
The beginning

Hi my name is Whitney young and my life is kinda crazy oh god let me stop sounding like one of those kids from Disney and tell you my story . Well we're should I start this is my story how I mad the man I was in love with fall for me just I didn't do it just any old way by tricking him to sleep with me or during him no it not that kind of story see I did it differently and this is how .

It's was May 24 I had been out of school for two days ready to have fun and explore the world before I decided on going to college or not which I mean I had plenty of time to go to school but me and my parents made a deal they would support me for 3 months then after that I was on my own an they would not help me if I did not go to school. So in the mine time I was trying to have as much fun as possible before I become and plan old boring independent adult I had to mark one thing of my list and that was to go to a lot of my favorite idols Kyle Anderson concert and have him fall in love with me and along with to help me achieve my goal was my loyal friend Caroline who pretty much had her life together and and wanted to help me so she bought me a graduation present witch was tickets and back stage passes to one of kyle Anderson concert. What can I say she a good friend don't get me wrong I would have gotten her a present but when she surprised me with this I told her I was going to get her some art stuff since she an artist she said no and said she would not take any gift from me and that the only gift she want is the gift of along friendship I almost cried I was so looking forward for May the 28th and going to the concert and so happy I had a good friend like her .

*Next chapter coming up ——————>