

somewhere deep in the corners of the world a small creature resembling a bat was standing in a gigantic crater countless people,humans,plants and animals perished leaving nothing but bones and blood

the small black creature was glaring coldly at five humans wearing hero like clothes

one of the members uttered " savage thing look at what you have caused us!"

the black cat looked at him disdainfully and roared " graaaahhaaaa!!!"

a member names Mike Harold uttered while shaking his head" TCH I knew it this was always going to happen

a girl whom was crying uttered"N-no! we cannot kill him he has done nothing wrong it was a mistake"

Sora ichika one of the members spoke up* Emma the truth I'd right infront of you and we all saw the calamity he causes his behind saving!"


Mike exclaimed" but what he caused this and. we have to stop him after all he is surrounded by evil energy like Sora said he is beyond Saving".

Emma looked at Lena" hey Lena are you okay with this? that's your brother!"

Lena responses wish a dejected face" although it's true we cannot let him rampage and destroy this continent and the whole world "


"I'm sorry kana but it looks like this is the end for you good bye" Mike raised his sword and countless people across the continent raises their hands giving their spiritual will to Mike's holy sword

" w-wait!" Emma uttered crying even more

" heavenly light of judgement!!" Mike roared slashing the black creature who is names Kana holy magic manifested transforming into the slash leading towards the small creature kana

Kana only looked at the slash intending on stopping it but he saw Emma crying and looked around him seeing how much of a calamity he was he allowed the attack to devour him completely turning him into nothingness the slash caused a big explosion to occur kana's last words were " I'm sorry Emma live well" which Emma obviously used since kana was using telepathy..

and that's how the calamity monster died