


Finding her is grueling I thought It would have been easier since I picked up her scent. Teresa was worried and I was trying not to since the day Girth took her. Girth is an eerie one.

Since I left that horrible cult he has been tracking me down. Now that she has been with me he desires her the most.

He has found more interest in her than me. Any vampire would be indulging in the fact that she is one of the descents of the mighty ones. Which gave me more of a reason to chase after her.

"Look out the window," says Teresa

"what why?"

"just look".

A fire began to burst out from where I and Avalin were before. At first, I thought my eyes deceived me.

"You need to go and stop wasting your time here master,"

"But will you be safe?"

"Does that matter at a time like this?. I did not say a word after that I just left everything and ran to the flames and screams of the people. That's where I saw her on the floor angry. Girth was laughing once he saw her cower to his will, it made me sick.

"Oh hello old friend I didn't know you would show up"

he continues

"you're just in time for the big show". The horror, I could not describe what was envisioned before me. Her body was the same but her actions spoke differently. She seemed bloodthirsty

"what have you done to me!".

Avalin glances to my direction she charges at me and Grith was contemplating me. Avalin by far is stronger than me which worried me, this could be my last moment with her. I may never get to see who she will become. Avalin was ready to kill me. I knew it was just the control of Grith and whatever he has done to her. I believe it is more than that she may generally want to kill me deep inside her cold heart. Preventing her from killing me is only likely if I try to knock her out before she ripes me to shreds.

"I can't wait to see your face once she has you at my knees," says Girth excitedly. I brace myself readying up my fists in a blocking position.

Avalin tackles me to the ground looking at me with her mad eyes. I spin her around and pin her, but she kicks me off in an instant.

"Avalin it's me you must fight this" She does not respond to me she continues to growl like a mad dog. I run-up to her punching her in the face as her long black hair sways from the impact.

"Even if you wanted her to stop she wouldn't you fool"

Avalin had me to the ground once again this time she whispers in my ear

"Help me please"

That shook me I didn't think her conscious would still be present. Avalin grabs my neck raising me for Grith to see.

"What are you waiting for...end him".

No, it cannot end like this not yet my mind is in a panic I thought I had a plan that would have worked. Avalin's heart is so cold I have never seen her like this Grith really bend her to his will.

"Avalin do it kill him!" Grith says impatiently. I start coughing with her hand tightly on my neck she throws me to the ground. I swear I felt my blood rush up from my head down my nose.

"Avalin don't," I say weakly

I could not get up Avalin was getting closer to me, but in that moment I thought of something. She ran to grab me off the floor to finish what she started. I tripped her in the nick of time where she fell right on top of me. I seize her face kissing her I finally got her distracted. Which left me time to hit her head just enough for her to lose consciousness.

"Wow you really put on a show I must say" he continues

"You surprise me".

"Grith you bastard!" I chase after him, but before I could catch him he smirks devilishly taking off his top hat bowing saying one word.

"à bientôt" I try to grab him but he vanished with the same mist he appeared in from before...

What's new? just some fixes and a few changes. :P

à bientôt =[see you soon]

in English, it is not one word :D

Kari_Chancreators' thoughts