
The Original Son of Poseidon

UnfortunateSon · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Waking up in a strange world

August 7th 1995,

Back alley streets of New York City.

I awoke in a dumpster, Unfortunately not for the first time in my 25 years.

"Ugh?" I moaned in pain and my head throbbed with a new level of hangover.

The pain was excruciating enough that I was in no hurry to leave the dumpster.

A loud metal door was kicked open as a man shouted inside.

"Just take out the goddamn trash!" an older man yelled.

"Yeah Yeah! I'm doing it ya lazy fuck!" a younger man likely in his twenties retorted, as the door closed behind him.

"Whoa, hey! looks like somebody had a rough night huh? how old are ya kid? you definitely aren't old enough to get drunk enough to wake up in a dumpster." the man said looking a little worried.

"Shhhhhh" I said with a finger close to my lips.

"Alright, not my business, but that is my dumpster so let me help you out of it." tha man said not exactly asking for permission as he lifted me out in a not overly gentle way.

The sudden movement sent waves of nausea through me and erupted from my moth hole.

"Whoa! watch the damn shoes brat!" He said now laughing.

once my stomach was empty I noticed the man had went back inside and I was alone again.

I looked through my pockets for my phone but only found my wallet, making sure everything was still there I found I lost my ID but gained a couple thousand dollars and a note that read.

'Good luck! love ROB.'

"Oh... fuck!" I mumbled as a possibility ran through my mind.

I had read plenty of fanfics in my time and I knew the legend of bored omnipotent beings...

I got up and brushed myself off as I did.

"I'm going to need more clothes."

"You can use my old ones, come inside you smell like a dumpster... Literally." a voice said.

looking up it was the same young man from earlier.

"it's a personal policy of mine not to enter strangers homes." I said in a bored tone.

"Ha, Fair enough, My names Heka, Strange name I know but mine nonetheless, what's your name kid?" Heka said.

I took a moment looking at the man before me, I was a mythological researcher, before I woke up I was in Cairo visiting a friend who found a perfectly preserved scroll and had wanted my help deciphering it... what had it said again?

"Heka? as in Hike? The Egyptian God who was said to be the personification of magic?" I asked.

I was already aware I was no longer in my original body, I wasnt 4ft before but I certainly was now.

"Oh? it's been a while since someone recognized my name, yeah that's me, Now what's your name?" Heka said with a proud smile.

"Necari Ambrosios Nephus, And I have no idea where I am..." I said.

"Necari Ambrosios Nephus? Greek right? And your In the beautiful New York city!" Heka said smiling.

"Yeah, But Necari's Latin."

"True, Well were not strangers anymore, and I'm not about to let a demigod like you live in a dumpster, come on I got a proposal for you!" Heka said, as he gestured and my body started walking behind him on its own.

I blanked, "I'm not a demigod though." I said as my body continued walking.

"Ha! Please your one of the Strongest demigods I've ever seen, I can see the divine blood in you, your a Godling without a doubt." Heka said smirking.

"If your really Heka, why were you throwing the trash out? why not just use your magic to do that?" I asked.

Heka laughed at that as he opened the door.

"I'm an Egyptian Diety I've been around a while I'm not some spoiled Olympian, Besides if I didnt I wouldn't have met you." He said.

"You said you had a proposal for me?" I asked carefully.

"Yeah, Take a shower first though, you seriously smell." Heka said grimacing.

I stayed quiet as he let me to a bathroom and showed me the operation and gave me a towel and a trash bag for my clothes, before handing me a stack of almost brand new clothes.

"These are your old clothes?" I asked.

"Something like that. I'll let you take that shower now." He said smiling. his smile was infectious that was for sure.

once the door closed I just stood there for a moment before trusting my instincts, Heka could be trusted, and getting in the shower.

Once I was done I walked out in the new clothing and walked down the stairs to find Heka, I found him in what was most likely the living room with an older man without a body only a head, which was just hovering around the room.

"Ah Necari, Meet my friend Nik he was cursed to live until the end of his bloodline as nothing more than a floating head, he's a grouch so dont let him bother you, how was the shower?" Heka asked.

"Nice to meet you, The shower was fine, Now about your proposal..." I began.

"Oh yeah, So I've been around for quite a long time, and I'm quite bored, how would you feel if I adopted you?" Heka asked bluntly.