
My abnormal life

It was February 14 valentine day my lest favorite holiday. I hated valentine day because of how lonely it always was for a guy who was home schooled for his hole life with no friends or real connections to real people bisides my parents but even then they were rarely around because of work. Am at home as usual just chilling on the couch with my favorite book out but as I sit there and read I realize that for as long as I can remember I have always had the same routine my hole life. I get up eat breakfast then do school for 7 hours then read books about people who have amazing journeys for about 3 hours then eat lunch then read some books about Physics, technology, history, art, and various other subjects and topics for about 3 then I eat dinner and go to bed and then repeat over, over, and over. So now that I see I have wasted most my life doing nothing but the same thing over and over maybe I should do something different so I get off my couch look around my living room for something to do so I look in front of me and all I see is the desk I sit and do my schoolwork at with my computer in the corner of the room which is next to the book shelf that has a enough books to build a car out of books and the book shelf goes all along the wall until it reaches the corner of the wall at the other side of the room on the right side of me is the door that leads out side and to the left of me is a small hallway where there is two rooms and one bathroom and behind me is a small kitchen where I make my food. I take a another look at my surroundings and choose to go to the second room at the very end of the hallway which is my room and as I look in it all I see is a bed, dresser, and the light blue paint that covers the walls and thats it nothing that's too interesting in my opinion then I go to the second room my parents room which is locked of course because they always lock it when they leave for work trips so I go back to the living room and decide to go on my computer and try to do something interesting with my life for once. Am on the search bar and I realize I have never had to question anything in my life because I have always had information in my home like when my parents came home they always brought me ten more new books for me to read and always left it in front of my door for me to find in the morning so I have really never had to question anything. I think for a good minute for something to search then it hits me why not search for a online book to read or something of that sort so I search up book websites and land on a website called the true books which interest me a lot because I have never heard of anything called a true book or anything that could be considered such a thing so I clicked on it and see one book on there. I look at this book for a good minute and a scared expression cross my face because all it says as the cover is why are there no windows which made me think about how there are no windows in my house like anywhere but why. I get so creeped out that I close the tab with that page on it and turn my computer off head to my room and get ready for bed but as I lay there I have one question on my mind and that is who builds a house with no windows and why was that the books title but with all the questions and reasons I kept giving my self none of it made sense to me and I was starting to get a headache so I turned over on my side and went to sleep.