"Is it wrong to kill, is wrong to steal, is it wrong to covet thy neighbor's wife, is it wrong to..." Be it Gods or Demons, Beast or Man; all have fallen. In their despair, they shall hope, in their victory, they shall fall, in their success, we shall rise. Welcome to my Order, welcome to The Order of Chaos. *** Disclaimer: I do NOT own this picture
"All we are missing is K.O. and Arsene. Where are they?" Zariel inquired, looking around. There was a bit of impatience in his heart as he had spoken that Auralia was quick to pick up on. It had taken her back, as she had never seen him so happy. Despite not looking joyful, she could tell he enjoyed being around these strangers.
Hanging in the back, she studied the faces of everyone as they punched and joked with each other. Unsure where she lay in this group that made her feel somewhat out of place, she picked up her dish and left for the kitchen before finding herself near Ella on the crimson settee, who was slowly waking up due to the noise.
"I had them on a mission, " Zero answered, releasing a dry breath behind his mask that hadn't been revealed to anyone but Zariel due to an unexpected accident. Same with the name that not even the Gods knew.
"He'll be coming and going alongside K.O. But Gaius Winterblack will be the liaison between you and Arsene."
"Who?" Zariel asked, having never heard the name. "I thought we were enemies with the Winterblack family. I did kill one of their major geniuses during the battle in the Redwoods. I'm sure there is some relationship."
"There is. The one you killed was Syvon Winterblack, the elder brother of Gaius, but not much loved was shared between those two, not to mention no one knows who you are in the order. Gaius is the secret bastard of the Winterblack familiy."
"How trustworthy?" Vancurro inquired.
"Out of ten? I'd say four."
"That's really high for you. I think you gave us all a five." Zariel joked, unable to help himself from rolling his eyes.
"Everyone here is alive and still a mystery to everyone due to my cautious nature," Zero uttered, arching his lips behind his mask.
"You're smiling, aren't you?" Iz said, hooking his arm over his neck, "We need to get you laid. A woman will surely drop that cautious attitude of yours in no time. Don't worry; we are trying to find you a pussy that'll send you to heaven."
"Do I need to call Hope?" Zero asked, turning Iz silent.
"Please don't bring that bitch up, cheat slut."
"This is why I keep saying your life is a soap opera, you keep getting cheated on, or they try to poison you." Zero remarked, shaking his head.
"Please, at least I'm not this fucker here." Iz coldly said, turning his attention back to Zariel. "It's good to see you again; it really is, but—"
"Chill,' Van said, walking in front of Zariel, who had turned silent, losing his smile.
"It's fine. I knew at least a few of you would be mad. After all, unlike me, who never could grasp the concept of empathy well, you seem to feel something with me killing almost everyone throughout the Sea of Chaos and on Iluthath.
"Please, if it was only killing, there might be some things we would have forgiven, but with your actions, there was a great shift in powers throughout the Exalted wheel. Beings that were either sealed using the lives of Chaos Lords or Blood Lords are slowly breaking out of their cells. Some of the foulest monsters are coming back, Zariel, and it's all your fault."
"If you think I should apologize, then your talking to the wrong person." Zariel calmly said, unable to see the problem, "Iz, you are the most emphatic person I know, but I simply can't find it in myself to care. I never understood how you all could care about others that aren't related to you.
"And your Mother? What would she say?"
"Well, she's dead, so nothing." He answered back in a snap, placing his hands over the table, "I've been in hell for a long, long time, a few chaos cycles, possibly longer; I've no fucking clue, but there is one thing I've learned, and that is not to care. Everyone at this table is the only thing I've got, and honestly, even that wears thin some days."
Zariel sucked in a deep breath, " Have you ever had to kill your own mother? To be forced to cut her into pieces against your will? To be forced to do the unspeakable to everyone I'd ever cared about, to wish for death, only to have it never arrive? To be cut apart, raped, humiliated, to have your mind remain so fucus so strong that it would never break, dispute wanting to? I prayed and begged every day until something in me broke. It wasn't my mind but the little humanity I held, so forgive me if I can't give a single fuck what happened to others. I'm free, and it's only just recently I've found some joy in this madness."
A long silence reached the hearts of everyone, as even Sionn's snoring stopped. Van's arms touched upon Zariels shoulders, as did Zero, who all looked up, not daring to look at the face they knew was tearing up.
"I held the mentality—"
"Enough," Arsene's voice reached out as he appeared on the patio, alongside a larger man with long curly hair that reached his back, dark skin, and a dark glow in his eye; he stood with his arms crossed with a solemn face.
You needn't say more, brother," Arsene coldly said, shooting a demonic glare at Iz, whose mouth opened wide, with a look of regret written over his face.
"Our little sister should be here in a few days. And I don't want her to see you like this," he said, walking closer. He placed his hand over his silver brother's hair, using the shadow of his body to mask the tears flowing from his little brother, and rustled his hair.
"I miss her."
"Me too, little bro. Me too"
K.O. walked up to the table and pulled out a Bottle of Nox, one of Iluthtaths finest. "Let's dring, in honor of Yuki. It's been a long time coming, don't yall think?"
There was a silence of agreement, and K.O. shot his eyes towards Aurelia's teary face, alongside Ella and Sionn, " You too, younglings. If you've got plans today, then shut that shit down because after we finish this bottle, we're going to hit the town.