
Deadman's Edge

Drawing forth her iron longsword from within the Infinity Ring, a flare of magical nodes erupted, revealing a sword within the palm of Aurelia. Stars seemed to fill her eyes as she dismissed her sword back to her Infinity Ring, only to draw it again.

Lost in the mystery, Aurelia shifted her attention to the coming of dawn. Wrapped in the golden rays peeking over the horizon, her golden pupils hummed with a burning radiance.

The winds were silent, as were the Redwoods. Oddly quiet, bringing a faint worrisome expression over the young Fallen as she rose to her feet, high up from above the trees. Holding onto the iron-like bark of the trees, the whiff of blood touched her nose.

"Are you interested?" Eldrich asked, ready to help her lord in any way he could.

"Blood could only mean two things. Death or someone is injured." She addressed calmly. But her eyes could not be taken off the horizon, teaming with wonder.

"Or it's a trap. You are not the only one with a sharp nose." Eldrich sagely remarked, like an old elder addressing the young generation, he continued. "Only magical Items were taken to this world, so if you do find anything, leave them within the Infinity Ring, and they will appear on your body back on Alos.

Leaping down from high above, nimble like a cat, Aurelia landed on her feet. Only to see Balder step out of his tent and stare. "Morning," He said. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"I didn't sleep," She answered, "I don't trust that fool." Aurelia pointed out, glancing in the direction of Caldor, who was on guard all night.

Balder chuckled, but his gaze was still stern and on guard. "Where are you from?"


"How old are you?"

"Old Enough."

"Who is your master?"

"The Devil,"

"What is your full name?"

"Morningstar. Aurelia Morningstar." she finally answered, enjoying the annoyed expression upon Balder. She snickered, ready to awaken her team. Only to stop, she touched her chin and observed the clothing on the Young Master within her sight.

She had noticed it before, with the assassins, but their clothing was far more robust than average. Usually, her spells would blast someone to a mist, but the Head assassin had enough strength to scream for his men to leave despite her attack.

"Your staring," Nila suddenly added, peeking out from her tent, with Tena shadowing her from behind. "A low-born commoner like you should know when to bow."

Tena's brow slightly creased, but she did not bother to correct her friend. Nila Carin was known throughout Winterpool as the sheltered young princess of her house. The latter held a somewhat sadistic outlook on her maids—having them operate around the slums stripped and humiliated. She would often observe with curiosity the downfall of her maids.

"Seems our talk is over," Aurelia charmingly retorted, passing Nila's blunt statement off as hot air. She had heard far worse in local taverns.

Balder narrowed his eyes and hid behind his short hair that bearly covered his dark eyes as Aurelia quietly left. A bitterness was just upon the tip of his tongue as he watched the golden eye girl that caught his attention leave.

"Morning, my Lord," Nila lovingly spouted, revealing a warm smile.

"Interrupt my conversation again, and I will sever your head and deliver it to your father." Balder barked, storming off, taking both Nila and Tina by surprise.

"That bitch!" Nila cursed venomously.


"Man, it's a good day to kill something!" Sionn roared, flexing his muscles. He smiled, turning to Ella and Aurelia smiling at him back. "So? What are we up to today? I don't like the idea of being hunted like we were yesterday." He told, holstering his scimitar to his waist. His gaze flicked from side to side, scanning his surrounding, "and I don't trust the other team. I say we leave them."

Ella did not even bother to voice her contempt for Caldor and nodded in approval, but Aurelia was much more hesitant. She knew of her weak battle prowess and lack of information compared to everyone. If an assassin like her ambushed them, she was sure everyone would die.

"We stay," Aurelia sharply inform, startling everyone.

"That's stupid, Aurelia. Why?"

"Because we may die without them. I know it's disdainful, but I say we hold back, at least for now, till we grow stronger. We just got our cores, and our bodies are changing. Sionn you said your skin is growing stronger, and Ella, I am sure something is happening to you, right?"

"I am gaining control of the trees around me. I can control a few branches, but it will not be long till I have full control." She softly whispered, for only the trio to hear.

Aurelia nodded sharply, intrigued but knew it was not the time to discuss such things. Revealing a few things regarding the infinity ring and the new information she obtained about the rankings, Zariel neglected to inform them of. Aurelia left out the truth of her staff speaking to her as a grave expression marred their tiny faces.

"So we are that weak, huh." Sionn wryly muttered, clenching his fist.

"Yeah, but we are not so defenseless. Dumb-Dumb trained us like this for a reason. We have teamwork. Killing anyone should be simple if we work together, but for now, let's work with these strangers."

Nodding simultaneously, the trio all smiled. Withdrawing back to Balder and his crew, who had already cleaned up their camps, Balder's gaze seemed to light up as it landed upon the fallen. "Have you decided to stay?" He knowingly asked.

"Yes," Aurelia answered using her poker face she learned from watching Zariels lifeless face for so many years. Masking her shock by his sharp foresight, she smiled, "Any problem with that?"

"None," He lightly answered.

"Good!" Sionn suddenly joined. "Shall we go then? YOu are the one with the map. What's our next move?" He asked, Noticing Nila, Tina, and Caldor all approach with curious expressions.

"Deadman's Edge," Said Balder tentatively, pulling out a map he pointed towards the northwest. "It's an eight days journey from us, ten if the Waves get more aggressive. Each wave brings a new beast, both old and new, so things will be deadly if we don't grow stronger."

Studying the map, Anima also posed. Aurelia frowned, noticing the worn-out circles over the map, disrupting her concentration. "What are those she asked? There are seven in our direction."

"Those are third or fourth-tier beasts territory within the Redwoods. We are going around them; as it stands, none of us can handle these beasts, with this trial limiting our Arcana." He warned, trailing his hands through a specific trail for all to see. "That's why it will be eight or ten days. If we were foolish, it would be two, maybe even a single day."

"Fine, but I lead, in the morning, you can have the afternoon," Aurelia added, as she had always felt more aware and calm in the mornings. It was during the dawn that her mind was at its peak.

"You got a lot of nerve, woman! You think you a mer--"

"Deal." Balder agreed, stunning Caldor.

Narrowing her eyes from behind her sister, Ella frowned and glanced at Balder and then at Aurelia. She tilted her head then turned to Sionn, who remained a bit clueless.

'Does he like Aurelia?' she thought, seeing no reason for him to agree. He was the one with the map; allowing a stranger to hold such a precious treasure was absurd.