Ok lets list the facts here.... I died, just to find out that I shouldn't have died, and now you're giving me a really op sorry gift....... Seems legit, what could possibly go wrong?
Orion teleported to king kai where he saw the other kais as well. Apparently it was quite an urgent matter that would affect everyone. When they saw him teleport there, they rushed him to beg him to defeat it for them.
Orion: "Can you all stop?...and I'm not doing this for any of you. I'm doing this for all the good people who die and want to rest."
Orion didn't even need them to tell him where Janemba was as he could already feel the negative energy coming from the far eastern direction. Without even stopping, he teleported to there he felt this malicious. He teleported and found himself on the top of a giant jellybean looking orb in the sky along with multiple similar orbs of different colors and shapes all around him.
Orion: "Not gonna lie, even tho this is a serious situation, I gotta say that this looks neat."
He remembered watching the Fusion reborn movie and he absolutely loved it. When Gogeta was introduced as a short fat mistake at first due to Vegeta messing up by not extending his pointer finger at first which he found hilarious. He also remembered when they did the fusion correctly and how Ssj Gogeta used Star Dust Breaker, also called Soul Punisher, to end Janemba by destroying all the negative energy that created him.
Orion walked around for about 45 seconds before he saw the big blob of yellow looking at him with a creepy looking smile. He looked just like the anime except he looked way more disgusting in person. Orion actually cringed when he saw it due to how it looked.
Orion: "So you're Janemba huh."
Janempa: "Janempa, Janempa."
Orion: "Oh right, I forgot this form was called Janempa while his small red form was called Janemba."
Janempa: "Janempa, Janempa."
Orion: "Damn well this got annoying real quick. Well since you're the literal reincarnation of evil, I guess I gotta kill you. I didn't wanna but it's you're fault for being born like this."
Orion then rushed towards Janempa and used a move that he barely got to use, The Dragon Fist. A massive golden dragon head made from Ki formed from of Orion's hands as he flew towards Janempa. The body of the dragon formed behind him as he punched a hole straight through Janempa causing it to fall off the orb it was sitting on. As it was falling, it was screaming it's own name while Orion looked on with an amused smile.
Orion: "Mia can I purify janempa without him transforming into Janemba?"
[DING!!! Yes, The current form is all evil combined and the second form is when the evil is compressed together making it denser and stronger. It is recommended to purify before it compresses itself.]
Orion: "Alright.....wait nevermind I'm gonna let it transform."
Janempa landed on the ground of hell with a loud crash. It stayed still for about 5 seconds until it started to compress itself and get smaller. It took the shape of a more humanoid looking creature with 2 horns growing out of it's head. It also had a large tail that resembled Frieza's tail. Orion landed close by and looked at it as it looked at him with a deadly smile.
Orion: "Come on bro, power up for me. Show me what the reincarnation of evil is capable of."
Janemba somehow got angry at this and rushed Orion but he simply dodged the punch. Orion went to punch Janemba but he dematerialized himself and appeared a few feet away with an annoying smrik.
Orion: "Not gonna lie, that looked cool."
Orion sent a Ki blast at Janemba but he dematerialized again and appeared at a different place. Orion's eye twitched a bit...it was a neat ability but it was also annoying.
Orion: "Ok you dodged a Ki blast.... bravo, but can you dodge this?"
Orion eyes suddenly changed from being black to red with a three bladed circular scythe. This was his eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. He then whispered his attack while staring at Janemba.
Orion: "Amaterasu."
Suddenly Janemba was engulfed in black flames as it had completely caught it off guard. It tried to dematerialize it's body to get out of it but the flames clung onto it's skin and dematerialized with it. It started screaming as it started powering up but the flames were still burning it. In an effort to get rig of the flames, it flew up at light speed and flew right into the floating lake of blood. This didn't work as the flames started burning the lake as well. It started screaming trying to get away from the flames but nothing seemed to work. Soon it was just floating in the lake of burning blood as it had stopped fighting the flames as all of it's strength was now gone.
Orion saw this and made all the Amaterasu flames disappear with his Enton release. He then use telekinesis to move janemba's body to the floor in front of him.
Orion: "That's why I love Amaterasu, it even teleports with you once it it catches you. The only ways to get rid it were to:
A. Cut off the part where the flames were like what the Raikage did.
B. Use Kamui to literally suck the flames from you and put them in a different dimension or put your own body in another dimension to avoid them like what Obito did.
C. Seal them away like what Jiraiya did.
D. Somehow have six paths sage mode so that the flames don't affect you like what happened to Obito after he absorbed the ten tails.
D. Pushing them from your very being using a magnetic force of repulsion like what Nagato did."
Orion: "Too bad Janemba had none of those skills, his dematerialization was literally just a fancy teleportation so it wouldn't work.
Orion then walked up to the almost dead janemba and slowly charged up a stardust breaker and pushed it into his chest. He immediately started screaming as sparkles burst from him as he slowly started disintegrating. Soon he disappeared and a young boy with two horns and a yellow jacket appeared. He looked confused until he saw Orion looking at him with a serious face. He immediately started screaming and ran off. Orion just shook his head and teleported back to earth after sending a telepathic message to King Kai that the threat was no more.
(Meanwhile the Original Orion was dealing with Janemba.)
The Clone Orion was till following the two until he saw a spaceship. He landed beside it as the two went to a close by canyon and killed themselves as the Kotoamatsukami commanded them. He then just waited outside as he felt the two kais following him. As he was there, the two kais landed in front of him as they both started staring at him with a hint of caution.
Orion: "So care to explain as to why you guys are following me?"
Shin: "How do you know Majin Buu?"
Orion: "Well I don't know him, but I'm about to."
Shin: "You cannot fight Majin Buu, he will kill you."
Orion: "And how do you know that?"
Shin: "Majin Buu is a being that only knows destruction. I've sensed your power and I can tell that you will die with such a low power."
Orion: "Is that so?.....well too bad that you can't stop me."
Shin: "Why have you come here?.....were you tricked?"
Orion: "Bro would you shut up?"
Kibito: "Don't you dare talk to the Supreme Kai that way!!!"
Orion: "I swear I'm gonna kill you if you don't stop."
Kibito: "Be quiet you mortal, Do you know who we are?"
Orion: "Yes I do, You two are weak gods who act strong. I already beat Beerus who is hundreds of thousands of times stronger than both of you combined so what the hell can you do to me."
Hearing this they both froze. No one else was supposed to know that Beerus was recently in a battle with a saiyan. They looked closer at this man and saw a furry tail wrapped around his waist, then it hit them....THIS WAS THE SAIYAN WHO FOUGHT AND DEFEATED BEERUS!!!!!
They both fell to their knees as they both started apologizing for disrespecting him.
Orion: "Apology accepted but seriously don't act like an ass just because you don't know what's happening. You could have just asked me what exactly I was doing instead of questioning me about if I know Majin Buu."
Shin: "M-My apologies."
Before they could continue their conversation, someone landed in front of them. The dust cleared as the demon Debora looked at them smirking. Behind him was Babidi and a pink cocoon looking thing also appeared as well.
Babidi: "So you two finally show your faces."
Shin: "This ends right here Babidi."
Babidi: "Oh is that so?....After I've gathered enough energy, I will revive Majin Buu and you will all perish."
Orion: "Oh so you need more energy....fine I will give my energy."
Shin/Kibito: "WHAT!!!!"
Babidi: "W-What?"
Orion: "I said I will use my energy to fully revive Majin Buu."
Shin: "ARE YOU INSANE!!!!!"
Orion: "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."
Babidi: "You must wish for death to do something that stupid."
Orion: "Come on bro, revive your all powerful Majin Buu. I promise you that his power isn't as big or as long as mine."
Babidi: "Grrrrrr Fine then! If you wish to die then so be it."
Orion then started to channel small amounts of his energy to the cocoon until it started to glow. Suddenly a large crack appeared and it suddenly burst open. Majin Buu walked out of the cocoon with a shit eating grin on his face.
Orion: "Damn you're fatter than I thought.....is that offensive?"
Babidi: "Majinn Buu, you are finally revived once more. This man claims that he is stronger than you, kill him now!!!"
Orion: "Hold on one sec, now that he is revived...none of you are relevant anymore so BYE!!!!"
Before anyone could blink, both Debora and Babidi were incinerated with a Ki blast. Both Kais looked shocked while Majin Buu looked bored.
Majin Buu: "Buu hungry....Buu turn you chocolate."
Orion: "Ok bro.....hit me with your best shot."
Majin Buu's started glowing slightly before he used the tail thing connected to his head to shoot a pink beam towards Orion. Orion saw the beam coming towards him but he just ignored it as if it wasn't there. The beam hit him but nothing was happening, Majin Buu realized this and just tried putting more power into the beam but it still had no effect.
Majin Buu: "Why you not chocolate yet?"
Orion: "Let me get this over with and be done with it."
Orion teleported in front of Buu and pushed his hand into buu's chest. Buu tried to absorb him but couldn't as Orion was much stronger than him. Orion was trying to separate Buu into two different entities. Soon he felt another presence inside of Buu so he used his Ki to sever the bond between the two. He pulled his hand out as steam started coming out of Buu's head. Buu suddenly started screaming as he spit out something. It looked exactly like Buu.....only that it looked more feminine....NANI!!!!
Orion: 'What the actual fuck?....you have gotta be shitting me?'
Orion shut his mouth as he stared at the female majin buu that was lying on the floor. This had to be some sick joke. He had a suspicion that God was fucking with him before but now it was confirmed. How was this even possible?......This shit has to be a prank.
Shin: "Wait... is that Xana?"
Orion: "Wait...who the hell is Xana?"
Shin: "Xana was the western supreme kai....she is also my sister. She fought majin buu years ago and was thought to have died. I guess majin buu absorbed her."
Orion: "I can understand that part but why is she a majin now if you claim that she was a kai?"
Shin: "I think majin buu's DNA somehow fused with her. I will take up the body while you deal with majin buu."
As Shin took up the body from the ground and jumped back, the steam from majin buu's head began to form into another majin buu, only that this one was much smaller. This one had the physique of a child but yet it had overwhelming power. This was Majin Buu's original form, Kid Buu.
The fat buu was now aware of his surroundings and saw kid buu. They both looked at each other then looked at Orion......this was gonna be annoying.
Remember to vote in the comments guys, let her rip.
I will personally go through all the comments and choose. Also this chap is because I felt like you guys deserved better so I'm gonna put more time into creating chaps