"Is it wrong to kill, is wrong to steal, is it wrong to covet thy neighbor's wife, is it wrong to..." Be it Gods or Demons, Beast or Man; all have fallen. In their despair, they shall hope, in their victory, they shall fall, in their success, we shall rise. Welcome to my Order, welcome to The Order of Chaos. *** Disclaimer: I do NOT own this picture
Laying within their own waste, a hollow hue could be seen within both Aurelia and Ella. It had been five days, and aside from being fed, the two girls were not allowed to leave, much less move. Their tears had long run dry, losing hope of rescue.
"No one is coming, are they?" Ella hopelessly whispered
"We are alone,"
"Are you scared?" Ella asked.
Shaking her head, a dark hue filled Aurelia's golden eyes, "No, not anymore." She answered. Knowing they needed to depend on themselves.
Clenching her fist, a determined look filled Ella's eyes, "Please live," she said, startling Aurelia when the totem of the wolf upon her head began to glimmer with a radiance.
Shock the howling of wolves, the hissing of snakes, and the sheiks of wild beast suddenly began to ring like bells within the forest.
"What the hell?" Said Flan with alert eyes.
Rushing towards the carriage, Glin drew his sword, observing his surroundings alongside the other knights. However, with a slide of hand, a small copper key appeared right beside Aurelia. Widening her eyes, Glin whispered only audible to her, "Call my name, and I shall appear, my master."
Shocked and perplexed, Aurelia swiftly placed her foot over the key, hiding it in haste. Turning to Ella, who held a pale grimace, Aurelia whispered, "We are leaving. Get ready."
"Direwolves," Flan roared, his body exploding out with an Azure Arcana, glaring at the twenty wolves twice the size of a normal wolf. Their fangs dripping with a thick saliva that smelt of mold and bark.
"That's not all; that is a Tensen Bear as well," Sir Enone fearfully said, "We are completely surrounded, and more beasts are showing up! What the hell is going on?"
"Eat them!" Ella whispered with glowing eyes.
Howling and bellowing, the pack of wolves darted towards the knights with wild abandonment, while The Tensen bear covered in various totems depicting dragons, however, shot towards the carriage.
Descending into chaos, Glin sent his master a stern look leaping into battle with his blade against the wolves. Waving his sword with elegant grace, blood flowed like rain over the skies. Shocked, Flann suddenly turned towards him.
"You improved! Great, let's clean up these pests; our mission is almost done," He shouted, his blade also severing the head of a dire wolf with ease. Yet, his blade suddenly came to a halt as he stared down at the sword digging into his chest. Watching it turn, he looked towards its wielder.
"For my master," Said Sir Glin with worship, slowly twisting his blade," May she shine like gold upon the bed of chaos!"
"You bloody traitor!" Flan weakly muttered, choking up a mouthful of blood as three dire wolves sprung upon his body, tearing at his neck. Groaning, his cold eyes never left Glin.
Watching his life wither from Alos, Glin swiftly tried to parry three strikes to his back, blocking two missing the last. Slashing through his plated armor, the knight grinned as a vicious gash revealing bones and organs appeared upon his chest. Sending a subtle glance to the empty cage, he roared, charging towards his death.
Rushing through the forest Aurelia and Ella didn't dare turn back as they ran for dear life. Hearing the roars of battle and the howls of wolves, the girls shuttered. Feeling freedom upon the horizon, they began twisting and turning randomly, running till their legs could not take them anymore.
Gasping for air Aurelia turned towards the totem that was beginning to fade upon Ella's head. Noticing her ears were growing longer and her skin turning a darker shade, while her hair turned auburn, she placed her palm upon Ella.
"Please don't hate me!" Ella fearfully shouted.
Baffled by her sudden reaction, Aurelia surveyed the area one more time shaking her head without care, "Why would I hate you? Your ears look really cute!" She said, hugging the young girl covered in sweat.
"But... I'm an elven Druid. Monsters that devour humans." Ella pitifully explained, whimpering in tears. She pushed Aurelia away, turning her as to not gaze upon her. "Our people are persecuted and hunted."
Not care in the least, Aurelia tackled Ella with a vibrant smile, "We are alive! We escape; why should Aurelia care? Ella is Ella."
Biting her lips, the young Druid broke into tears wailing within the arms of Aurelia. Sniffling for a few hours, the young girls giggled to one another, watching the moon begin to rise within the skies.
"So your mother is a wood elf, and your father a human. Making you a Half-Elf?" Aurelia said, a little confused, "But are your brothers the same?"
"No, they are my stepbrothers. Father's first wife died giving birth to them long ago but found comfort with the forest where I was born. Not even grandfather knows I'm an elf, Half-Elf, I mean."
Touching her chin, Aurelia nodded with a vibrant smile, "So aside from talking to animals, can you do anything else?"
"I can summon the animals, but I cannot control them yet. Mother said till my blood begin to devour my human side, I will begin to gain more control over my powers." Ella explained, wiping the dry tears away, feeling free finally able to speak about it with someone. "Do you think Zireael will care?"
"Sorry to interrupt, but Zireael himself is not human, and he already knows of your origins since the first time he met you." Anima suddenly announced, startling the two girls.
"Where the bloody hell have you been?!" Aurelia screamed, glaring at the rune upon her wrist, "I called to you every day!"
Hearing no response, Aurelia gritted her teeth, her tiny shoulders trembling as she remembered what had happened.
Patting her shoulders, Ella comforted, "it's fine, let's just get back."
"No... Is Zireael here?" Aurelia demanded, glaring at the rune.
"Lord Zireael is not. However, he is a few hours away. This is the moon of his mother's passing. He is currently passed out under a tree. If you would like, I will—"
"You two cunts! Did you think you could get away!" The hoarse voice of Ennon exploded. Pushing out of the dense bushes. His entire armor was covered with scratches and gashes seeping blood. "You're not getting away!" he howled pale from battle.
Tearing off his helmet, revealing a plain-looking man with dark eyes and short Onix hair covered in perspiration, the girls grew fearful. All of their weapons were stolen, and they had left in such a hurry the two girls did not even think of looking for their staff or wands.
Backing away, Aurelia whispered, "Anima, what do we do?"
"Call his name, and he shall appear." Anima cryptically replied.
Not understanding what that meant, a cold Arcana began to radiate off Ennon. Feeling a heavy pressure upon their souls, the girls huddle next to each other. When an odd occurrence appeared, their bodies started to leak a Golden and Emerald Arcana. This should have been impossible without any staff or wands, but neither the knight nor two girls noticed this.
"I would rather die than return!" Ella shouted.
Nodding in agreement, the two fearful girls clenched their fists, watching the glimmer of iron within their sights held by Ennon.