
The orcs way of life

This story is about a young curvy woman meeting a handsome male orc as they struggle to understand each other and the world around them. warning there will be sensitive topics blood, killing, sexual abuse, physical violence, etc

Radundeadgirl25 · Fantasía
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32 Chs

The village VII

Chapter 7

Zul:"We are close now the village is just beyond those trees remember as long as you stay by me no one will hurt you, the women orcs are pretty friendly there are a few who aren't but the most they will do is talk.. as for the men well we won't have to find out don't worry"

I look at him with a concerned look as he explains things to me "wait the other men orc will try to kill me!?" He stops walking and sighs

Zul:"no they will not kill you most of the time they just imprison other female species and use them for pleasure but that's not going to happen so relax" he says chuckling "they can smell your fear" I frown at him and hit his chest lightly "that's not funny Zul" we finally see the village, many little huts and houses scatter the area while there is tree houses and bridges connecting them all the green lush trees with a couple fire pits scattered around it was very pretty and livly orc children run around playing with each other as the elderly orcs sit around preparing meat and vegetables from their gardens, there are a few male orcs standing around what looks like an outdoor tavern they have leather clothing and weapons I'm guessing they are the hunters of the village, I'm so caught up in taking in my surroundings that I don't notice an elderly female orc coming towards us as Zul walks towards her. I finally notice I blush as now most of the orcs in the village are looking our way. I turn my head into Zuls chest a little scared of what might happen and embarrassed that I'm being carried and my clothing is ripped as well as being a complete mess.

Elderly orc"why hello Zul I'm glad to see you again, and I see you have brought a friend"

Zul:"Hello Groma I need your help well actually she needs your help she was attacked by wolves I did my best to clean it and wrap it but as you can see the bandages are blood soaked and I think it may be infected"

Groma"yes I see that hm follow me we will get her to my hut and I will take a better look at those wounds"

I listen to them talk as we start walking to her hut, her voice is soft and kind but stern I look at her as my face is red she gives a small smile as we get to her hut Zul puts me down gently on a wooden bench he then turns and leaves without any hesitation, my eyes go widen as he leaves me I start to panic internally my eyes darting around the hut it's actually rather cozy looking with different herbs and flowers all over the place.

Groma:"you have no need to be afraid i don't get a bad feeling about you my name is Groma I'm the healer in the village you'll have to mind the mess" she smiles and sits in front of me in a chair cutting off the old bloodied bandages she gently pulls them off, I look down "M..my name is Whitney Zul saved me from a pack of wolves" she looks up and smiles "oh good you can speak now what was a young lady as yourself doing in the woods alone?" She asks me the reality that I had basically forgotten about what happened to my village slaps me in the face as I look at her "I was running from my village it was attacked by bandits they where setting everything on fire I was trying to get to the closest village to get help for them for Benjamin.. I don't even know if there is a village left or if poor Benjamin is alive" tears start to blur my vision as I think of Benjamin hoping he is okay and that everything I once knew as my home was still there, tears rolled down my cheeks as Groma got up and got a bowl with clean water in it she starts gently cleaning the wounds with a rag as I look down at my lap not wanting her to see me crying. She starts to hum a song as she cleans my wounds.

Groma:" alright it will be a little tender but I think before we wrap the wounds again you should have a bath and clean yourself up I'm sure that will make you feel a little better I'll get Zul to show you to the hot springs it does have privacy so you need not worry about that and I'll see about getting this dress cleaned and patched up for you, hm" she stands are starts looking for something tossing other pieces of clothing around I wipe my eyes and try to collect myself again as she does, she suddenly turns around and says "aha this shirt is big enough to cover you up its actually from a group of humans rather rude ones at that" she states and chuckles the shirt is white but it is plenty big enough I nod as she hands it to me "thank you Groma I know you all have reason to dislike humans i honestly didn't think any of you would be willing to help me but I'm happy you did, you are very kind if there is anything I can do to repay you please let me know" she tilts her head and looks at me "in fact there just might be something you can do to help you see Zul well he's never really found anyone that catches his attention but I can see from the way he looks at you that you've definitely gotten his attention, I know it may be odd for an orc to take interest in a human, if you leave to go help your village don't forget about Zul" I blush and nod "I promise I won't forget about Zul I don't really understand why he likes me but I hope to get to know him more before I have to leave" she nods and leaves the hut, Zul comes in "how are your wounds feeling Groma told me to show you to the hot springs before she wraps your wounds so let's go get you cleaned up" I nod fast "that sounds like the best idea ever Groma is very nice she seems to be like a grandma" he smiles and picks me up "yes she is basically the grandmother to our whole village she's the oldest orc here and probably the wisest of us all" he says as we walk through the village I notice the orcs who look like hunters are watching me and Zul as we walk I want to say something about it but figure I am just being stupid they wouldn't be interested in a boring old human like me they are probably just curious, I say to myself brushing it off we walk about 10 minuets out of the village and in a secluded area there is a small water fall and the hot springs I can see the slight steam coming from it the surrounding area is completely covered by trees and lush greenery "wow this is a really nice little place the hot spring looks amazing the water is clear and clean" I say as Zul nods and places me down "I agree.. are you g..going to need help removing your dress" he says as his cheeks turn pink I blush as well and shake my head "no I should be okay you don't have to wait here for me" he removes his sack and his belts I immediately turn my face "what are you doing Zul!?" I screech out as I put my hands over my face.