
The Original Doppelganger

Reborn as a member of the Mikaelson family and twin brother of the bastard son of Esther, the hybrid Klaus Mikaelson wasn't enough I just had to be a Doppelganger too (I own nothing of the vampire diaries/ Originals only things I claim are my MC And OC's)

Nerdy_stoner · TV
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33 Chs

Fight or Flight (Edited)

(Elijah POV)

I awaken with a gasp, sitting up straight, and I see Father doing the same. While Mother groggily woke up with a grunt.

Looking around I see the pentagram that was restraining my little siblings, Erik and Klaus, was completely destroyed. And they weren't there looking to where I know Finn and Kol were holding a furious Rebekah. I see all 3 hugging a desperate and broken Klaus. Erik is nowhere to be seen, so I stand up knowing what I have to do. I follow the scent of Erik and it leads me back to the hovel. Inside smells like death and then I caught the scent of Tatia. I realized what Erik was doing.

I continued to follow his scent until I was in the cursed clearing, where the beast inside me killed his lover. I see him still shirtless, in black boiled leather armored pants, and boots. Kneeling in front of a freshly buried grave. He looks behind him right into my eyes and stands up to his full height, before Erik speaks.

"What are you doing here Elijah? I have nothing for you... You and your parents took it all away from me."

In a hollow and broken voice looking him over, I see he has a broken branch of white oak tightly gripped in his left hand. I kneel and say.

"I'm sorry brother-"

But Erik yells.

"YOU DON'T GET TO CALL ME THAT.... YOU.... YOU MONSTER.... YOU AND YOUR PSYCHO PARENTS TOOK.... EVERYTHING.... Everything you touch is corrupted."

Finishing in a whisper that is so light that I barely hear it, so I say.

"Kill me then.... I deserve it for what I did to you... I watched you grow, and I can't take you hating me."

(Erik POV)

"I'm not going to kill you, Elijah. I hold no love for you and wish you only pain. But killing a person like you would be a kindness that I will not give."

I turned around again and continue.

"Leave, stay.... I don't care, but if you ever betray Klaus again... I will make you wish that I killed you."

Hours later I am walking slowly back to the hovel, and right out front I see Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah making their always and forever oath. I see both Finn and Kol walking up to them, so I do the same, glaring at Elijah and say.

"Missing half the family in that oath little brother, little sister, you both already know I will always be by your sides."

Finn and Kol say at the same time

"Always and forever."

Klaus smiles and speaks.

"We need to leave. Mikael has gone crazy. He killed Mother for her betrayal. Then went after the wolf who fathered you and I, Erik. We are not safe. who will go with me?"

Rebekah and Elijah both immediately say yes. Followed by Kol and Finn. They all look at me and I say.

"Together always and forever. Gather your things. Finn, Kol, can you grab my bags for me? I'm going to have a chat with my stepfather. Meet at the edge of the village and we will run for the ocean."

I speed off. Minutes later I am out of the village and coming upon the werewolf tribesmen. I see that they are desperately trying to fight off Mikael. Who is playing with them. I grabbed a longsword off the ground and jumped right in front of Mikael, as he was about to strike down the daughter of Ansel and his Luna. I pushed him back and yell as loud as I can to the wolves.


And like the world broke open they all started running away in every direction. Looking behind me, I see a girl of 17 with dark brown hair, with green forest eyes. That is my younger half-sister from Ansel, and I see that she is bleeding out from a slash to the chest. I look at Mikael, who sneered at me before chasing after the wolves to continue his slaughter.

I look around quickly and see Ansel in the air, with a spear sticking out of the ground into his stomach.

I grabbed my half-sister and sped to his body taking his ring, then ran away. As I got close to the village, she was close to dying. When I came across, of all people, Elijah holding his bags with Rebekah and Kol next to him. As I get closer, I see Finn and Klaus coming up and I yell.


Elijah is faster and quickly throws me the water skin. I catch it with a glare sent to him before I look at my half-sister and ask.

"I know you don't know me, but I am your elder brother, with my twin Niklaus.... Do you want to live little sister?"

She groans and looks at me with desperate eyes, before nodding. I put the water skin that held the last of the wine, which made us originals and was meant for Tatia to her lips and say.

"Drink it all little sister."

When she finished it, she took her last breath, and I lifted her in a princess carry and turn to my siblings and say.

"Brothers, sister meet the trueborn daughter of Ansel.  Mine and Klaus's little sister. She just watched Mikael killing Ansel, her mother, and her people."

Looking at each of them I continue.

"He slashed her across the chest."

Elijah shudders and looks sadly at her as I keep talking.

"And was going to finish her off when I stopped him. I told the remaining wolves to scatter and run for their life. They did, and Mikael followed.... when I looked around and saw Ansel, he was impaled by a spear that was stuck in the ground."

Looking to Klaus, who looks depressed at never knowing our true father, I tell him.

"Sorry brother, I couldn't save him. But after that, I knew I could save her life with the wine that was meant for Tatia. Making her a hybrid like Klaus and I, so I decided I won't lose any more family."

When I said Tatia's name, Elijah again flinched.

"Let us leave my family... And quickly if I say so myself."

Klaus said after a minute of silence. And so, we ran and ran until we eventually found a dock. With a trading vessel docked there, and our newest original groans awake.

if you liked the chapter leave me a power stone. have a nice day

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