
Cassie Swims In Lava

As they got started on replacing the old pipes with the new ones designed by Allison, Maelyn informed Abjul and Ria, "Since the capitol is already almost done I am wanting to go ahead and get the villages done today. So I'm thinking we can just start with this section of town and follow the pipe on out to the villages."

  "You might want to choose a different route though." Abjul advised her, "Because if I remember right, the route they have on file when they were seeking permission to dig on those properties to place the pipe is more diagonal to lessen the pressure the pumps have to maintain to get the water to the capitol."

  "Thank you! I didn't know that!" Maelyn replied and asked, "Is there any way I could see this route they filed with your office? That way I can spot any improvements that need to be made."