
The one who turned zero into minus one

That person used to say "smile. no matter how hard things get you must smile since with your smile comes happiness". Since then for as long as I can remember myself I smiled. when my father died, for my family sake I smiled. when I got bullied at school for my mental sake I smiled. however something was broken, no matter how hard I tried nobody was happy. that person lied. This is a story about a boy who wants happiness more then anything in the world and a girl that has taken it from him. Author note: \_(^_^)_/ I didnt drop the story, I had a busy exams week so I couldn't really get a lot of writing in. also Im planning on revisiting the first chapters as well as changing the book name. to those who had a good time reading this poor work of mine, thank you and look forward to more.

RyVVel · Fantasía
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7 Chs


eh? what happend, why are you looking at me like that?

maybe I did something wrong?

Yuri face completely changes into what you can only explain as a face full of disgust and terror.

I dont understand everything went so well.. we were just kissing a second ago.

"Yuri? is everything all rig-".



what was that sound? that sounds like a camera.

with sweat on my neck I slowly turn backward and my fears were confirmed.

it was April taking a picture with her phone.

what is she doing here?

glancing at Yuri she looks completely stunned and doesnt even move an inch.

I'm sure she must be completely terrified right now.

knowing her she might even try to put it all on herself.

I have to protect her!

fuck it, lets do something stupid.. I nervously I walk up to April and spread my hands as if to put a wall between her and Yuri.

for the first time since the start of the year I'm standing up to her.

getting a better look now, April is with two tall intimidating guys which I dont recognize and a girl from my class that always follows her around.

I take a big breath in and go for it.

"wait April! its not Yuri's fault. I took advantage of her kindness. this is all my fault so don't do anything to her."

April's and her friends expressions turns confused for a second and then they start laughing like crazy.

[guy one]"no way is this guy for real?"

[guy two]"as expected from Yuri acting, he actually completely bought that act lol".

what are they talking about, what acting?

April move closer to me and without even showing any hint of hesitation she throws a punch in my face.

I can feel blood gushing out of my nose. I keep standing still keeping the wall betweem her and Yuri.

"wow this is even better than I thought, since it seems like you dont get what is going on I will explain it to you very fucking slowly".

with a face full of joy she swings her arm backward and punches me again, this time in the stomach.

I step backward from the impact but I keep standing still.

"Yuri never liked you, I proposed a bet whether she could break your annoying smile or not.

since she actually did it I guess I owe her 200."

a bet? what is April talking about? there is no way that is the case.

after all someone as nice as Yuri won't do such a thing.

to me she was someone as bright as the sun.

I can feel myself getting angry at April.

"thats a lie. there is no way Yuri will do such a thing! unlike you she is nice and thoughtful! you are just evil!"

April sighed but her playfull look didn't change, it reminds me the face of a kid playing with his toys.

"wow you seriously don't get it do you. hey Yuri come over here!"

Yuri who who up until now didnt even move an inch from her position goes over to April. her mouth curves into a smile.

"oh hey April I gave you a good show didnt I, lol. btw you owe me an extra 50 since I even got you that picture you wanted".

what is Yuri saying, what picture? my body starts tensing up as I start realizing what just happend.

"Yuri? what are you talking about? please tell me you are joking? I thought you liked me!"

Yuri looks at me coldly and her expression hardens.

"listen its not like I hate you or anything but like I wanted the money so I gave it a go. you even got to feel me up so if anything you should be grateful."

I feel like something just broke inside of me.

she doesnt even care about how I feel.

I guess this is the real Yuri.

my knees that were barely holding on up until now finally give in and I fall on the dirty ground.


I look up I can see April is grinning like crazy.

"wow Yuri you are a fucking 'A' class actor. look at his fucking face, this is amazing. hey collin come over and hold him for me!"

one of the two guys head over and grabs me from behind.

..he is strong.

..there is no point in trying to escape.

then April grabs my hair and forcefully pulls my head up.

"look!" she says cheerfully and puts her phone in front of my face.

..what does she want now.

it just some normal social media page.


there is a picture uploaded there, oh its just me and Yuri kissing.

wait no.. looking closely something is wrong.

in the picture yuri's expression is full of fear and disgust and my hand is on her chest making me looking like a molster.

"...what is this?"

April laughs and again in a playfull tone she says,

"cant you see that? its you molstering poor little Yuri. wow to think it already has more than 3000 views."

my heart sinks and I can feel tears gathering up in my eyes.

my school life is over.

no maybe my life is over.

"thats right your life is basically over! dont worry I'll make sure you can keep coming to school I'm not that mean after all."

how can she look this happy while saying something so awful.

I feel warm tears falling down on my cheeks and then someting hard hit suddenly hits my head.

just as I start blacking out I can barely make out Yuri pointing at something.


ouch..my head feels like its splitting into two.

where am I? it looks like an alley but how did I get h..

everything that happened suddenly comes back together with strong feelings of disgust, fear and pain.

I look at my phone, its already 9:45 pm. I have a lot of unanswered calls from my sister.

wait what am I doing? I was supposed to pick her up at 8.

she must've been waiting for almost 2 hours.

I gather my strength using a trash can to get up and I call her.

[the person you are trying to reach is out of range, please leave a message aft-]

I hang up and call her again.

once again she doesnt pick it up.

panicking I start running towards the karaoke place, I fall and bruise my knee but that doesnt matter right now.

I have to keep moving, my sister musve run out of battery but just in case.



as I'm about to cross a crossroad the light turns red. shit!

I take a moment to catch my breath and look around.

there are barely any people around and then I notice them.

there are two girls still on the crossroad!

one of them looks around my sister's age and the other one looks a little older than me. the older girl is sitting on the ground holding her leg.

did she strain her leg or something? anyway thats dangerous why is nobody helping them out.

it seems like most of the cars noticed and stopped but there is a truck coming and the driver doesn't seem to notice them.

I dont know why, perhaps after everything that just happend I wanted to prove something. I just runned as fast as possible grabbed both of them and threw both myself and them as far as possible, landing flat on my stomach.

less than a second later I felt intense pain from my legs, like someone is hitting them with a thousand hammers, then came a disgusting loud cracking sound and after that nothing but pain and hollow screams in the background.

I look up and I can see a blur version of the girls they look fine but just in case.

I force a smile and ask them,

"are you two okay? did any of you get hurt?"

the younger girl replys,

"n-no we are both fine but your legs are.."

I'm glad.. what about my legs? more importantly my sister. lets ask those two for help.

"don't worry I'm fine. listen I need you two to do something important for me. there is a karaoke place just around here do you know where it is?"

the younger girl nods her head

"...good can you look for a girl with the name Kana Uriel. thats my precious little sister. if you find her please look after her. can you do that for me?"

the last thing I see before fainting is the younger girl nodding her head again as and a terrified look on the older one face."

and then for the second time today everything turns black.