
The Celestial Offer

In the lively streets of Chang'an, where lanterns danced with the wind and laughter echoed off ancient walls, Liang lived a simple life. He was known for his kindness, a heart as warm as the midsummer sun. But trouble brewed in the form of Mei, a woman scorned and furious.

Mei, with her eyes flashing with anger, had set her sights on Liang. She desired him, but he refused her advances, his heart belonging to another. Enraged by rejection, Mei's heart turned cold, a bitter storm brewing within.

One night, consumed by fury and fueled by a desire for revenge, Mei devised a wicked plan. She sought out Liang's closest friend, Wei, a man with dreams as grand as the city itself. Promising him riches beyond imagination and the favor of women aplenty, Mei whispered lies of betrayal into Wei's eager ear.

Wei, blinded by greed and the promise of easy fortune, agreed to Mei's scheme. Under the cover of darkness, he led Liang to a secluded alley, the shadows conspiring with deceit.

As Liang walked into the dark alley, his senses on high alert, he found himself surrounded by three menacing figures. Thugs, hired by Wei and fueled by promises of gold, glared at him with malice in their eyes.

Before Liang could react, the thugs lunged forward, their weapons gleaming in the dim light of the alley. Liang fought valiantly, his heart pounding with fear and fury, but the odds were stacked against him.

In a flurry of blows and desperate struggles, Liang fell to the ground, his strength waning with each passing moment. The world spun around him, darkness closing in as pain seared through his body.

But just as the cruel hands of death reached out to claim him, a shimmering light appeared before Liang. A celestial being, radiant and serene, gazed upon him with eyes filled with compassion.

"You have been wronged," she said, her voice a soothing balm to Liang's wounded soul. "But I offer you a choice."

Liang listened, his heart heavy with sorrow and anger. The celestial being spoke of two paths laid out before him—the hard road of trials and challenges, or the perilous yet tempting path of quick ascension.

"Choose wisely," the celestial being urged, her voice echoing with ancient wisdom.

Liang hesitated, torn between vengeance and redemption, between the allure of easy power and the call of true strength.

In the end, it was the memory of Wei's betrayal and Mei's treachery that steeled his resolve. With a voice filled with determination, Liang spoke.

"I choose the path of trials," he declared, his heart pounding with resolve.

And with those words, the celestial being nodded, a gentle smile gracing her ethereal features. In a burst of blinding light, Liang felt himself lifted from the mortal realm, torn from the clutches of death and thrust into a realm of boundless potential.

As he opened his eyes to this new world, Liang knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and dangers. But with the memory of betrayal burning like a fire in his heart, he vowed to rise above, to train and become a god among men.

And so, Liang's journey began—a quest for redemption, a pursuit of power, and a battle against the darkness that threatened to consume him. For in this new realm of magic and mystery, where gods and demons roamed, only the strongest would survive.

With the celestial being as his guide, and the memory of Mei's betrayal as his fuel, Liang embarked on a path of trials and tribulations. The road ahead would be long and arduous, but he was determined to emerge victorious.

For Liang, the celestial gamble was just the beginning—an opening chapter in a saga of growth, power, and the ultimate quest for divinity. And so, with a heart filled with determination and a spirit unbroken, Liang set forth into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.