
Search For Aeric • 1

The Royal Institution had not even fully closed for the day when Rosette and Misty took off. Aeric could be anywhere in the entire realm at this point, but Rosette already had an idea of where he could be and she led her obedient sister there right away.

The light was a bright white shimmer, pouring its spirited glow across the sweeping, endless stretch of the Elysium Plains.

Riding side-by-side atop their formidable beast companions, Rosette and Misty cut an impressive figure as they made their way through the grassy fields.

Rosette, astride her Owlbear, had her usual mannerism of a smileless face, with her sharp eyes focused ahead. Misty rode beside her on her Horsesparrow, her expressions softer, clearly worried and filled with questions that she was too nervous to ask.