
Blade of Dawn, Morningstar

Galloping at the height of noon, along the icy grass, south, Aurelia glared, in silence at the young lord, just ahead of her. He had been silent ever since Zero had made himself known four nights ago.

"Do you have any idea what's going on again? Did they have another fight? Last time I saw Master so silent, Aurelia splashed him with horse piss." Sionn silently whispered on horseback in Ella's ear, too fearful of speaking of that day the skies darkened with his Master's wrath.

Ella, for all her wit and cunning, shook her head, "I can't say. But it's probably Aurelia's fault. She loves antagonizing Master. Although, I will say he does deserve it."

Finding an amused smile, Sionn glanced heavily at his Master, riding grimly, "So? Are we calling it off? We did pay two gold coins just to prank Master. You don't think he might kill us, do you?"

Chuckling cunningly, Ella covered her mouth as to hide her smile. "It was all Aurelia's plan. We will simply hide behind her. It's a free human shield."

"And they say Aurelia is evil."

"hmm, I learned it from her."

"What are you guys talking about?" Aurelia suddenly shouted, with a hint of suspect, "Are you plotting against me!" She asked, feeling a sharp itch in the back of her mind.

"You sound like Master! Relax!" Ella spoke charmingly, finding it hard to keep a straight face.

Humming in response, Aurelia went ahead to Zariel's side, who seemed to be in a mood. "Have you decided?"

"Whether I should throw away Anima for allowing Zero to spy on all my action? Yeah, I think I might get rid of them. Although I guess I can just place a Ward onto my arm, blocking Zero from stalking me." Zariel mindlessly replied with looming eyes.

She shook her head. "I was talking about school. Will we be going?"

Zariel did not respond to her query, "Tell me why is it you wish to go anyway? College, School, it's all the same thing. A mindless place for idiots. And it's not like you guys are lacking in resources."

Knowing her mentor was a bit narrow-minded once his mind had been set, Aurelia crossed her arms firmly while still maintaining balance upon her steed. "You think me a fool, don't you? But how about if I say it like so? I want resources that you do not offer me! You give spells and power, but everything else I, Ella, and Sionn have to work for. I want to go!"

"The blade I hold cost alone seven silver, the armored leather jerkin twenty silver. Potions of Healing, like Forest Blood, a single gold coin. And assuming I wish to learn another path like potion-making or blacksmithing, would you provide such material?"

Zariel fell quiet. He stared at her for a moment, lowering his head in consideration. He had considered all that he had done as her training—teaching her how to survive without his help.

"Zireael, please! Can you please take us?" Aurelia desperately pleaded her case, brimming with a hint of tears at the corner of her eyes.

Sending a tranquil gaze at the calming woods blanketed by ice, Zariel grew quiet once more. "Fine. One year. And if after one year you do not break past Arcane Warrior into Soldier, we leave."

Widening her eyes, a glow grew like suns, "Are you serious!? Wait! I am still in the refinement phase. It took so long, and I haven't broken through yet. How am I supposed to break into Arcane Soldier in just a year?

"What do you think I have been preparing you for? All this time was to train your body to the highest level possible." Said Zariel calmly, "Once you break into Warrior the day or week we return to Yrinas, you, along with the other's will begin breaking through the five tiers relatively quickly."

"You are letting us run wild? No more holding us back?" Aurelia shouted, gathering the attention of Ella and Sionn.

"Truly!" Sionn hallowed with child-like innocent teeming from his eyes. "Finally!"

"I will help you all breakthrough. After so we will take the teleporter to the Capital. From there, things will change." Zariel grimly continued, "I need not say this, but Ella, you will have to hide your race once more, and Aurelia, you cannot be alone no matter what happens. Clear."

"Are we going to see Master Innis and Aunty Talia?" Aurelia vibrantly exclaimed, with all smiles.

Snapping his fingers, Zariel pursed his lips, "Focus, Focus. Remember no going off on your own. I don't need to kill an entire city just to get you back. We clear!"

Ignoring the words of Zariel, Aurelia, unable to control her excitement, leaped onto his steed, hugging the young lord. "Thank you, Dumb-Dumb! Everything is coming up, Aurelia, today! Ella, Sionn, we are racing through the night! To Yrinas!"

"To Yrinas," Cheered Ella and Sionn, trotting their horses forward after the young fallen racing ahead with wild laughter.

Following after the trio chortling, Zariel held the leather reins of his horse tightly, moving at his own pace. A comforting stillness permeated his bones. Enjoying the peace and quiet as the trio's laughter receded into the distance. He continued down the snowy trail.

"Are you back so soon?" Zariel suddenly uttered, stunning the apparition that appeared on his shoulder with a cheeky smile.

"Did you develop a sixth sense? Where is the fun if you are never surprised?" Mephesto teased bitterly, tracing his eyes over the horizon. "Tell me, Zariel. When will you finally cut loose? I know that bloodlust within you needs to be fed."

Feeling the weight upon his blade resting on his back, he frowned, as Mephesto continued, "Crafted using the last of your own remains, or should I say the last of your mother's bloodline. A sword truly worthy of a true devil-like yourself. I must say, she was lucky. Such a bloodline was monstrous."

"The blood of the Forsaken, the power that is said to condemn the heavens with its presence." Zariel recalled pulling the blade from his back; he smiled, "Now that power, due to the Weave, now runs through this blade."

Crackling with Laughter, Mephesto nodded, "Indeed. Indeed m'boy. But don't you think it's time for Aurelia to get her family's weapon? The Blade of Dawn, Morningstar."