Avalin is a young woman who has been living her life obliviously. She doesn't know who she is or what the world has become. But what Avalin has always known is the man from her shadows. He follows her consistently even when she is not aware. Avalin has never seen his face; he always hides in the darkness watching her every move. Waiting for trouble to strike just for him to show up in the moment. Avalin never understood his motives or his overprotectiveness. One thing Avalin has found about him is he has too many secrets. So many that even she wants to know. she ends up finding out for herself feeling betrayed by her own protector, but what made her feel this way?
The silence grew louder as all of them were standing next to me looking at the world in Infront of us just burning. Teresa looks at us from the side
"What's going to happen now?" I studied her eyes she was beginning to cry, I couldn't give her an answer, and no one said anything.
"I know a place," says Eric
We follow Eric through the dust and ashes of the buildings burning from the recent destruction. We saw a dirt trail with a broken sign in a strange forest. I wondered where we were,
so, I asked, "Eric where are we going, I have never thought this was here?" he turns around
"There are many places you haven't seen Avalin that are a part of your history".
"But how do you know where this is?" He turns around and frowns
" I was on the run remember for a long time...". I didn't say anything after that I just stayed quiet and followed him.
The forest was changing, the trees no longer looked green and pleasant, but rigged and dismal, roots were growing out of the ground sticking out, the atmosphere was changing It was making me anxious
"Are we almost there Eric?" He doesn't answer, we keep walking until he stops. "Here it is, I am sorry It took longer than I expected, I haven't been here in a long time" Odin walks past everyone opening the door and letting everyone inside. It was a small wooden cottage where there were blankets surrounding a small living space as you walk inside, then next is the kitchen with a table and two chairs a fridge, and a bathroom.
"So, this is where you have been after so long?" says Odin
"Well, what do you expect I was on the run, for so long they haven't been able to find me here." Teresa grabs Oden by the sleeve while hiding behind him,I shut the door behind us,and locked it. Everyone was silent yet again, Odin leaned against the wall facing the window, Teresa held his hand doing the same, while Eric sat next to me on one of his blankets.
"So, are we not going to talk about what happened?" says Teresa "There really isn't much to say," Odin comments "yes there is, something happened to me out there, that immense power..." Everyone looks at me "I gave it to you I am sorry Avalin". Teresa stands tall "that doesn't matter, what matters is we just started a war!" Odin turns to her
"Teresa calm down!" she continues" there is no way they are all dead, Grith isn't dumb enough to be destroyed that easily!" Odin grabs her arms and shakes her
"Listen! Your screaming doesn't help anyone" I get up and walk up to them and put my hand on Teresa's shoulder" she is right I won't deny this isn't over, it only just begun". Eric stands behind me" you seem indifferent Avalin what's wrong?" I take my hand off Teresa as she calms herself, I walk to the center of the room while they watch my every move waiting for me to speak to them.
"Your right Eric I am acting strange, at first, I wanted to kill Odin because of everything he did but I realized that won't solve anything" I continue "after being in that cage It woke something inside of me, that I want to save everything the vampires took from the mighty ones". Eric steps up to me
"Avalin honestly all I wanted was to be at peace with every race, I am half of what people stand for, a human and a vampire" he kneels in front of me" I am tired of being cast out by my differences and I want to unite what was lost"
Teresa comes closer pulling Odin with her
"I may be the biggest cry baby due to all my trauma but I want a bigger purpose in life that would change me,"Odin says nothing but looks down. "Avalin I will follow you" says Eric as they all kneel in-front of me.
When they kneeled I felt some type of loyalty. I knew my descendants where people of royalty but I never wanted to accept it, this made me realize that today is the day history would show itself. This very moment everything shifted, I am now seen as someone who would make a difference. I didn't think now would be the time, but I did start something that blood suckers would fear.
I saw it in there faces,so from here on out I have to move forward from my ignorance and take the responsibility for my actions, where this world can be at peace once again.