
The Orc Princess

Verni is an orc, a race to be feared! At least that goes for the males, while female orcs are considerably strong, they are often seen as inferior and tend to take on more non-combatant roles. However, all Verni wants is to be a warrior! While that would be a monumental task already, she is also a princess on top of that! Can she ever overcome all of that and live the life she wishes? Well she certainly will give it her all!

BarredHeart · Fantasía
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2 Chs


Verni was an orc, a fact that she has despised for as long as she can remember, there was very little to be happy about with her current situation.

In the demon world there were many tribes of people, while they all differed significantly, one common rule held dominion over the entire land, that was to either eat or be eaten.

Almost always you were to be subservient to somebody, how that worked out was really dependent on who your master was.

If you were lucky you may have a good hearted spouse with the strength to protect you, while you normally almost always had to obey in fear of retaliation, there were cases where your spouse may see you as an equal, however she hasn't heard of many cases like that.

For the majority of the population it wasn't uncommon to become someone's life long step stool simply because you brushed shoulders with them. That was the way the world worked the vast majority of the time, almost everyone other than the Demon King was in sense a slave to someone much more powerful than them.

Even her father Asin, the king of the easternmost continent of the demon world, would bow and lick the feet of the Demon King if he was asked. It wasn't that he couldn't refuse, it's just that if he did, the whole continent may no longer exist in its current state.

While Verni had a somewhat simpler life due to the fact the only one she had to obey in the continent was her father for the time being, her father wanted nothing more than to see her married, living a comfortable life, and that is something she always despised.

Ever since she could remember all that she wished for was to be a warrior, she watched through her window as her brothers trained every single day they were there, she would replicate their moves as much as possible, even if it was against her fathers wishes.

Verni was a warrior orc, her skin was a light red color, something only warrior orcs possessed. Not only that of course, she had tremendous strength, speed, and even would have some ability to manipulate mana when her tusks got big enough.

So not only was being a fighter a wish for her, it was like every fiber in her being was screaming at her constantly to fight. She often wished she had been born a man, her brothers all fought in war and she often envied them.

She had 4 brothers, while they often were off fighting somewhere, when they came back they would tell her all of their stories. She dreamed of being like them, fighting, adventures, and freedom.

However there were many problems with her being a warrior, she wasn't just a female, she was an orc female. Which was statistically unlikely among orcs, maybe 1 in 30 orcs born were female. So there was a precedent to keep them away from the battlefield, so they could be used to continue making more children.

She didn't like that excuse at all, while it was true the female population was limited, there still was plenty of females, orcs reproduced a lot. She had seen plenty on their annual trips to check on nearby villages. It wasn't like she was the only female orc to exist in her fathers vast territory.

Also, she was indeed a princess, so that made things even more difficult. Not only was she royalty and she was supposed to be married off, her father was also very protective of her. She had once picked up a sword that belonged to her brother and her father almost had a heart attack when he saw her swinging it around.

He couldn't help but feel terrified of his daughter dying out on the battlefield, while he was an orc and this was the demon world. He was still a father and felt feelings like this.

Lastly, there were differences between male and female orcs. Female orcs were quite a bit smaller than their male counterparts, even being a warrior orc, she would only be the size of a normal orc male when she was fully matured.

Which meant she would most likely be weaker than a lot of other warriors, which of course wasn't something that exactly filled her father's heart with confidence.

She had a passion for combat, a disdain for the idea of being subservient to a partner that most likely wouldn't truly love her, and a hunger for growth.

She would try anything to live out her own dreams, no matter what, that's all she really could do in the world she lived in.