
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Alternative Ending (II)

The morning has come.

As per usual, our main character had already left because, despite using every muscle in his body to screw up Narrus and send her into the blissful oblivion of heaven, he was not at all sleepy. That woman, despite having fainted so many times due to the amount of pleasure and thick hot milk that poured out endlessly into her womb and drowned her body, making her seem to take a milk bath by it, was never satisfied as she was a black hole ready to devour Kaito's endless cum.

"Ah, I think I need a cigaratte right now."

Kaito almost became addicted to cigaratte in his previous life, but he does not because he knows it will be too late for him to stop and it will worsen his health in old age.

His appearance had matured as well, and he emitted the aura of a badass final boss the longer he lived in his second life.

He really wants to know what it is like to be such a cold, domineering man before entering this second life.

"Badboy, I used to want to be like those."

He laughed as he remembered how silly he was in his previous life.

[ *Yawn* Good morning, Kaito ]

Kaito, who was stretching his body and doing some light exercise, grinned a little as he heard Luna's lovely voice in his head.

"Good morning too, Luna."

He was quite surprised that Luna still needed to sleep, but he was not going to ask about it as it was not necessary knowledge.

Luna smiled upon hearing it, as she too doesn't want to answer such a mundane thing to her host.

She fell asleep because she felt comfortable drinking a glass of unworldly wine that some Geo-Archon in some universe had when she once traveled to that universe and met that man.

She typically does not have the basic human needs of eating, drinking, sleeping, and so forth.

Even so, she felt a great deal of tension last night when the world's will abruptly intervened to stop Kaito from upsetting the narrative that it had been protecting.

At first, when Kaito and Narrus first got to the castle,

The queen and princess at least express their gratitude to Kaito for preventing the kingdom from falling by seizing control of the queen and princess, who were destined to be cock slaves of the protagonist.

And... Yeah, because the will of the world has raised the hatred of elves to humans to such an extreme that it has brainwashed Ephildis, Almia, and other elves present there to hate and disgust Kaito despite the fact that he has just saved them from a cruel fate.

That is why Luna, who appears to care about Kaito and is attracted to his dark side, becomes quite upset and grabs her "Lovely baseball" to do some bonking to the world where Kaito is.

Also explain why, after beating the cocky world that was preventing her host from correcting her terrible fate, she felt the need to reward herself with some tasty wine last night.

[ Hmmm, seeing you already became an overpower that can blast this world easily under your palm. Why do you still do some those exercise? ]

Luna was quite curious as she poured wine into the glass before lying back on her cloudy chair and enjoying the leisure feeling she had.

She now looks like our lovely, annoying water goddess who enjoys the taste of alcohol.

Kaito is currently exercising, or more specifically, pushing up with one finger, as the Saiyan race does in their universe.

He smiled upon hearing the question from his system.

"Well, I have always believed that, even though I am now "overpowering," as you put it. Still, it does not hurt to get some good exercise, especially since there is so much cool exercise that those anime characters do in my previous world."

One of the characters Kaito was referring to was Baki, who is famous for his handstand with one hand while balancing his body.

[ Is that so? ]

Luna, a girl born with a gorgeous body and unworldly beauty from the beginning of her existence, has never heard the word "exercise."

No matter what bad things she does to her body and look, it doesn't affect her beauty or her perfect body.

If the girl and woman in Kaito's previous world find out about this, they may send a million curses to Luna with boiling envy in their hearts.

Kaito, who only does push-ups with one finger while the other hand rests on his back, is not tired at all, and the one finger that bears his weight is not swollen or painful.

Still, he was surprised because he now sweated from his body, unlike yesterday when he did some light exercise.

"I still need more power because there are so many existences out there that are more powerful than me right now in those various universes."

Kaito knew he was not going to be stuck in this world forever, as he was a 'traveler' with a mission to complete in another universe.


He is still a long way from the term "omnipotent," which refers to an absolute being who stands above all of existence without reservation.

His ambition can't be measured by some normal logic, where he wants to sit on the throne alone, with all of existence under his leg.

He was acting cocky, despite the fact that he had only been in his second life for less than a week.

Also, he can be overpowered right now because of the reward that the system has given him.

Still, a true man had to dream of something so big that it was said to be impossible to achieve, right?

At the same time, he embraces his shamelessness, which has made him unconcerned about the opinions of others.

With a smile, he then tried to test how far his stamina was depleted by doing some heavy exercise that he remembered in his mind.

Luna, who sees Kaito and knows what his inner mind is, just laughs at his silliness.

'What an arrogant, shameless bastard'

'But, that's what I want for him. I don't need a mere two-goody boy who had no ambition to be my host'

Luna said it in her heart that for all the years she had lived, she had always been leisurely while waiting for her creator's order out there.

Unlike all of her creator's subordinates, she was a one-of-a-kind, which made her think of herself as a cold empress full of unworldly pride.

Suddenly becoming an administrator for a mere human named Kaito caused her to frown as her pride refused to accept the task assigned to her by her creator.

Still, in less than three days, she can see her host's true potential.

That man named Kaito had something that piqued her interest—a deepest, darkest desire that was buried in their hearts.

As she stated, she requires a deserving person to serve as her monitor and provide her with entertainment.

She, who originally had a chaotic personality that matched a psycho-manipulating bastard, needs someone who is going to keep with her true personality.

She even liked it more if that person was worse than she expected.

Her eyes had some fluctuation spark that made those gazes look so sick and disturbing, especially those smiles like those of the main heroines from Kakegurui, as she held a glass of wine that looked more like dark blood.

'Haa... Haa... Haa... Mnhh~ I feel so wet down there'

Luna reached her pants, which were already wet because of the sudden excitement that boiled up in her heart.

'Kaito~~~ Fufufu'


Kaito exerted his stamina by running while under the down weight of a trunk that weighed killogram behind his back, shivering like crazy, slipping up, and being burried by those logs.


Of course, he looks fine and can easily get out of those log trees that burry him.

"W-what was that just now?"

He was shivering like crazy, like he was being targeted by the craziest existence ever to exist.

"Luna? Are you there?"

He cannot help but ask Luna, as he doesn't know how he feels right now. 

Is it bloodlust? Or something?

[ ... ]

"Is she offline again?"

Seeing Luna seem offline has made him frown for a while before he tried to train his body and break the limit of the physical body he had now.

Who knows? He's going to enhance his constitution and body like those Saiyan races by training like there's no tomorrow for him.

He began to grab those logs behind his back before running and continuing his training, unaware that he had just awakened some crazy yandere woman out there whose level of obsession with him had reached the limitless.




To be continued


Name: Kaito

Race: Supernatural Human

Age: 20

Ability: Enhanced String-String Fruit Power (Thread, Silk, Wire, Yarn), Armament Haki (Absolute), Culinary Mastery (Absolute), Magical Touch (Culinary), Purification (Intermediate), Electricity Manipulation (Absolute), Conqueror Haki (Absolute)

Passive: Control Immunity, Enhanced Sense, Aphrodisiac Body Fluids: Opposite Sex, Endless Amount of Cum, Woman Slayer, Pleasant Scent, Pleasure Touch, Killing Intent

Equipment: Spatial Ring (unlimited).


- Narrus (Kyonyuu Elf)

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