Elias Corvinus-Mikaelson bit two unsuspecting teens changing their lives forever. Elias is forced to defend his pack as enemies move in on his turf.
Later That Day
Elias laid on the couch looking into the eyes of Marin his hand played with her hair.
"We should talk."
"Or we could do something else," Elias said as he kissed Marin on the neck.
"We," Marin was cut off as Elias kissed her neck again before his hands began to roam her body. Allowing herself to be lost in his embrace Marin paused as she could feel Elias's member poking her in the abdomen. Elias felt her pause but he ignored it as he began to kiss her lips bringing her back to reality.
No longer hesitating Marin climbed atop of Elias now straddling his waist she lowered herself meeting his lips with her own. Elias smiled as he gripped her waist he knew where things were headed though his smile turned to a frown when he heard a knock on the front door.
"You should get that," Marin said as she kissed his neck this time.
"No, They'll go away eventually." Elias hoped as he returned his attention to Marin but the knocking continued. He only knew one person who could be so annoying at a time like this, focusing his hearing he could hear Scott.
"Stiles Maybe we should just leave." Scott held a huge flat screen T.V in his hands peaking around it to speak to Stiles.
"And disappoint Lydia I think not, Elias will open the door eventually." Stiles continued to knock.
Elias sighed before giving Marin one last kiss he stood up fixing his joggers before heading to the door. "Stiles, what are you doing here?" Elias opened the door surprised to see Scott holding a T.V. "Movie night and since you guys don't have a T.V. we brought one open the door."
"How about we have the movie night tomorrow, Me and Marin were in the middle of something," Elias said with a frown on his face he was hoping to persuade Stiles.
"Marin's already here? Good LYDIA, ALLISON, COME ON IN MARIN'S ALREADY HERE." Elias's frown deepened and he was regretting ever becoming friends with Stiles in the first place. Scott sat to the side with a relatable frown on his face he was used to Stiles and had been since they were really young.
Lydia and Allison exited Allison's mom's car and made it towards the front door. "Elias, you live here?" Lydia asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"My mom tried to buy it a couple of years back, some rich family had owned it since like the 50s, I didn't realize you were part of that family." Lydia smiled walking inside Allison said hi before following her, they were soon sitting on the couch talking to Marin with smiles on there faces.
Elias frowned wondering about Lydia's family, he himself wasn't aware of how old Lydia's family was. Shaking himself from his thoughts he found Scott setting up the T.V. while Stiles stood next to him with three DVD cases in his hand.
"So time to vote what movie are we watching, I have the Notebook," Stiles held up Lydia's favorite movie causing her eyes to brighten. "Next I have Friends with benefits, I mean who doesn't love Mila Kunis not to mention Justin Timberlake." Stiles Sat that DVD to the side, "Okay the final one is Twilight, I don't think anyone here has seen it but it's supposed to be about this weird chick falling in love with a Vampire."
While Lydia loved The Notebook she was honestly more interested in seeing Twilight, Allison and Marin agreed. Leaving the boys with no choice but to nod in agreement.
"Stiles let's get the other loveseat from the basement," Stiles nodded thinking it was a good idea while Marin went to go pop some popcorn.
Minutes later a sofa and two loveseats were in the room surrounding the T.V. Marin and Elias immediately took the sofa grabbing a cover they cuddled under the sheets.
Contrary to everyone's expectations Lydia and Allison stuck to one love seat leaving both Scott and Stiles sitting next to each other. Stiles sent Elias a couple of dirty glances and Elias just laughed taking this as payback for interrupting him earlier.
The movie began and they quickly realized that the movie was doing a pretty good job with Edward and his family being eerily close to real vampires until Edward stepped into the light and started glittering like a little girls barbie doll.
Stiles couldn't help but laugh thinking of Elias stepping into the sunlight and looking like he got hit by a glitter bomb.
Though things got awkward when Niklaus walked into the door with Kate by his side and Elias suddenly remembered what his father had told him.
"Having a Party without me?" Niklaus smirked as he walked into the kitchen Elias quickly. Allison was surprised to see her Aunt arrive.
"You said you wouldn't be back until later tonight it's only 7:00," Elias said looking at his phone.
"Look Kate he's trying to kick me out already, afraid I'll embarrass you, dear nephew?" Niklaus took a sip from the cup of scotch he had just made.
"No," Elias Quickly denied before he could reply Allison entered the Kitchen. "Aunt Kate, what are you doing here."
Kate smiled before grabbing Allison by the arm exiting the room, Elias looked as they left before he returned his attention back to his smirking Uncle.
"Listen to me Elias," Niklaus stepped forward putting a hand on Elias's shoulder. "Next time you need information come to me first. No need to go behind my back, for you I would slay monsters of innumerable quantity."
Elias nodded surprised that Niklaus even knew about it, "How did you find out?"
"I'm over a thousand years old, you think I can't tell when someone is trying to distract me?" Niklaus smiled looking at his nephew. "That's fine though because while your father is gone you'll be learning from me, I'll bring you up to par. You'll soon understand what it means to be a Michaelson."
Elias nodded quite excitedly, he had heard countless tales by both his father and his uncle he knew what the Michaelson's were capable of even if that meant they had to sacrifice so much just to survive.
With Allison and Kate
They were both currently at the top of the stairs and Allison was surprised seeing her Aunt so happy. "Wait so you're dating Elias's Uncle?" Her eyes brightened.
"Yes he's so charismatic I find myself saying yes to him without even knowing why I think I'm in love" Kate spoke with stars in her eyes."
Allison didn't know what to say her and Scott's relationship was constantly building she wasn't sure when she would be able to say she was in love but she liked him a lot.
"So tell me about Scott are he and Elias Close?" Kate asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No Scott is closer with Stiles but Stiles seems closer with Elias, Idk but there's usually another guy around his name is Derek. He's pretty nice he dropped me off at home when Scott got sick a couple of weeks ago."
"Wait, Derek, Tall dark and handsome, looks like he's always sulking?" Kate was surprised this would mean they were friends with a known werewolf chances are one of them was a werewolf. Her brother hadn't told her about a new beta popping up which means Derek was probably keeping it on a down low, though she was sure he would probably be dead soon. Wolfsbane laced bullets were hell even for Alpha's she doubted Derek could survive without her help.
AN: Argents Don't hunt Vampires... Simple though Kate might be trying to change that who knows...
If anyone's feeling Generous