARD!" Chu yelled feeling his neck being broken.

Doesn't help that he has a whole wolf mouth buried into his neck also.

"Damn mutt!" Chu dropped his scuthe and with his bare hands decided to kill the alpha.

He pryed it off his neck while his neck healed instantly and held it by its throat.

"How's it feel bastard?!" Chu said while giving the alphas neck a death grip.

The alpha struggled with all its might but it could not escape Chu's grip.

"Die and rot in hell. Crrrrck" chu broke its neck throwing it on the ground.

Around the alphas body laid his comrades, his pack, all so sadly slaughtered!

'Well, time to drain them off their blood keke.' Out of nowhere Chu took out 6 syringes.

And he filled them up each with their blood and put a nice ol label on them.

"For this one you'll be named alpha blood~" chu placed a special label for the alpha.

"Mmmm~ perfect! While this is technically for the chief this will also help me achieve my goal of collecting different creatures' blood!" Chu mumbled.

That's right, while the chief gave chu this mission it all fit into his agenda. He needs other creatures' blood anyways so he figured he would kill two birds with one stone doing this.

"This is all for science! I'm not weird hmm hmm." He mumbled to himself.


A/N: I've noticed many of you saying werewolves weren't born this far back and were born after Silas was sealed.

I didn't realize that ngl, so instead I'll have it so their a natural creature who was born way back yonder. Just like those creatures in legacies. Feels better since werewolves are usually old species.